Legal FAQs
How do I withdraw money from a court registry?
To withdraw funds that have been deposited with a court registry, you’ll need to submit a request to the clerk of the court. Depending on the case, this may be done through the county clerk or through the district clerk’s office.
Is there a form I can use?
Texas does not have an official, fill-in-the-blank form for withdrawal of court registry funds. Each county may have a specific form they want you to use. If your county does not have a dedicated form, you may be able to adapt a form from another county. Please contact your county clerk or district clerk’s office for more information. As librarians, we cannot determine which forms you have to use.
Will I have to pay a fee?
Most likely, yes.
If the account earned interest, the fee will be 10% of the accrued interest (not 10% of the total funds). If the account did not earn interest, the fee will be 5% of the withdrawal or $50, whichever is less. There are some exceptions, and in some cases you may not have to pay. These laws are in Section 117.054 and Section 117.055 of the Texas Government Code, respectively.
Instructions for select counties
Bexar County
- Withdrawing Adult Court Registry Funds (County Clerk’s Office)
- Withdrawing Minor Court Registry Funds (County Clerk’s Office)
Dallas County
- Dallas County—Accounting and Trust Division (County Clerk’s Office)
- Dallas County—Trust/Collections Forms (District Clerk’s Office)
Harris County
- Harris County Clerk’s Office Downloadable Forms (see "Instructions for Completing Withdrawal of Funds From the Registry of the Court" and "Application to Withdraw Funds From The Registry of The Court")
- Harris County District Clerk’s Office Court Registry
Tarrant County
- Dell Dehay Law Library Forms (see "Withdraw Funds Held in the Court’s Registry")
Travis County
- Travis County Clerk’s Office FAQ (see "How do I get money that has been deposited in the court registry?")
The law can be complex, so you may wish to talk to an attorney before taking any action. For more information on finding an attorney, please see the library's Legal Help page.
Last updated November 10, 2023