Legal FAQs
Can I get free legal help? I can't afford an attorney.
If you cannot afford to hire an attorney, there are several free or low-cost options to consider.
Legal aid organizations
Several Texas legal aid organizations provide legal advice and representation to low-income people. These organizations help with certain types of cases, like landlord/tenant issues or child custody disputes. See our Legal Assistance Organizations guide for a list of legal aid groups.
Applicants must meet income and location eligibility requirements. has an article that explains how qualifying for legal aid typically works.
Legal clinics
Bar associations and nonprofits often host free legal clinics for the public several times a month. At clinics, members of the public can meet with an attorney who can provide general legal advice about their issue.
Clinics can be held in person or online and usually require advance signup. See our Legal Clinics page for a list of Texas clinics.
Legal hotlines
Legal hotlines are another free service offered by local bar associations and nonprofits. Members of the public can sign up for a time slot in advance to receive some general advice from a lawyer over the phone.
Some legal hotlines are available during regular business hours, while others are only held once or twice a month in the evenings. Please see our Legal Hotlines guide for a list of Texas legal hotlines.
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Last updated March 8, 2024