Ask a Librarian

Reference librarians are available to help library users with legal research.

We answer all questions in the order in which they are received. A librarian may be assigned several questions at once and will respond to them on a "first-come, first-served" basis. For this reason, we cannot guarantee an immediate response. We aim to respond within one or two business days.  

In person

Visit the library in person at 205 W. 14th Street in Austin during our regular business hours.


Write to us at P.O. Box 12367, Austin, TX 78711-2367.

What We Can Do

  • help you research a legal question
  • point you to a particular state, local, and federal laws to help you begin your research
  • provide a short excerpt from a library resource
  • assist you in using library resources
  • recommend legal books and websites
  • locate broad definitions of legal words and phrases
  • refer you to other agencies or organizations that may help

What We Cannot Do

  • provide a legal opinion or suggest a course of action in a legal situation
  • recommend a legal form for a particular situation
  • give a “yes or no” answer to a legal question
  • interpret a contract, lease agreement, or other legal documents
  • determine whether something you describe is legal or illegal
  • provide case law subject searches
  • help represent you in court
  • refer you to a particular attorney

page last updated: 3 Mar 2025 11:27 AM