Disability Law
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Children with Disabilities
- Mental Health
- Social Security
- Special Education
- All Titles
» Americans with Disabilities Act
By Perritt, Henry H. Wolters Kluwer. Sixth edition. [2019?].
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the issue of accommodations for medical conditions into the national spotlight. This title is an excellent resource for entities required to provide accommodations under the ADA.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/726?docUid=106691451
By ADA National Network. ADA National Network. 2015.
"It is my hope that this book, which is a very broad brush look at disability law, will find its way into the hands of both individuals who have disabilities and entities that have obligations under various disability laws. This book is meant to provide basic information about disability rights, as well as resources for finding out more." -foreword
URL: https://adata.org/publication/disability-law-handbook
By Parry, John. American Bar Association. 1;1. 2014.
This book provides employers with sound business reasons for hiring and retaining persons with disabilities, along with specific recommendations on integrating them into the workplace while enhancing overall productivity for all employees. Four legal perspectives are covered: 1) An historical overview of the employment rights of persons with disabilities. 2) A legal analysis of the broad range of federal and state laws prohibiting bias and discrimination based on disability, and the legal duty to provide reasonable accommodations. 3) Guidance on how to identify and implement accommodations and other types of assistances for persons with disabilities that enrich the entire workplace. 4) A discussion of formal and informal mentoring. These perspectives are intended to provide employers, and those lawyers who represent employers, with a comprehensive understanding of the basic legal obligations employers have to job applicants and employees who have disabilities, and a disability diversi…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1871345
By Colker, Ruth. West Academic Publishing. Sixth edition. 2019.
"This Nutshell presents an overview of the major federal disability laws with emphasis on the statutes, regulations, and significant points of substantive and procedural law. The sixth edition includes significant focus on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including its 2008 Amendment and accompanying regulations. Features coverage on constitutional rights; the definition of "disabled"; Rehabilitation Act of 1973; employment discrimination; programs and services; and housing, education, and transportation. Also reviews the many relevant areas of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), including the 2004 Amendments and two recent Supreme Court cases under the IDEA." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=26263
By Myers, John E. B. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. 2022.
"Mental illness and intellectual disability (formerly called mental retardation) impact 20% of Americans, and have enormous personal, legal, and policy implications for patients, families, and society. This Nutshell introduces you to the broad range of criminal and civil issues in mental health law, including diagnosis of mental illness; expert testimony on mental health issues; civil commitment; competence to stand trial; the insanity defense; various competencies; ethical/legal issues facing mental health professionals, including informed consent, confidentiality, privilege, and malpractice; discrimination against persons with mental illness; financial and medical benefits for disabled persons." - publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27785
By Engel, David M. University of Chicago Press. 2003.
An analysis of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with a focus on the impact of civil rights legislation on everyday lives.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/543238
By Hood, Jack B. West Academic Publishing. Seventh edition. 2023.
"This compact, comprehensive reference guide covers workers compensation and employee protection laws, stressing the rights and duties of both the employer and the employee in the workplace. The text pays special attention to the laws that protect the employee and answers the most common workers compensation questions asked by students and lawyers. It is ideal both for use as a student study aid or review for the practitioner." -publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27992
» Children with Disabilities
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title The educator's guide to Texas school law
By Walsh, Jim. University of Texas Press. Eighth edition. 2014.
Now thoroughly updated and streamlined throughout, here is the standard legal resource for Texas educators, which has sold more than 85,000 copies.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2007535
This is a featured Texas title Texas annotated family code
By Staff, Publishers Editorial. LexisNexis. 2015 Edition. c2016.
"The Texas Annotated Family Code contains the complete Family Code in an easy-to-read, portable book with on-point, relevant annotations." — publisher
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2567657
This is a featured Texas title Texas family law practice and procedure
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. Second edition. 1997-.
This multivolume set provides comprehensive family law coverage including procedural explanations, drafting guides and forms, and citations to statutes/case law.
Note: This is a very popular item and is currently in high demand! Please e-mail or call the library at 512-463-1722 if you need a short excerpt from this e-book while it is checked out by another person.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501511
By Abrams, Douglas E. West Academic Publishing. Seventh edition. 2021.
"This Nutshell follows the structure and format of the authors' casebook—Children and the Law: Doctrine, Policy and Practice. The authors have devoted entire chapters to the meaning of "parent," abuse and neglect, the foster care system, adoption, medical decision-making, support and other financial responsibilities, protective legislation, and delinquency. Representation of children is covered throughout the book. Also treated for comparative purposes are several relevant international law issues, including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, international child labor, and U.S. tobacco exports to children overseas." - publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27331
By Siegel, Lawrence M. Nolo. Eleventh edition. 2023.
This guide from Nolo helps readers design an Individual Education Program for their special needs child.
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=N57X&site=lirc-live
By Alexander, Kern. West Academic Publishing. Seventh edition. 2022.
"This text captures the key points of the precedents governing student rights and responsibilities relating to attendance, speech, expression, religion, discipline, grades, tests, drugs, search and seizure, the emerging law of social media, i.e., cyberbullying, and the range of procedural due process interests. The book further addresses the range of constitutional rights and protections for teachers as well as employment terms and conditions, including contracts, tenure and potential liabilities." - publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27791
By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. Second edition. 2014.
This book provides an overview of laws that affect families including: custody, adoption, care for the elderly, marriage, divorce, estate planning, and more.
Read online: http://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=GXN3&site=lirc-live
By Siegel, Lawrence M. Nolo. Eighth edition. 2020.
"Children with learning disabilities have different needs than other kids in special education-- let Nolo's IEP Guide: Learning Disabilities help you make sure those needs are met. Learn how to: understand your child's rights, untangle eligibility rules and develop effective IEP goals"
Read online: http://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=MB1H&site=lirc-live
By Colker, Ruth. West Academic Publishing. 2018.
"This Nutshell presents a very timely overview of legal topics relating to special education services for students in K-12 education. Topics covered include: historical background, Section 504 coverage, IDEA coverage, child find, evaluations, IEPs, disciplinary issues, due process hearings, and state administrative complaints. The chapters include model forms, sample evaluations and IEPs. It also includes discussion of the Supreme Court's two recent decisions from the 2016-2017 term. Finally, it provides examples from a variety of state practices to give the reader an excellent sense of the interaction between state and federal regulations in this complex area of the law." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=25555
By Urbatsch, Kevin. Nolo. Tenth edition. 2023.
"This book explains how special needs trusts work and how you can set one up yourself. This book also shows you how to work with experts to make the most of your trust." - from the introduction
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=N585&site=lirc-live
» Mental Health
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Representing the mentally ill offender : An evaluation of advocacy alternatives
By Texas. Texas Task Force on Indigent Defense. 2010.
This report provides study methods and conclusions from a two-year evaluation of the two most common ways through which attorneys advocate for mentally ill defendants in Texas.
URL: https://ppri.tamu.edu/files/Representing_the_Mentally_Ill_Offender.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Responding to the mentally ill : A guide for Texas peace officers
By Texas CIT Association. Texas CIT Association. Latest received: 2018 Update.
"This document is provided to help Texas peace officers in responding to individuals in serious mental health crises, to help officers understand and navigate the Texas Health and Safety Code, and to provide information and discussion on some of the most problematic issues experienced by officers across the state." -foreword
URL: https://www.texascit.org/docs/Texas-Peace-Officer-Guide-for-Responding-to-the-Mentally-Ill-May-2018.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Texas criminal procedure & the offender with mental illness
By The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Texas (NAMI). The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Texas. Sixth edition. 2019.
This online educational guide for the public and practitioners, now in its new sixth edition, provides an analysis of the laws regarding offenders with mental illness, including a discussion of appropriate treatment, competency to stand trial, the insanity defense, and post-conviction issues.
Read online: https://namitexas.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/332/2023/08/Shannon-6th-Edition-Oct-2019-for-NAMI-Texas-website.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Texas mental health and intellectual and developmental disabilities law bench book
By The Judicial Commission on Mental Health. The Judicial Commission on Mental Health. Third edition, 2021-2022. 2021.
"This Bench Book provides immediate information to help address mental health and IDD (intellectual and developmental disabilities) issues as they arise in your courtroom and community." - from the introduction
Read online: http://texasjcmh.gov/media/lbrdg1tk/jcmh-adult-bench-book-3rd-edition.pdf
By Zervopoulos, John A. American Bar Association. 1;2016-2. 2016.
This book describes and applies the practical four-step PLAN Model, based in caselaw and professional psychology's literature to help lawyers organize, critique, and use psychological materials and testimony when examining experts and framing legal arguments.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2592712
By Peck, Kerry. American Bar Association. 1;2018-11. 2018.
"Oh no, what are we going to do?" Experts say that every 65 seconds someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or some other form of dementia. When someone you love gets that diagnosis, you need answers. The authors, Kerry Peck and Rick Law, are two nationally renowned elder law attorneys who can help you make wise decisions in the midst of a post-diagnosis whirlwind of confusion. Avoid common missteps such as : Giving away assets to qualify for nursing home benefits Believing that Medicare will pay for your long-term care Waiting until the last minute before seeking expert legal advice Assuming that nursing home Medicaid is a do-it-yourself project Thinking that a revocable living trust provides asset protection And many more
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4468240
By Wheeler, Jennifer. American Bar Association. ;2020-01. 2020.
This book is intended to assist both mental health professionals and attorneys in working together on family law cases to improve their understanding of each other's respective roles. The purpose of Part I is to provide some definition and clarification about the roles of mental health professionals in family law settings and to identify how those roles are used by attorneys in litigating their cases. The purpose of Part II is to offer some insight and understanding about the underlying "rules" for conducting a parenting evaluation. The purpose of Part III is to help family law attorneys better understand the goals of the PE at each step of the process. In Part IV, we explore some of the "consulting" roles that a mental health professional might perform to assist family law attorneys.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5234388
By Simon, Robert A. American Bar Association. 2;2020-09. 2020.
This comprehensive book addresses the increasingly important role of forensic psychologists in consulting and in expert witness testimony in child custody litigation. Authors Robert A. Simon and Philip M. Stahl, forensic psychology consultants with more than 60 years of combined experience, provide practical advice on understanding the critical psychological dynamics frequently encountered in child custody cases as well as guidance for how to effectively use your own forensic consultant and testifying expert in litigation. Using case examples where critical issues such as the developmental need of children, relocation, domestic violence, and the alienated child are involved, the authors explain a logical process to critique the evaluation reports of others and help you analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your case. Among the topics covered are: Forensic vs. clinical approach in child custody evaluations A method for critiquing the work of the neutral court-appointed custody evaluat…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5773525
By Zervopoulus, John A. American Bar Association. ;1. 2014.
Designed as a quick and accessible reference, this book helps lawyers understand and address the array of mental health expert issues they will encounter in their cases. Written by John A. Zervopoulos, who is both an attorney and psychologist, each issue in the book is examined through the dual prism of Daubert-Frye principles (the legal perspective) and of professional psychology s expertise and literature (the psychological perspective). This information provides the tools necessary to develop clear direct examinations, sharpen cross examinations, and compose effective, compelling arguments to the court. These lessons are also useful to attorneys who litigate cases outside of family law. Each chapter in How to Examine Mental Health Experts considers one particular issue commonly encountered in litigation, such as when experts rely on experts, managing experienced-based testimony, or the purpose of evaluation reports, and consider three aspects to help lawyers understand and effectiv…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1871401
By Klein, George C. 2012.
This book is about the intersection of mental health institutions and the criminal justice system. It explains how the meshing of institutional imperatives, professional ideologies, budgetary considerations, and time constraints create the “politics of mental health.”
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1083820
By Myers, John E. B. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. 2022.
"Mental illness and intellectual disability (formerly called mental retardation) impact 20% of Americans, and have enormous personal, legal, and policy implications for patients, families, and society. This Nutshell introduces you to the broad range of criminal and civil issues in mental health law, including diagnosis of mental illness; expert testimony on mental health issues; civil commitment; competence to stand trial; the insanity defense; various competencies; ethical/legal issues facing mental health professionals, including informed consent, confidentiality, privilege, and malpractice; discrimination against persons with mental illness; financial and medical benefits for disabled persons." - publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27785
» Social Security
By Lovett, William Anthony. West Academic Publishing. Ninth edition. 2019.
"Authoritative coverage provides a foundation for understanding recent developments in banking and financial institutions. This Nutshell title covers subjects such as increased competition, deregulation, bank and thrift failures, large-scale bailout, and restructuring efforts. Unresolved challenges include budget stimulus, deficits, and renewed supervision by regulators." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=26472
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Fleming, Robert B. Aspen Publishers. Fourth edition. [2017].
The Elder Law Answer Book offers a thorough guide to aspects of the law that affect senior citizens, including long-term care planning, powers of attorney, trusts, age discrimination, and more.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/725?docUid=106709324
By Kaplan, Richard L. West Academic. Eighth edition. 2023.
This book provides a brief overview of elder law. Topics covered include ethical considerations, health care decision making, Medicaid, SSI, guardianship alternatives, pension plans, and elder abuse and neglect.
URL: https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=28274&goBackUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fsubscription.westacademic.com%2Fsearch%3Fsort%3Dpublication-date%26afterDate%3D2023-08-12
By Social Security Administration. Social Security Administration.
"HALLEX defines procedures for carrying out policy and provides guidance for processing and adjudicating claims at the hearing, Appeals Council, and civil action levels. It also includes policy statements resulting from Appeals Council en banc meetings under the authority of the Appeals Council Chair." - from the introduction
URL: https://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/hallex/hallex.html
By Checkoway, Allan. American Bar Association. ;2019-06. 2019.
A guide from the American Bar Association on the process of filing for disability benefits, whether that be through a private insurer, the Social Security Administration (SSA) or the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). For those looking to purchase disability insurance, this guide also includes helpful information on the types of coverage available and explains commonly-used terminology.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4820355
By Matthews, J. L. Nolo. Thirteenth edition. 2020.
This book by Nolo helps readers find information on long-term medical care and financial planning. Long-Term Care helps readers understand the range of available choices helping them to explore options for home care, assisted living and nursing homes, maximizing Medicare, Medicaid and veterans' programs, and preventing elder fraud.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=MXTE&site=lirc-live
By Myers, John E. B. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. 2022.
"Mental illness and intellectual disability (formerly called mental retardation) impact 20% of Americans, and have enormous personal, legal, and policy implications for patients, families, and society. This Nutshell introduces you to the broad range of criminal and civil issues in mental health law, including diagnosis of mental illness; expert testimony on mental health issues; civil commitment; competence to stand trial; the insanity defense; various competencies; ethical/legal issues facing mental health professionals, including informed consent, confidentiality, privilege, and malpractice; discrimination against persons with mental illness; financial and medical benefits for disabled persons." - publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27785
By Morton, David A. Nolo. Twelfth edition. 2024.
"Nolo's Guide to Social Security Disability is the essential book for anyone dealing with a long-term or permanent disability. Get plain English explanations and discussions of these crucial topics: how to prove a disability, how to calculate the benefits you'll receive and how to appeal a denial of benefits." - publisher's description
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Social Security Administration.
Includes the provisions of the Social Security Act (the Act), regulations issued under the Act, and precedential case decisions (rulings).
URL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS69560
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By Hegland, Kenney F. West Academic Publishing. First edition. 2013.
A quick and easy guide to problems of aging and how the law and practical advice can make things better.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2111598
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Pratt, David A. Wolters Kluwer Law and Business. Ninth edition. [2017?]-.
"The Social Security and Medicare Answer Book is designed to be a comprehensive and accessible resource for attorneys, accountants, estate planners, financial planners, insurance agents, and others who counsel either older Americans or their younger counterparts who are planning for future retirement." from the preface
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By Bloch, Frank S. Thomson/West. 2021, c2022.
"This book is intended to provide a broad overview of Social Security law and practice. It covers the two main titles of the Social Security Act: Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), with a special focus on the disability provisions of both programs. It begins with an introductory chapter that places current Social Security law and practice in its historical context, including a brief discussion of the circumstances surrounding the passage of the Act in 1935, the major amendments to the Act since 1935, and key Supreme Court decisions that have impacted the coverage and administration of OASDI and SSI. The remaining chapters can be grouped into three parts: chapters 2, 3, and 4 describe the central eligibility requirements for benefits under both programs; chapters 5 and 6 delve more deeply into the requirements for disability benefits; and chapters 7, 8, and 9 focus on the administration of the programs, including the roles of lawy…
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27641
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1984-.
This five volume set is a comprehensive, in-depth reference for practitioners. The major topics discussed are social security coverage, retirement and survivor's benefits, disability, supplemental security income, Medicare, fees, selected social security regulations, and medical aspects of disability. The set's medical analysis spans two volumes and covers disabilities of all of the body's different systems.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501745
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By Matthews, J. L. Nolo. Twenty-ninth edition. 2024.
Learn about Medicare coverage, including Part D prescription drug coverage, and understand medigap insurance and Medicare managed care and what makes the most sense for you. And if you are denied for any medical treatment or benefits, this book teaches you how to file an appeal with Medicare, Social Security, or your state's Medicaid agency. Also learn how to claim disability benefits, veterans benefits, and federal retirement benefits.
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=NE6U&site=lirc-live
» Special Education
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title The educator's guide to Texas school law
By Walsh, Jim. University of Texas Press. Eighth edition. 2014.
Now thoroughly updated and streamlined throughout, here is the standard legal resource for Texas educators, which has sold more than 85,000 copies.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2007535
This is a featured Texas title Individuals with Disabilities Education Act manual : A guide for families and students about special education services in Texas
The Arc of Texas and Disability Rights Texas. 2018.
"This manual is designed to help you become familiar with the requirements of IDEA and Texas law so you can act as an equal partner in planning your child’s education. You will learn, by using this manual and by working with school staff, how to plan an educational program that will lead to an independent and productive life for your child and yourself." - publisher's description
URL: https://disabilityrightstx.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/IDEA-Manual-A-Guide-for-Texas-Parents-and-Students-on-Special-Education-Rights-1.pdf
By Siegel, Lawrence M. Nolo. Eleventh edition. 2023.
This guide from Nolo helps readers design an Individual Education Program for their special needs child.
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=N57X&site=lirc-live
By Colker, Ruth. West Academic Publishing. Sixth edition. 2019.
"This Nutshell presents an overview of the major federal disability laws with emphasis on the statutes, regulations, and significant points of substantive and procedural law. The sixth edition includes significant focus on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including its 2008 Amendment and accompanying regulations. Features coverage on constitutional rights; the definition of "disabled"; Rehabilitation Act of 1973; employment discrimination; programs and services; and housing, education, and transportation. Also reviews the many relevant areas of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), including the 2004 Amendments and two recent Supreme Court cases under the IDEA." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=26263
By Alexander, Kern. West Academic Publishing. Seventh edition. 2022.
"This text captures the key points of the precedents governing student rights and responsibilities relating to attendance, speech, expression, religion, discipline, grades, tests, drugs, search and seizure, the emerging law of social media, i.e., cyberbullying, and the range of procedural due process interests. The book further addresses the range of constitutional rights and protections for teachers as well as employment terms and conditions, including contracts, tenure and potential liabilities." - publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27791
By Myers, John E. B. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. 2022.
"Mental illness and intellectual disability (formerly called mental retardation) impact 20% of Americans, and have enormous personal, legal, and policy implications for patients, families, and society. This Nutshell introduces you to the broad range of criminal and civil issues in mental health law, including diagnosis of mental illness; expert testimony on mental health issues; civil commitment; competence to stand trial; the insanity defense; various competencies; ethical/legal issues facing mental health professionals, including informed consent, confidentiality, privilege, and malpractice; discrimination against persons with mental illness; financial and medical benefits for disabled persons." - publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27785
By Siegel, Lawrence M. Nolo. Eighth edition. 2020.
"Children with learning disabilities have different needs than other kids in special education-- let Nolo's IEP Guide: Learning Disabilities help you make sure those needs are met. Learn how to: understand your child's rights, untangle eligibility rules and develop effective IEP goals"
Read online: http://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=MB1H&site=lirc-live
By Colker, Ruth. West Academic Publishing. 2018.
"This Nutshell presents a very timely overview of legal topics relating to special education services for students in K-12 education. Topics covered include: historical background, Section 504 coverage, IDEA coverage, child find, evaluations, IEPs, disciplinary issues, due process hearings, and state administrative complaints. The chapters include model forms, sample evaluations and IEPs. It also includes discussion of the Supreme Court's two recent decisions from the 2016-2017 term. Finally, it provides examples from a variety of state practices to give the reader an excellent sense of the interaction between state and federal regulations in this complex area of the law." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=25555
» All Titles
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Individuals with Disabilities Education Act manual : A guide for families and students about special education services in Texas
The Arc of Texas and Disability Rights Texas. 2018.
"This manual is designed to help you become familiar with the requirements of IDEA and Texas law so you can act as an equal partner in planning your child’s education. You will learn, by using this manual and by working with school staff, how to plan an educational program that will lead to an independent and productive life for your child and yourself." - publisher's description
URL: https://disabilityrightstx.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/IDEA-Manual-A-Guide-for-Texas-Parents-and-Students-on-Special-Education-Rights-1.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Representing the mentally ill offender : An evaluation of advocacy alternatives
By Texas. Texas Task Force on Indigent Defense. 2010.
This report provides study methods and conclusions from a two-year evaluation of the two most common ways through which attorneys advocate for mentally ill defendants in Texas.
URL: https://ppri.tamu.edu/files/Representing_the_Mentally_Ill_Offender.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Responding to the mentally ill : A guide for Texas peace officers
By Texas CIT Association. Texas CIT Association. Latest received: 2018 Update.
"This document is provided to help Texas peace officers in responding to individuals in serious mental health crises, to help officers understand and navigate the Texas Health and Safety Code, and to provide information and discussion on some of the most problematic issues experienced by officers across the state." -foreword
URL: https://www.texascit.org/docs/Texas-Peace-Officer-Guide-for-Responding-to-the-Mentally-Ill-May-2018.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Texas annotated family code
By Staff, Publishers Editorial. LexisNexis. 2015 Edition. c2016.
"The Texas Annotated Family Code contains the complete Family Code in an easy-to-read, portable book with on-point, relevant annotations." — publisher
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2567657
This is a featured Texas title Texas criminal procedure & the offender with mental illness
By The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Texas (NAMI). The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Texas. Sixth edition. 2019.
This online educational guide for the public and practitioners, now in its new sixth edition, provides an analysis of the laws regarding offenders with mental illness, including a discussion of appropriate treatment, competency to stand trial, the insanity defense, and post-conviction issues.
Read online: https://namitexas.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/332/2023/08/Shannon-6th-Edition-Oct-2019-for-NAMI-Texas-website.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Texas family law practice and procedure
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. Second edition. 1997-.
This multivolume set provides comprehensive family law coverage including procedural explanations, drafting guides and forms, and citations to statutes/case law.
Note: This is a very popular item and is currently in high demand! Please e-mail or call the library at 512-463-1722 if you need a short excerpt from this e-book while it is checked out by another person.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501511
This is a featured Texas title Texas mental health and intellectual and developmental disabilities law bench book
By The Judicial Commission on Mental Health. The Judicial Commission on Mental Health. Third edition, 2021-2022. 2021.
"This Bench Book provides immediate information to help address mental health and IDD (intellectual and developmental disabilities) issues as they arise in your courtroom and community." - from the introduction
Read online: http://texasjcmh.gov/media/lbrdg1tk/jcmh-adult-bench-book-3rd-edition.pdf
This is a featured Texas title The educator's guide to Texas school law
By Walsh, Jim. University of Texas Press. Eighth edition. 2014.
Now thoroughly updated and streamlined throughout, here is the standard legal resource for Texas educators, which has sold more than 85,000 copies.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2007535
By Checkoway, Allan. American Bar Association. ;2019-06. 2019.
A guide from the American Bar Association on the process of filing for disability benefits, whether that be through a private insurer, the Social Security Administration (SSA) or the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). For those looking to purchase disability insurance, this guide also includes helpful information on the types of coverage available and explains commonly-used terminology.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4820355
By Hegland, Kenney F. West Academic Publishing. First edition. 2013.
A quick and easy guide to problems of aging and how the law and practical advice can make things better.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2111598
By Perritt, Henry H. Wolters Kluwer. Sixth edition. [2019?].
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the issue of accommodations for medical conditions into the national spotlight. This title is an excellent resource for entities required to provide accommodations under the ADA.
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By Lovett, William Anthony. West Academic Publishing. Ninth edition. 2019.
"Authoritative coverage provides a foundation for understanding recent developments in banking and financial institutions. This Nutshell title covers subjects such as increased competition, deregulation, bank and thrift failures, large-scale bailout, and restructuring efforts. Unresolved challenges include budget stimulus, deficits, and renewed supervision by regulators." - publisher's description
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By Abrams, Douglas E. West Academic Publishing. Seventh edition. 2021.
"This Nutshell follows the structure and format of the authors' casebook—Children and the Law: Doctrine, Policy and Practice. The authors have devoted entire chapters to the meaning of "parent," abuse and neglect, the foster care system, adoption, medical decision-making, support and other financial responsibilities, protective legislation, and delinquency. Representation of children is covered throughout the book. Also treated for comparative purposes are several relevant international law issues, including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, international child labor, and U.S. tobacco exports to children overseas." - publisher's description
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By Zervopoulos, John A. American Bar Association. 1;2016-2. 2016.
This book describes and applies the practical four-step PLAN Model, based in caselaw and professional psychology's literature to help lawyers organize, critique, and use psychological materials and testimony when examining experts and framing legal arguments.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2592712
By ADA National Network. ADA National Network. 2015.
"It is my hope that this book, which is a very broad brush look at disability law, will find its way into the hands of both individuals who have disabilities and entities that have obligations under various disability laws. This book is meant to provide basic information about disability rights, as well as resources for finding out more." -foreword
URL: https://adata.org/publication/disability-law-handbook
By Peck, Kerry. American Bar Association. 1;2018-11. 2018.
"Oh no, what are we going to do?" Experts say that every 65 seconds someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or some other form of dementia. When someone you love gets that diagnosis, you need answers. The authors, Kerry Peck and Rick Law, are two nationally renowned elder law attorneys who can help you make wise decisions in the midst of a post-diagnosis whirlwind of confusion. Avoid common missteps such as : Giving away assets to qualify for nursing home benefits Believing that Medicare will pay for your long-term care Waiting until the last minute before seeking expert legal advice Assuming that nursing home Medicaid is a do-it-yourself project Thinking that a revocable living trust provides asset protection And many more
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4468240
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Fleming, Robert B. Aspen Publishers. Fourth edition. [2017].
The Elder Law Answer Book offers a thorough guide to aspects of the law that affect senior citizens, including long-term care planning, powers of attorney, trusts, age discrimination, and more.
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By Kaplan, Richard L. West Academic. Eighth edition. 2023.
This book provides a brief overview of elder law. Topics covered include ethical considerations, health care decision making, Medicaid, SSI, guardianship alternatives, pension plans, and elder abuse and neglect.
URL: https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=28274&goBackUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fsubscription.westacademic.com%2Fsearch%3Fsort%3Dpublication-date%26afterDate%3D2023-08-12
By Parry, John. American Bar Association. 1;1. 2014.
This book provides employers with sound business reasons for hiring and retaining persons with disabilities, along with specific recommendations on integrating them into the workplace while enhancing overall productivity for all employees. Four legal perspectives are covered: 1) An historical overview of the employment rights of persons with disabilities. 2) A legal analysis of the broad range of federal and state laws prohibiting bias and discrimination based on disability, and the legal duty to provide reasonable accommodations. 3) Guidance on how to identify and implement accommodations and other types of assistances for persons with disabilities that enrich the entire workplace. 4) A discussion of formal and informal mentoring. These perspectives are intended to provide employers, and those lawyers who represent employers, with a comprehensive understanding of the basic legal obligations employers have to job applicants and employees who have disabilities, and a disability diversi…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1871345
By Wheeler, Jennifer. American Bar Association. ;2020-01. 2020.
This book is intended to assist both mental health professionals and attorneys in working together on family law cases to improve their understanding of each other's respective roles. The purpose of Part I is to provide some definition and clarification about the roles of mental health professionals in family law settings and to identify how those roles are used by attorneys in litigating their cases. The purpose of Part II is to offer some insight and understanding about the underlying "rules" for conducting a parenting evaluation. The purpose of Part III is to help family law attorneys better understand the goals of the PE at each step of the process. In Part IV, we explore some of the "consulting" roles that a mental health professional might perform to assist family law attorneys.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5234388
By Colker, Ruth. West Academic Publishing. Sixth edition. 2019.
"This Nutshell presents an overview of the major federal disability laws with emphasis on the statutes, regulations, and significant points of substantive and procedural law. The sixth edition includes significant focus on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including its 2008 Amendment and accompanying regulations. Features coverage on constitutional rights; the definition of "disabled"; Rehabilitation Act of 1973; employment discrimination; programs and services; and housing, education, and transportation. Also reviews the many relevant areas of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), including the 2004 Amendments and two recent Supreme Court cases under the IDEA." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=26263
By Simon, Robert A. American Bar Association. 2;2020-09. 2020.
This comprehensive book addresses the increasingly important role of forensic psychologists in consulting and in expert witness testimony in child custody litigation. Authors Robert A. Simon and Philip M. Stahl, forensic psychology consultants with more than 60 years of combined experience, provide practical advice on understanding the critical psychological dynamics frequently encountered in child custody cases as well as guidance for how to effectively use your own forensic consultant and testifying expert in litigation. Using case examples where critical issues such as the developmental need of children, relocation, domestic violence, and the alienated child are involved, the authors explain a logical process to critique the evaluation reports of others and help you analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your case. Among the topics covered are: Forensic vs. clinical approach in child custody evaluations A method for critiquing the work of the neutral court-appointed custody evaluat…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5773525
By Social Security Administration. Social Security Administration.
"HALLEX defines procedures for carrying out policy and provides guidance for processing and adjudicating claims at the hearing, Appeals Council, and civil action levels. It also includes policy statements resulting from Appeals Council en banc meetings under the authority of the Appeals Council Chair." - from the introduction
URL: https://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/hallex/hallex.html
By Zervopoulus, John A. American Bar Association. ;1. 2014.
Designed as a quick and accessible reference, this book helps lawyers understand and address the array of mental health expert issues they will encounter in their cases. Written by John A. Zervopoulos, who is both an attorney and psychologist, each issue in the book is examined through the dual prism of Daubert-Frye principles (the legal perspective) and of professional psychology s expertise and literature (the psychological perspective). This information provides the tools necessary to develop clear direct examinations, sharpen cross examinations, and compose effective, compelling arguments to the court. These lessons are also useful to attorneys who litigate cases outside of family law. Each chapter in How to Examine Mental Health Experts considers one particular issue commonly encountered in litigation, such as when experts rely on experts, managing experienced-based testimony, or the purpose of evaluation reports, and consider three aspects to help lawyers understand and effectiv…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1871401
By Klein, George C. 2012.
This book is about the intersection of mental health institutions and the criminal justice system. It explains how the meshing of institutional imperatives, professional ideologies, budgetary considerations, and time constraints create the “politics of mental health.”
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1083820
By Matthews, J. L. Nolo. Thirteenth edition. 2020.
This book by Nolo helps readers find information on long-term medical care and financial planning. Long-Term Care helps readers understand the range of available choices helping them to explore options for home care, assisted living and nursing homes, maximizing Medicare, Medicaid and veterans' programs, and preventing elder fraud.
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By Myers, John E. B. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. 2022.
"Mental illness and intellectual disability (formerly called mental retardation) impact 20% of Americans, and have enormous personal, legal, and policy implications for patients, families, and society. This Nutshell introduces you to the broad range of criminal and civil issues in mental health law, including diagnosis of mental illness; expert testimony on mental health issues; civil commitment; competence to stand trial; the insanity defense; various competencies; ethical/legal issues facing mental health professionals, including informed consent, confidentiality, privilege, and malpractice; discrimination against persons with mental illness; financial and medical benefits for disabled persons." - publisher's description
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By Morton, David A. Nolo. Twelfth edition. 2024.
"Nolo's Guide to Social Security Disability is the essential book for anyone dealing with a long-term or permanent disability. Get plain English explanations and discussions of these crucial topics: how to prove a disability, how to calculate the benefits you'll receive and how to appeal a denial of benefits." - publisher's description
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By Siegel, Lawrence M. Nolo. Eighth edition. 2020.
"Children with learning disabilities have different needs than other kids in special education-- let Nolo's IEP Guide: Learning Disabilities help you make sure those needs are met. Learn how to: understand your child's rights, untangle eligibility rules and develop effective IEP goals"
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Social Security Administration.
Includes the provisions of the Social Security Act (the Act), regulations issued under the Act, and precedential case decisions (rulings).
URL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS69560
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By Engel, David M. University of Chicago Press. 2003.
An analysis of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with a focus on the impact of civil rights legislation on everyday lives.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/543238
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Pratt, David A. Wolters Kluwer Law and Business. Ninth edition. [2017?]-.
"The Social Security and Medicare Answer Book is designed to be a comprehensive and accessible resource for attorneys, accountants, estate planners, financial planners, insurance agents, and others who counsel either older Americans or their younger counterparts who are planning for future retirement." from the preface
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By Bloch, Frank S. Thomson/West. 2021, c2022.
"This book is intended to provide a broad overview of Social Security law and practice. It covers the two main titles of the Social Security Act: Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), with a special focus on the disability provisions of both programs. It begins with an introductory chapter that places current Social Security law and practice in its historical context, including a brief discussion of the circumstances surrounding the passage of the Act in 1935, the major amendments to the Act since 1935, and key Supreme Court decisions that have impacted the coverage and administration of OASDI and SSI. The remaining chapters can be grouped into three parts: chapters 2, 3, and 4 describe the central eligibility requirements for benefits under both programs; chapters 5 and 6 delve more deeply into the requirements for disability benefits; and chapters 7, 8, and 9 focus on the administration of the programs, including the roles of lawy…
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27641
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1984-.
This five volume set is a comprehensive, in-depth reference for practitioners. The major topics discussed are social security coverage, retirement and survivor's benefits, disability, supplemental security income, Medicare, fees, selected social security regulations, and medical aspects of disability. The set's medical analysis spans two volumes and covers disabilities of all of the body's different systems.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501745
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By Matthews, J. L. Nolo. Twenty-ninth edition. 2024.
Learn about Medicare coverage, including Part D prescription drug coverage, and understand medigap insurance and Medicare managed care and what makes the most sense for you. And if you are denied for any medical treatment or benefits, this book teaches you how to file an appeal with Medicare, Social Security, or your state's Medicaid agency. Also learn how to claim disability benefits, veterans benefits, and federal retirement benefits.
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By Colker, Ruth. West Academic Publishing. 2018.
"This Nutshell presents a very timely overview of legal topics relating to special education services for students in K-12 education. Topics covered include: historical background, Section 504 coverage, IDEA coverage, child find, evaluations, IEPs, disciplinary issues, due process hearings, and state administrative complaints. The chapters include model forms, sample evaluations and IEPs. It also includes discussion of the Supreme Court's two recent decisions from the 2016-2017 term. Finally, it provides examples from a variety of state practices to give the reader an excellent sense of the interaction between state and federal regulations in this complex area of the law." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=25555
By Urbatsch, Kevin. Nolo. Tenth edition. 2023.
"This book explains how special needs trusts work and how you can set one up yourself. This book also shows you how to work with experts to make the most of your trust." - from the introduction
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By Siegel, Lawrence M. Nolo. Eleventh edition. 2023.
This guide from Nolo helps readers design an Individual Education Program for their special needs child.
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By Alexander, Kern. West Academic Publishing. Seventh edition. 2022.
"This text captures the key points of the precedents governing student rights and responsibilities relating to attendance, speech, expression, religion, discipline, grades, tests, drugs, search and seizure, the emerging law of social media, i.e., cyberbullying, and the range of procedural due process interests. The book further addresses the range of constitutional rights and protections for teachers as well as employment terms and conditions, including contracts, tenure and potential liabilities." - publisher's description
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By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. Second edition. 2014.
This book provides an overview of laws that affect families including: custody, adoption, care for the elderly, marriage, divorce, estate planning, and more.
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By Hood, Jack B. West Academic Publishing. Seventh edition. 2023.
"This compact, comprehensive reference guide covers workers compensation and employee protection laws, stressing the rights and duties of both the employer and the employee in the workplace. The text pays special attention to the laws that protect the employee and answers the most common workers compensation questions asked by students and lawyers. It is ideal both for use as a student study aid or review for the practitioner." -publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27992