Legal FAQs
Which small claims court should I file my lawsuit in?
Small claims suits are filed in Justice of the Peace (JP) Courts. Section 27.031 of the Texas Government Code gives justice courts jurisdiction over civil matters in disputes of less than $20,000.
According to Rule 502.4(b) of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, a small claims suit may be filed in a county and precinct:
- Where the person being sued lives;
- Where the incident in the claim took place;
- Where the contract was to be performed; or
- Where the detained property is located.
According to Rule 502.4(c), you can also file the lawsuit in the county and precinct where you live if:
- The defendant lives out of state; or
- The defendant’s residence is unknown.
To find the right precinct, you may need to check the JP court clerk's website. Many counties have online maps to help you find the precinct number based on an address.
If you’re still not sure where to file your case, an attorney might be able to help. For more information on finding an attorney, please see the library's Legal Help page.
You may also want to review the library’s Small Claims Cases guide for general information about the filing process, links to sample forms, and additional resources to learn about small claims.
Related FAQs & Guides
- What’s the maximum amount I can sue for in a small claims court?
- How do I sue a business in small claims court?
- Do I need a lawyer for my small claims case?
- Can I appear remotely at my small claims hearing?
- Can I file my small claims case online?
- Do I have to live in Texas to file a small claims suit there?
Last updated March 8, 2024