Lexis Training

The State Law Library typically hosts Lexis training sessions once a month. These training sessions are conducted by a Lexis representative, and each session qualifies for 1 hour of continuing legal education (CLE) credit. The sessions are free and open to the public, but they are limited to 20 participants. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, training is being conducted remotely via Zoom. We send out an e-mail announcement every month as a reminder; to receive these announcements, please sign up for our mailing list. The class schedule for this month and a description of the training is available below.

To reserve a spot, please register online.
Please note that we only accept registrations during the week prior to the class date.

If you are unable to attend our training sessions, Lexis also provides online tutorials and support for Lexis Advance. This support is free but is not eligible for CLE credit.

About the Trainings

    • Understanding Legislation focuses on conducting statutory and legislative history research using Lexis.
    • Advanced Legal Research is aimed at those who are already familiar with Lexis Advance and would like to learn more about its advanced features and use.
    • COVID-19 Rapid Response: Staying on Top of Legal Changes in a Pandemic focuses on how to Identify new legal obligations and track legal changes and developments during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, using various on-lines sources and content types.
    • Leveraging Technology to Prepare Briefs focuses on the importance of accuracy and efficiency in the review and preparation of briefs and motions.
    • Eliminating Bias in the Legal Profession covers different types of bias and provides real-world examples and statistics that can help attorneys identify and combat bias.
    • Docket Research and Litigation Strategies focuses on the importance of docket research and explores the best ways to utilize the resources available in Lexis.


page last updated: 19 Jul 2023 5:00 PM