Family Law
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» Adoption & Termination of Parental Rights
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Texas annotated family code
By Staff, Publishers Editorial. LexisNexis. 2015 Edition. c2016.
"The Texas Annotated Family Code contains the complete Family Code in an easy-to-read, portable book with on-point, relevant annotations." — publisher
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This is a featured Texas title Texas family law practice and procedure
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. Second edition. 1997-.
This multivolume set provides comprehensive family law coverage including procedural explanations, drafting guides and forms, and citations to statutes/case law.
Note: This is a very popular item and is currently in high demand! Please e-mail or call the library at 512-463-1722 if you need a short excerpt from this e-book while it is checked out by another person.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas family law practice manual
State Bar of Texas. 2022.
The 2022 revision of this highly respected publication by the State Bar of Texas is now available as an eBook through the Lexis Digital Library! This manual contains over 750 family law forms, and the practice notes provide a general introduction into the most common types of family law actions including divorce, custody, child support, parental rights termination and adoption.
Note: This is a very popular item and is currently in high demand! Please e-mail or call the library at 512-463-1722 if you need a short excerpt from this e-book while it is checked out by another person.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas litigation guide
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1977-.
This comprehensive set explains the law and procedure in a given area and then provides drafting guides to prepare the forms. The set is divided into 10 different units: Pretrial Practice, Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Pleadings in Business Entity Litigation, Pleadings in Commercial Litigation, Pleadings in Real Estate Litigation, Pleadings in Personal Injury Litigation, Family Code Litigation, Probate Code Litigation, and Administrative Proceedings. (Due to publisher restrictions, this title may only be checked out from home by government employees. Members of the public must visit the library in person to view this title electronically or in print.)
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
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By Fairfax, Jennifer. American Bar Association. 2;2019-02. 2019.
?Adoption is a process that can require both time and patience. This guide helps you efficiently handle all steps in an adoption case, from consultation through finalization. Jennifer Fairfax, an experienced adoption attorney covers the primary types of adoption, both domestic and international, and examines the full range of issues impacting the adoption process, including the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children, special needs, adult, and stepparent adoptions, financing and tax issues, open records, and wrongful adoption.
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By Katz, Sanford N. West Academic Publishing. First edition. c2012.
"With the number of people waiting to adopt children, the need for a comprehensive yet succinct explanation of adoption laws and practices is met by Adoption Laws in a Nutshell. The book is an excellent resource for the legal and social work professions, providing an analysis of the latest developments regarding agency responsibilities toward adoptive parents and children, the consents necessary to complete an adoption, the father’s rights, the new assisted reproductive technology, and adoption, including surrogacy, standards for placement, open adoption, access to adoption records, inheritance rights of all the parties and intercountry adoption." - publisher's description
By Abrams, Douglas E. West Academic Publishing. Seventh edition. 2021.
"This Nutshell follows the structure and format of the authors' casebook—Children and the Law: Doctrine, Policy and Practice. The authors have devoted entire chapters to the meaning of "parent," abuse and neglect, the foster care system, adoption, medical decision-making, support and other financial responsibilities, protective legislation, and delinquency. Representation of children is covered throughout the book. Also treated for comparative purposes are several relevant international law issues, including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, international child labor, and U.S. tobacco exports to children overseas." - publisher's description
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By Myers, John E. B. West Academic Publishing. Eighth edition. 2022.
This book comprehensively surveys the traditional landscape of family law as well as important new legislation and case law relating to domestic partnerships, same-sex marriage, parentage, adoption, child custody and support.
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By Clark, Homer Harrison. West Academic. Third edition. 2021.
The 3rd edition of this one-volume treatise looks at both the history and current state of the law of domestic relations in this country, with chapters examining legal changes to marriage, contraception and abortion, divorce procedures, child custody, and termination of parental rights.
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By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. Second edition. 2014.
This book provides an overview of laws that affect families including: custody, adoption, care for the elderly, marriage, divorce, estate planning, and more.
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By Hertz, Frederick. Nolo. 20th edition. 2020.
"Take the proper legal steps to define and protect your relationship in the eyes of the law using the practical and legal information in this book. Even though the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in 2015, many questions remain for those same-sex couples who choose to remain unmarried and/or are registered in a civil union or domestic partnership. And parenting rights for same-sex couples still vary depending on the couple's relationship status and state laws. You'll learn about these important subjects and many more, including: domestic partner benefits; establishing parental rights, including through a second parent adoption, a stepparent adoption, a court judgement of parentage, and/or a contractual agreement; buying property together; and providing for each other upon death." - publisher description
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» Child Custody & Support
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Texas annotated family code
By Staff, Publishers Editorial. LexisNexis. 2015 Edition. c2016.
"The Texas Annotated Family Code contains the complete Family Code in an easy-to-read, portable book with on-point, relevant annotations." — publisher
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This is a featured Texas title Texas family law practice and procedure
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. Second edition. 1997-.
This multivolume set provides comprehensive family law coverage including procedural explanations, drafting guides and forms, and citations to statutes/case law.
Note: This is a very popular item and is currently in high demand! Please e-mail or call the library at 512-463-1722 if you need a short excerpt from this e-book while it is checked out by another person.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas family law practice manual
State Bar of Texas. 2022.
The 2022 revision of this highly respected publication by the State Bar of Texas is now available as an eBook through the Lexis Digital Library! This manual contains over 750 family law forms, and the practice notes provide a general introduction into the most common types of family law actions including divorce, custody, child support, parental rights termination and adoption.
Note: This is a very popular item and is currently in high demand! Please e-mail or call the library at 512-463-1722 if you need a short excerpt from this e-book while it is checked out by another person.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas litigation guide
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1977-.
This comprehensive set explains the law and procedure in a given area and then provides drafting guides to prepare the forms. The set is divided into 10 different units: Pretrial Practice, Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Pleadings in Business Entity Litigation, Pleadings in Commercial Litigation, Pleadings in Real Estate Litigation, Pleadings in Personal Injury Litigation, Family Code Litigation, Probate Code Litigation, and Administrative Proceedings. (Due to publisher restrictions, this title may only be checked out from home by government employees. Members of the public must visit the library in person to view this title electronically or in print.)
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas transaction guide, legal forms
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Kendrick, Herbert S. M. Bender. 1972-.
"From business and commercial dealings to personal and real estate transactions, Texas Transaction Guide: Legal Forms contains all the information you need to successfully represent your client through any transactional process. Depend on step-by-step guidance, practice notes, research guides, legal backgrounds, practice guides and insightful commentary in your transaction law practice." - publisher's description
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
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By Herman, Gregg. American Bar Association. 4;2019-06. 2019.
Learn the tips and techniques that leading family lawyers have developed to help make their legal practice more effective. This popular compendium takes this practice-tested knowledge and distills it into an array of concise tips focused on family law. This information-packed guide is organized in 15 categories, including custody, fees, taxes, discovery, valuation, premarital agreements, settlement, trial tactics, and post-divorce issues.
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By Katz, Sanford N. West Academic Publishing. First edition. c2012.
"With the number of people waiting to adopt children, the need for a comprehensive yet succinct explanation of adoption laws and practices is met by Adoption Laws in a Nutshell. The book is an excellent resource for the legal and social work professions, providing an analysis of the latest developments regarding agency responsibilities toward adoptive parents and children, the consents necessary to complete an adoption, the father’s rights, the new assisted reproductive technology, and adoption, including surrogacy, standards for placement, open adoption, access to adoption records, inheritance rights of all the parties and intercountry adoption." - publisher's description
By Zemmelman, Mimi Lyster. Nolo. Tenth edition. 2022.
Nolo's guide to creating a co-parenting agreement provides information, worksheets, and a fill-in-the-blank parenting agreement to assist divorcing couples in making a fair and lasting child custody agreement. The mediation-based strategies contained in this book will help minimize conflict in resolving issues such as health care, education, and living arrangements.
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Latest received: Automatic updates. By Morgan, Laura W. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. [Second edition]. [2017?]-.
"Child Support Guidelines, Second Edition is the only comprehensive guidebook for determining child support awards that takes practitioners step-by-step through the interpretation and application of the guidelines and their worksheets in both the normal and exceptional child support case. This unique publication thoroughly covers each state's version of one of the three basic models for determining child support: the percentage of income model, the income shares model, and the Melson formula." -publisher's description
By Fahnert, Marie. American Bar Association. 1;1. 2015.
This clearly written guide provides family law practitioners with the practical knowledge and tools they need to analyze the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) and the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act (PKPA).
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By Abrams, Douglas E. West Academic Publishing. Seventh edition. 2021.
"This Nutshell follows the structure and format of the authors' casebook—Children and the Law: Doctrine, Policy and Practice. The authors have devoted entire chapters to the meaning of "parent," abuse and neglect, the foster care system, adoption, medical decision-making, support and other financial responsibilities, protective legislation, and delinquency. Representation of children is covered throughout the book. Also treated for comparative purposes are several relevant international law issues, including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, international child labor, and U.S. tobacco exports to children overseas." - publisher's description
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By Bourdeau, Nicholas. James Pub. 2020.
Written by a certified public accountant, this manual is intended to guide non-experts through the process of calculating the amount of a parent’s income available for child support payments. Each chapter walks the reader through examining and analyzing financial documents related to different kinds of income, such as wages, dividends, rental income, and capital gains.
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By Guillen, Lina. Nolo. Fourteenth edition. 2023.
"Make savvy, informed financial decisions during divorce. Learn about dividing debts, setting alimony, negotiating a fair settlement, and more. With Divorce & Money, you'll find out how to: -avoid tax problems -handle alimony and child support -reduce risks to your investments" - publisher's description
By Wheeler, Jennifer. American Bar Association. ;2020-01. 2020.
This book is intended to assist both mental health professionals and attorneys in working together on family law cases to improve their understanding of each other's respective roles. The purpose of Part I is to provide some definition and clarification about the roles of mental health professionals in family law settings and to identify how those roles are used by attorneys in litigating their cases. The purpose of Part II is to offer some insight and understanding about the underlying "rules" for conducting a parenting evaluation. The purpose of Part III is to help family law attorneys better understand the goals of the PE at each step of the process. In Part IV, we explore some of the "consulting" roles that a mental health professional might perform to assist family law attorneys.
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By Myers, John E. B. West Academic Publishing. Eighth edition. 2022.
This book comprehensively surveys the traditional landscape of family law as well as important new legislation and case law relating to domestic partnerships, same-sex marriage, parentage, adoption, child custody and support.
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By Wadlington, Walter. Third edition. 2012.
This book continues the approach of the previous editions, offering a conceptual approach to the legal issues implicit in family law.
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Latest received: Automatic updates. Aspen Law & Business. [c2001]-.
"Family Law Update covers all the current issues and relevant opinions pertaining to Family Law. It brings the most salient information to your fingertips. It is fully comprehensive and concrete, with its broad coverage and multiple sources." -publisher's description
By Simon, Robert A. American Bar Association. 2;2020-09. 2020.
This comprehensive book addresses the increasingly important role of forensic psychologists in consulting and in expert witness testimony in child custody litigation. Authors Robert A. Simon and Philip M. Stahl, forensic psychology consultants with more than 60 years of combined experience, provide practical advice on understanding the critical psychological dynamics frequently encountered in child custody cases as well as guidance for how to effectively use your own forensic consultant and testifying expert in litigation. Using case examples where critical issues such as the developmental need of children, relocation, domestic violence, and the alienated child are involved, the authors explain a logical process to critique the evaluation reports of others and help you analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your case. Among the topics covered are: Forensic vs. clinical approach in child custody evaluations A method for critiquing the work of the neutral court-appointed custody evaluat…
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By Morley, Jeremy D. American Bar Association. 2;2016-12. 2016.
Handling Hague abduction cases is challenging and fulfilling. Although Hague cases are tried very quickly, they still require an intimate knowledge of the Convention and of the voluminous case law that has developed around it. Hague cases also require a complete understanding of international child custody law in general and in particular, for U.S. practitioners, of the relationship between The Hague Convention and the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction & Enforcement Act. The Convention operates in the U.S. in ways that differ from those in other Hague countries. This is because of the federal legislation that implements the treaty, the concurrence of federal and state jurisdiction, the lack of a specialized group of judges who handle cases under the Convention, the uniform state legislation on child custody jurisdiction, and a host of other factors. When children are the subject of international family law disputes, the challenges are often great and emotions generally run high. Simpl…
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By Morley, Jeremy D. American Bar Association. Third edition. 2021.
Every family lawyer should understand the workings of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. This updated third edition of The Hague Abduction Convention explains for family lawyers how this critical treaty works in the United States, both in theory and in practice. The renowned author, Jeremy D. Morley, has enormous experience counseling clients and fellow practitioners as to international family law matters globally, as well as lecturing on international child custody law to audiences around the world. Because family law is becoming increasingly internationalized with globalization, international relationships are common and international travel is growing. Family lawyers and judges may not be fully aware of the law and the voluminous case law that has developed around the Hague Convention. It operates in the United States in ways that are significantly different than in other Hague countries due to federal legislation that implements the treaty…
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By Wheeler, Charles. American Immigration Lawyers Association. Seventh edition. 2023.
This resource acts as a guide to the family-sponsored immigration application process for attorneys. It provides a thorough explanation of the DOS and handling of family-based visa petitions, immigrant applications, and more.
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By Nolo (Firm). Nolo. Twelfth edition. 2023.
This e-book from Nolo Press offers a variety of downloadable, editable legal forms for everyday situations such as borrowing & lending money, delegating authority to care for children or pets, buying & selling property, handling personal finances, and many more common situations.
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By Clark, Homer Harrison. West Academic. Third edition. 2021.
The 3rd edition of this one-volume treatise looks at both the history and current state of the law of domestic relations in this country, with chapters examining legal changes to marriage, contraception and abortion, divorce procedures, child custody, and termination of parental rights.
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By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. Second edition. 2014.
This book provides an overview of laws that affect families including: custody, adoption, care for the elderly, marriage, divorce, estate planning, and more.
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By Hertz, Frederick. Nolo. 20th edition. 2020.
"Take the proper legal steps to define and protect your relationship in the eyes of the law using the practical and legal information in this book. Even though the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in 2015, many questions remain for those same-sex couples who choose to remain unmarried and/or are registered in a civil union or domestic partnership. And parenting rights for same-sex couples still vary depending on the couple's relationship status and state laws. You'll learn about these important subjects and many more, including: domestic partner benefits; establishing parental rights, including through a second parent adoption, a stepparent adoption, a court judgement of parentage, and/or a contractual agreement; buying property together; and providing for each other upon death." - publisher description
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By Joshi, Ashish S. American Bar Association. ;2021-03. 2021.
Litigating Parental Alienation provides an in-depth examination of evaluating a case of parental alienation and practical guidance for handling a case in court. An overwhelming number of American family courts have acknowledged that parental alienation exists, although there is significant variance in how the courts have defined it and how they deal with it. As these cases involve not just family law practitioners, this book offers science, case law, and practice pointers for Guardians ad Litem, family court judges, referees, minors' counsel, and custody evaluators. The first chapter provides both a brief history and overview of the controversies surrounding the phenomenon of parental alienation, providing a starting point for a fundamental understanding of the concept. Author Ashish Joshi distills his experience of litigating parental alienation cases before family courts all over America and internationally. He discusses not just the concepts but also offers "hands on" practice poin…
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Latest received: 2023 Edition. By Shewmaker, Patricia D. Matthew Bender. 2018-.
The authors, Patricia and Steven Shewmaker, both served in the military before going on to earn their law degrees and fully understand the unique issues that confront military families.
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Nolo. Eleventh edition. 2020.
"Turn to Nolo's Encyclopedia of Everyday Law for answers to everyday legal questions that come up in all aspects of life. Easily locate concise explanations about legal issues including: - credit, debt, and bankruptcy - divorce, child custody, and visitation - wills, living trusts, and estate planning" -- from the publisher
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By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. 2023 edition. 2023.
This title provides an overview of common legal issues that arise when setting and adjusting child custody and child support agreements.
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By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. Tenth edition. 2024.
Information and guidance about the divorce process and steps of working with lawyers or mediators.
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By Hynan, Daniel J. American Bar Association. ;2018-05. 2018.
Providing expert assistance for developing effective, high-quality parenting plans, this book covers a broad range of information that serves as both essential reference material and a hands-on toolbox for family lawyers and related professionals. Author Daniel J. Hynan, Ph.D., ABAP, considers everything from ongoing controversies to empirical research to practical yet crucial considerations in the day-to-day lives of families. Accessible to professionals with all levels of experience in the area, this book integrates practical considerations about parenting plans with scientifically based and professional information. It begins by describing many of the controversies in the parenting plan arena, then provides a description of the foundation for building a good parenting plan. Parenting Plans: Meeting the Challenges with Facts and Analysis provides important information to assist in creating age- and situation-appropriate plans. Topics include: An overview of scientific, factual in…
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By Guggenheim, Martin. American Bar Association. 1;2016-06. 2016.
Representing Parents in Child Welfare Cases is a guide for attorneys representing parents accused of parental unfitness due to abuse or neglect. Leading experts provide insights into every step of the legal process, from the initial interview with the parent(s), through court hearings, to issues attendant to the Child Abuse and Neglect Registry System. Parents' attorney's must be prepared to navigate the obstacles created by the emotional nature of this work. Representing parents can be a lonely job, and natural biases against an accused parent can create additional obstacles from judicial officers, opposing counsel, social workers and service providers who are typically charged with assisting the reunification process. On the other side, competent legal representation often is the sole consistent support a parent has when he or she is pulled the child welfare system.This book offers practical, hands-on tips for attorneys at each stage of the process.
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By Stone, Carrie. First edition. 2013.
Grasp the latest legal information for gay and lesbian couplesSame-sex relationships are treated differently under each state's laws, and nearly a quarter of the U.S. population lives in a state with some form of legal recognition for same-sex couples.Same Sex Legal Kit For Dummies is a practical, plain-English guide to the legal information and guidance lesbian and gay couples need—from making practical decisions about living together and obtaining domestic partner benefits, to making medical decisions, taking care of each other's finances when one partner is incapacitated, leaving property to each other, having and raising children, and much more.Discusses power of attorney, health directives, and real estate and personal property ownershipCovers considerations for bank accounts, investments, and estate planningThe book's accompanying...The EPUB format of this title may not be compatible for use on all handheld devices.
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» Child Protection
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Child protective services handbook
By Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. Latest received: Automatic updates.
This handbook, authored by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, outlines the roles and duties of Child Protective Services (CPS).
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This is a featured Texas title Parent resource guide
Texas Supreme Court Permanent Judicial Commission for Children, Youth & Families. 2020.
The Supreme Court of Texas Permanent Judicial Commission for Children, Youth and Families created this handbook to help parents understand the Texas child welfare system, their role and responsibilities when involved in a Child Protective Services case, and the roles and responsibilities of others.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas child welfare law bench book : A practitioners guide
National Association of Counsel for Children. 2022.
"This revised edition of the Texas Child Welfare Law Bench Book (Bench Book) includes additions of and revisions to important topics such as Required Participation and Dual Status Youth. Based on feedback regarding usability, the 2022 edition is also organized into the following sections: Statutory, Legal Essentials, Federal, Health, Well-being, Safety, System Issues, and Family Connections"
This is a featured Texas title Texas practice guide for child protective services attorneys
By Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. 2018.
"The Texas Practice Guide for Child Protective Services Attorneys was launched in 2009 as a measure of support for the County and District Attorneys and Regional Attorneys who represent Child Protective Services across Texas. With many updates since that time, the Practice Guide is an ongoing effort to condense the expanding universe of information child protection attorneys need to do this important work." -Introduction
This is a featured Texas title Tool kit for attorneys representing the Texas Department of Family & Protective Services in child welfare cases
By Texas Children's Commission. Texas Children's Commission. 2022.
"This Tool Kit is designed to benefit prosecutors of all levels of experience by providing concise compilations of hearing checklists, relevant state and federal statutes, and Practice Tips. The Commission hopes this Tool Kit will help promote best practices for prosecutors representing the Department of Family and Protective Services across the state." - page 2
By Cushman, Travis A. American Bar Association. 1;2017-03. 2017.
Children deserve our love, support and most of all our protection. Child Abuse and Neglect Cases: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the System is roadmap for anyone that wants to help keep children safe. This guide suggests practice standards to help judges, parents' attorneys, children's attorneys, CFS workers, GALs and family members ask the questions that need to be asked in every case. The author of the book, Travis Cushman indicates that if the strategies outlined in the book are followed, it should reduce the chance of costly formal litigation. This book includes informative checklists such as: Receiving an Initial Report of possible Abuse or Neglect Danger Assessments – To Remove or Not to Remove Family Functioning Assessment TIA vs. TLC – Advantages and Disadvantages Drafting an Affidavit in Support of a Court Petition Show Cause Hearing Mediation Topics covered in the book include: What is the "System" Terms and Definitions The Need for a Balanced and Neutral …
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By Clawar, Stanley S. American Bar Association. 2;2. 2014.
In the first edition of Children Held Hostage, Stanley Clawar and Brynne Rivlin used their groundbreaking study of 700 families to demonstrate that children could and were being used by parents in the divorce battle. Their research showed how negative actions by parents toward their children would show up in court proceedings where children testify or are questioned by mental health professionals. Now completely updated and greatly expanded, the research underpinning the material in this book now focuses on research involving over 1,000 families. The major issue in confronting this problem of programmed and brainwashed children has been identification of a child alienated by one parent against the other; proving it in court; and then finding a solution that not only works, but that a court will buy into. The updated edition of Children Held Hostage explains these issues in detail, with practice-focused explanations on every step in the process. Among the many new information and findin…
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By Clark, Homer Harrison. West Academic. Third edition. 2021.
The 3rd edition of this one-volume treatise looks at both the history and current state of the law of domestic relations in this country, with chapters examining legal changes to marriage, contraception and abortion, divorce procedures, child custody, and termination of parental rights.
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By Hanks, James C. American Bar Association. 1;2016-2. 2016.
One measure of the scope of a problem is the attention it attracts from society in general and from the government in particular. There are support groups, programs, websites, and campaigns on Facebook, all focused on the problem of bullying. The news media regularly reports on incidents of bullying. Sometimes the consequences of bullying are tragic. Rebecca Sedwick, a twelve-year-old girl, tragically ended her life by jumping from a cement silo as a result of more than a year and a half of bullying by her fellow classmates, both at school and online. Another twelve-year- old, Hailee Lamberth, shot herself after being bullied daily, including name calling and several comments made by bullies such as "Drink Bleach and Die." Schools have a responsibility to provide a safe environment for students and protect their students from harassment and bullying in the school environment. Since public education remains a responsibility of the states and their units of local government, the primary …
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By Hudson, David L. Greenwood. Third edition. [2015].
A book that covers the legal rights of young adults in all aspects of their daily lives such as at home, at school and on the job. The third edition includes information on emerging topics such as cyber-bulling and sexting as well as recent changes to laws on privacy and LGBTQ rights.
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» Divorce
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Collaborative law : Start to finish
By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. 2014 Edition. 2014.
"This book discusses the practicalities of the collaborative law practice and its use in both family law and other civil cases. It includes forms to help the practitioner working on a case, as well as essential documents about the collaborative process and its history." -President's letter
This is a featured Texas title Pro se divorce handbook : Representing yourself in family court
State Bar of Texas. 2019.
"This handbook provides a general introduction to representing yourself in a simple(uncontested) divorce." - introduction
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This is a featured Texas title Texas annotated family code
By Staff, Publishers Editorial. LexisNexis. 2015 Edition. c2016.
"The Texas Annotated Family Code contains the complete Family Code in an easy-to-read, portable book with on-point, relevant annotations." — publisher
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This is a featured Texas title Texas family law practice and procedure
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. Second edition. 1997-.
This multivolume set provides comprehensive family law coverage including procedural explanations, drafting guides and forms, and citations to statutes/case law.
Note: This is a very popular item and is currently in high demand! Please e-mail or call the library at 512-463-1722 if you need a short excerpt from this e-book while it is checked out by another person.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas family law practice manual
State Bar of Texas. 2022.
The 2022 revision of this highly respected publication by the State Bar of Texas is now available as an eBook through the Lexis Digital Library! This manual contains over 750 family law forms, and the practice notes provide a general introduction into the most common types of family law actions including divorce, custody, child support, parental rights termination and adoption.
Note: This is a very popular item and is currently in high demand! Please e-mail or call the library at 512-463-1722 if you need a short excerpt from this e-book while it is checked out by another person.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas litigation guide
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1977-.
This comprehensive set explains the law and procedure in a given area and then provides drafting guides to prepare the forms. The set is divided into 10 different units: Pretrial Practice, Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Pleadings in Business Entity Litigation, Pleadings in Commercial Litigation, Pleadings in Real Estate Litigation, Pleadings in Personal Injury Litigation, Family Code Litigation, Probate Code Litigation, and Administrative Proceedings. (Due to publisher restrictions, this title may only be checked out from home by government employees. Members of the public must visit the library in person to view this title electronically or in print.)
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas small-firm practice tools
By Stormer, Cindy. James Publishing, Inc. 2024.
With over 560 forms for 16 practice areas, bring order and method to your practice, tackle new areas with confidence, and avoid omissions and wasted effort. This series includes step-by-step procedures, voice-of-experience tips, answers to common questions, mistakes to avoid, tax considerations, and practice checklists for small firms.
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By Herman, Gregg. American Bar Association. 4;2019-06. 2019.
Learn the tips and techniques that leading family lawyers have developed to help make their legal practice more effective. This popular compendium takes this practice-tested knowledge and distills it into an array of concise tips focused on family law. This information-packed guide is organized in 15 categories, including custody, fees, taxes, discovery, valuation, premarital agreements, settlement, trial tactics, and post-divorce issues.
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Latest received: Automatic updates. Wiley Law Publications. c1987-.
The American Journal of Family Law provides in-depth relevant, commentary on the current issues in today's practice. This quarterly journal is a family law resource that blends the practicality of experience with the credibility of thorough research. Each issue is authored by recognized leaders in the field to interpret changing perspectives and help prepare for new developments in family law practice and litigation.
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By Zemmelman, Mimi Lyster. Nolo. Tenth edition. 2022.
Nolo's guide to creating a co-parenting agreement provides information, worksheets, and a fill-in-the-blank parenting agreement to assist divorcing couples in making a fair and lasting child custody agreement. The mediation-based strategies contained in this book will help minimize conflict in resolving issues such as health care, education, and living arrangements.
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By Tesler, Pauline. American Bar Association. 3;2016-12. 2016.
The third edition of Collaborative Law is substantially revised and expanded. This edition serves both as a broad, comprehensive introduction to collaborative legal practice for lawyers new to the area as well as a current reference for more experienced practitioners. In the preface of the first edition, Stu Webb, the grandfather of collaborative law, wrote that practicing CL "will change your practice and your life." Webb knew what he was talking about. CL burst into view when Pauline H. Tesler "exported" the concept first developed by Webb in his practice. Over the years CL has consistently attracted lawyers who want to align their life values with their professional practice and who abhorred the adversarial norms of divorce litigation. CL has taught family lawyers an invaluable lesson on how to respond effectively to change the tone of contenuous divorce litigation to a civil conversation that results in an equitable agreement for both divorcing partners. In this book, the author cu…
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By Mennell, Robert L. West Academic Publishing. Fourth edition. 2018.
"Summarizes the marital property laws dealing with creation, management and termination of community property in nine states (Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin). The first portion of each chapter presents a broad overview, followed by the detail of the law in the second part. A third part explains how various states differ. Covers premarital contracts, transmutations, community property, separate property, and characterization issues. Discusses community property during a marriage, management and control, and liabilities. Addresses the termination of community property and the special problems that can result." - publisher's description
By Guillen, Lina. Nolo. Fourteenth edition. 2023.
"Make savvy, informed financial decisions during divorce. Learn about dividing debts, setting alimony, negotiating a fair settlement, and more. With Divorce & Money, you'll find out how to: -avoid tax problems -handle alimony and child support -reduce risks to your investments" - publisher's description
By Green, Janice. Nolo. Sixth edition. 2025.
"Legal information and practical advice for older Americans dealing with divorce. Divorce rates are soaring among seniors, but the legal and emotional challenges you face as an older adult are different from those that apply to younger divorcees. That's why you need Divorce After 50, the only guide around that addresses the challenges unique to your age group. Written by an attorney who specializes in divorce among the over-50 age group, Divorce After 50 covers these subjects and much more:. how to get guidance from friends, family, and, as needed, lawyers. ways to divorce -- collaborative, mediated, contested, etc. marital property: what it is, what you do with it, and how to divide assets and liabilities. how to survive financially during and after divorce. how health care and estate planning are impacted by divorce. alternatives to divorce, including post-nuptial agreements You'll get all the information you need to decide whether and how to divorce, plus plenty of divorce surviv…
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By Childs, Lindsay H. American Bar Association. 2;2021-03. 2021.
A multitude of complex issues can be involved when handling the divorce of a couple who has achieved a level of personal and financial security. This updated edition addresses how a divorce case is affected by estate planning established during the marriage, explaining how to review existing estate plans to avoid complications. Divorcing clients who are 45 years of age and older present special concerns for family lawyers as they often have achieved some level of personal and financial security. To help guide practitioners through the multitude of complex issues when handling a divorce case in these circumstances, this updated edition explains how to handle a divorcing couple's assets while also considering issues related to their age, the length of their marriage, and other complicating factors such as medical directives, spousal support, wills and trusts, and retirement plans. Divorce in the Golden Years also includes invaluable appendices that provide relevant information by state…
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By Peskind, Steven N. American Bar Association. Second edition. 2022.
With an emphasis on courtroom advocacy, this resource guides the reader from pre-trial considerations through each step of a divorce trial. It is an excellent resource for family law attorneys looking to improve their trial practice skills.
By Stoner, Katherine E. Nolo. Seventh edition. 2024.
If you are trying to avoid legal bills and headaches during your divorce, this book can assist in guiding you through a negotiated divorce through means of mediation and/or collaboration.
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By Wells, Kristi Anderson. American Bar Association. 1;2018-11. 2018.
For the family lawyer handling a case involving executive compensation, there can be a dizzying array of arrangements, plans, bonuses, and agreements that can seem overwhelming. Providing an invaluable roadmap to a complicated aspect of financial issues occurring in divorce, this book offers a practical guide to understanding, negotiating, and dividing assets that fall into the broad category of executive compensation. These assets are notoriously complex, and this book provides alerts to common pitfalls while providing the background to allow the lawyer to explain the issues to both clients and judges. Executive compensation can include stock options, restricted stock, restricted stock units, phantom stock, stock appreciation rights, longterm incentive plans, short-term incentive plans, cash bonuses, and supplemental executive retirement plans, among a myriad of other arrangements. This book looks at the executive compensation options where the benefit is in the category of nonqualifi…
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By Myers, John E. B. West Academic Publishing. Eighth edition. 2022.
This book comprehensively surveys the traditional landscape of family law as well as important new legislation and case law relating to domestic partnerships, same-sex marriage, parentage, adoption, child custody and support.
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By Wadlington, Walter. Third edition. 2012.
This book continues the approach of the previous editions, offering a conceptual approach to the legal issues implicit in family law.
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By Mason, R. Miles. American Bar Association. 2;2019-05. 2019.
The relationship between the family lawyer and the forensic accountant can be an effective weapon in the advocacy arsenal. Forensic accounting can help family lawyers win cases while at the same time their clients are able to keep money which might otherwise be taken from them by the difficult and confusing divorce process. This updated edition of one the ABA's most popular resources explains the practice of forensic accounting and business valuation and how to apply it in family law cases. It provides a practice-focused introduction to the core financial concepts in divorce, such as asset identification, classification, and valuation, income determination, expenses, and more.
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By Alderman, Richard M. Lone Star Books. Ninth edition. 2018.
Practical, easy-to-understand answers to questions about divorce, child support, and child custody; credit, bankruptcy, and debt collection; starting a business; leases and tenant rights; small claims court and lawyers; wills and probate; false advertising and warranties; immigration; and more.
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By Ventura, John. Second edition. 2005.
Get answers to your legal questions -- in plain English!Find out how to protect your family, your money, your job, and your rightsIf you're like most people, you probably don't know much about your legal rights and responsibilities -- until you run smack-dab into a messy legal problem. Now revised and updated, this friendly guide helps you get a handle on a wide range of everyday legal issues, decipher legal mumbo-jumbo -- and come out on top.Discover how to:Protect your child support rightsArm yourself against identity theftClean up your credit and improve your credit scoreHire the right attorney for your needsDraw up wills and living wills
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By Nolo (Firm). Nolo. Twelfth edition. 2023.
This e-book from Nolo Press offers a variety of downloadable, editable legal forms for everyday situations such as borrowing & lending money, delegating authority to care for children or pets, buying & selling property, handling personal finances, and many more common situations.
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By Clark, Homer Harrison. West Academic. Third edition. 2021.
The 3rd edition of this one-volume treatise looks at both the history and current state of the law of domestic relations in this country, with chapters examining legal changes to marriage, contraception and abortion, divorce procedures, child custody, and termination of parental rights.
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By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. Second edition. 2014.
This book provides an overview of laws that affect families including: custody, adoption, care for the elderly, marriage, divorce, estate planning, and more.
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By Hertz, Frederick. Nolo. 20th edition. 2020.
"Take the proper legal steps to define and protect your relationship in the eyes of the law using the practical and legal information in this book. Even though the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in 2015, many questions remain for those same-sex couples who choose to remain unmarried and/or are registered in a civil union or domestic partnership. And parenting rights for same-sex couples still vary depending on the couple's relationship status and state laws. You'll learn about these important subjects and many more, including: domestic partner benefits; establishing parental rights, including through a second parent adoption, a stepparent adoption, a court judgement of parentage, and/or a contractual agreement; buying property together; and providing for each other upon death." - publisher description
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By Coenen, Tracy. American Bar Association. 2;2020-01. 2020.
Accounting is a topic that can frighten otherwise brave professionals. All the asset, liability, income, and expense talk can be overwhelming if the listener is not trained in the field of accounting. Even those who have taken a couple of accounting courses can get bogged down in the details and have a difficult time translating the numbers and determining what they really mean to a case. The best forensic accountants are able to present financial issues in litigation so they can be understood readily. Attorneys, judges, and juries often lack an accounting or finance background, so being able to break down financial topics in a way that is easy to understand is essential for forensic accountants. The best expert witnesses are those who can relate to the judge and jury and who can make sense of even the most complex numbers Although a financial expert can be involved in family law cases in many different ways, this book focuses on determining income, determining the standard of living, …
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By Hertz, Frederick. Nolo. 2018.
Newly revised after the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges U.S. Supreme Court ruling, this book provides an overview of same-sex marriage laws, planning for marriage, prenuptial agreements, estate planning, and more.
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By Scharff, Kate. American Bar Association. 1;2017-03. 2017.
"What makes a great divorce professional great?" This clear, accessible how-to guide answers that question through a rich blend of theory, true-to-life vignettes, and practical techniques. The authors start with the notion that divorce is best viewed not as a failure, but as a developmental crisis in the life of a couple. Scharff and Herrick then explore our roles as helping professionals, and provide a clear roadmap for supporting clients in reaching durable agreements under conditions of stress. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or new to the field, whether you're an attorney, mental health professional, financial expert or allied professional, you'll find fresh perspectives on familiar concepts, surprising new ideas, group and individual "exercises" for ongoing learning, and a trove of tools to add to your professional toolbox. Among the key topics you'll learn about are: Divorce as a developmental experience The human relationship to change (and why it matters) How to provide the c…
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By Sullivan, Mark Eugene. American Bar Association. 3;2019-06. 2019.
The Military Divorce Handbook: A Practical Guide to Representing Military Personnel and Their Families is the best single resource available to guide you to a better understanding of the unique issues involved in military divorces. Now in its third edition, author Mark Sullivan's seminal treatment of the subject is a one-of-a-kind reference that examines all aspects of military divorce law, explaining it for civilian practitioners, and providing a quick reference to answers and forms for attorneys.
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By Vasileff, Lili A. American Bar Association. 1;2018-01. 2018.
Most people head straight into divorce without preparing themselves for the journey that lies ahead. Whether or not the divorce is of your choosing, you need the necessary guidance and useful information. Financial planning for the future is an essential part of every divorce settlement. Separating couples often face a significant financial transformation. The bottom line is that two households must now survive on the dollars that formerly supported one. Transition is a critical time when you need the most help to understand the pros and cons of your financial options, how to set priorities, and when to reach a settlement with confidence. Money and Divorce: The Essential Roadmap to Mastering Financial Decisions will help you make informed and intelligent choices concerning financial issues in divorce. The book explains the fundamentals—illustrating how to set goals, deal with finances, navigate the legal process, and protect against unforeseen events. Over the years, author Lil…
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By Scharff, Kate. American Bar Association. ;1. 2014.
Designed to help all professionals -- lawyers, as well as mental health professionals, financial neutrals, etc. -- who practice in the area of Collaborative Divorce, this important new book explains how marital dynamics (both conscious and unconscious), combined with the traumas of both the current divorce and those resulting from previous situations, will be re-enacted within the Collaborative process. If these traumas and dynamic re-enactments go unaddressed, misunderstood or unmetabolized by the team they can impede progress, create difficulty in team functioning, result in a compromised agreement, or cause a complete break-down of the process itself. Navigating Emotional Currents in Collaborative Divorce offers both a theoretical and practical roadmap for navigating the Collaborative process from an emotional point of view. The authors, Kate Scharff and Lisa Herrick, recognize that readers will come to the book with varying degrees of psychological savvy and self-awareness. The bo…
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By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. Tenth edition. 2024.
Information and guidance about the divorce process and steps of working with lawyers or mediators.
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Latest received: Automatic updates. By Ackerman, Marc J. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. Seventh edition. 2018.
"Emotionally charged issues abound in matrimonial practice, especially in custody disputes. Expert testimony can have a dramatic impact on the outcome of a case, and when matters are highly sensitive or sensational the seeming objectivity of an expert can be dispositive. To effectively reinforce or question that testimony, certain specialized knowledge is essential. Scientifically accepted standards and theories are constantly evolving. Keeping up with the data had been a challenge, but one integrated resource has made it simple. Aspen Publishers’ Psychological Experts in Divorce Actions pulls all the research together into the definitive guide to understanding the role of psychological evaluations in divorce and custody actions. Focused on providing the best approach to protecting your client’s interests, this work explains all the leading testing instruments,what conclusions may be drawn and how to challenge or support those conclusions. In addition to offering effective examination …
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Latest received: Automatic updates. By Shulman, Gary A. Aspen. Fourth edition. [c2006/2017?]-.
" Distilled from years of Fortune 500 consulting practice, Shulman's administrative tools and techniques in Qualified Domestic Relations Order Handbook help plan administrators streamline the entire QDRO review and compliance process, while cutting the risk of errors, penalties, and litigation. They include model policies and procedures, review checklists, staff training cases, and more. Contains new models and guidelines for drafting airtight QDROs that speed approval, maximize your clients' rights, and steer you through the malpractice minefields of ERISA and the IRC." -publisher's description
By Stone, Carrie. First edition. 2013.
Grasp the latest legal information for gay and lesbian couplesSame-sex relationships are treated differently under each state's laws, and nearly a quarter of the U.S. population lives in a state with some form of legal recognition for same-sex couples.Same Sex Legal Kit For Dummies is a practical, plain-English guide to the legal information and guidance lesbian and gay couples need—from making practical decisions about living together and obtaining domestic partner benefits, to making medical decisions, taking care of each other's finances when one partner is incapacitated, leaving property to each other, having and raising children, and much more.Discusses power of attorney, health directives, and real estate and personal property ownershipCovers considerations for bank accounts, investments, and estate planningThe book's accompanying...The EPUB format of this title may not be compatible for use on all handheld devices.
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By Herman, Gregg. American Bar Association. 2;2021-03. 2021.
Negotiation is a critical part of any family lawyer's job, and thus the importance of becoming a better negotiator cannot be overstated. The updated edition of Settlement Negotiation Techniques in Family Law by Gregg Herman brings together many of the concepts of divorce settlement negotiations to help lawyers improve their skills at divorce negotiation. Well-written and logically organized, this revised and expanded volume offers reasoned and tested approaches that help lawyers better understand the many aspects of negotiation, and through this process assist their clients in getting to "yes." For lawyers who have used various negotiation techniques in the past and see room for improvement, this is an invaluable, clearly written resource based on the realities of daily legal practice. Beginning with traditional theories and basic concepts of negotiation, Gregg Herman examines the nuts-and-bolts issues involved in divorce negotiation and settlement. From issues of timing to how to pr…
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By Hudson, David L. Greenwood. Third edition. [2015].
A book that covers the legal rights of young adults in all aspects of their daily lives such as at home, at school and on the job. The third edition includes information on emerging topics such as cyber-bulling and sexting as well as recent changes to laws on privacy and LGBTQ rights.
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Latest received: Automatic updates. J. Wiley. Fifth edition. [2017]-.
Most states across the country have some form of equitable distribution of assets upon divorce. There are three basic steps in any property distribution scheme: identification, valuation and distribution of those assets. Valuation Strategies in Divorce, Fifth Edition covers virtually all valuation issues that arise in a divorce case.
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Latest received: Automatic updates. By Altschuler, Mark K. Aspen. Fifth edition. [2013?]-.
Value of Pensions in Divorce, Fourth Edition, provides guidelines for financial advisors, divorce attorneys, and pension actuaries through every stage of the pension valuation process - from preliminary client interview to review of pension valuation reports, drafting of qualified domestic relations orders (QDROs), and cross-examination of expert witnesses. Mathematics are kept to a minimum, and legal principles and concepts of pension valuation are translated into plain English and illustrated with examples, sample court orders, and pension documents.
Latest received: Automatic updates. Aspen Publishers. c2001-.
"This newly updated guide for matrimonial lawyers and accountants is the companion publication for Feder's Valuation Strategies in Divorce. In individual chapters, detailed information is provided on how to evaluate specific types of marital assets; the particular accounting and financial conventions that affect the owner's income from the asset and the value of the asset; and the rules, regulations and issues peculiar to the particular asset. " -publisher's description
» Family Violence
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Emergency protective order in a box
By Texas Advocacy Project. Texas Advocacy Project. 2012.
This manual provides ideas and guidelines for law enforcement, advocates, and attorneys who are trying to aid families dealing with domestic violence.
This is a featured Texas title The Texas family violence bench book
Latest received: 2011 Edition. By Texas. Office of Court Administration. 2011.
"This benchbook provides the Texas judiciary with a single, comprehensive reference for family violence law. In addition to identifying and organizing the relevant primary sources (state and federal statutes annotated with case law), the benchbook also ... [provides] hyperlinks to the on-line resources discussed in each chapter's comments section." - publisher's description
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By Cushman, Travis A. American Bar Association. 1;2017-03. 2017.
Children deserve our love, support and most of all our protection. Child Abuse and Neglect Cases: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the System is roadmap for anyone that wants to help keep children safe. This guide suggests practice standards to help judges, parents' attorneys, children's attorneys, CFS workers, GALs and family members ask the questions that need to be asked in every case. The author of the book, Travis Cushman indicates that if the strategies outlined in the book are followed, it should reduce the chance of costly formal litigation. This book includes informative checklists such as: Receiving an Initial Report of possible Abuse or Neglect Danger Assessments – To Remove or Not to Remove Family Functioning Assessment TIA vs. TLC – Advantages and Disadvantages Drafting an Affidavit in Support of a Court Petition Show Cause Hearing Mediation Topics covered in the book include: What is the "System" Terms and Definitions The Need for a Balanced and Neutral …
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By Weisberg, D. Kelly. West Academic Publishing. First edition. 2019.
This Hornbook is a comprehensive, well-researched overview of all aspects of state and federal law on domestic violence, including the pending VAWA Reauthorization bill before Congress, as well as in-depth coverage on topics such as abuse, child welfare, tort remedies and firearms regulation.
Latest received: 2023 Edition. By Shewmaker, Patricia D. Matthew Bender. 2018-.
The authors, Patricia and Steven Shewmaker, both served in the military before going on to earn their law degrees and fully understand the unique issues that confront military families.
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» Grandparents
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Texas family law practice and procedure
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. Second edition. 1997-.
This multivolume set provides comprehensive family law coverage including procedural explanations, drafting guides and forms, and citations to statutes/case law.
Note: This is a very popular item and is currently in high demand! Please e-mail or call the library at 512-463-1722 if you need a short excerpt from this e-book while it is checked out by another person.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas small-firm practice tools
By Stormer, Cindy. James Publishing, Inc. 2024.
With over 560 forms for 16 practice areas, bring order and method to your practice, tackle new areas with confidence, and avoid omissions and wasted effort. This series includes step-by-step procedures, voice-of-experience tips, answers to common questions, mistakes to avoid, tax considerations, and practice checklists for small firms.
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By Green, Janice. Nolo. Sixth edition. 2025.
"Legal information and practical advice for older Americans dealing with divorce. Divorce rates are soaring among seniors, but the legal and emotional challenges you face as an older adult are different from those that apply to younger divorcees. That's why you need Divorce After 50, the only guide around that addresses the challenges unique to your age group. Written by an attorney who specializes in divorce among the over-50 age group, Divorce After 50 covers these subjects and much more:. how to get guidance from friends, family, and, as needed, lawyers. ways to divorce -- collaborative, mediated, contested, etc. marital property: what it is, what you do with it, and how to divide assets and liabilities. how to survive financially during and after divorce. how health care and estate planning are impacted by divorce. alternatives to divorce, including post-nuptial agreements You'll get all the information you need to decide whether and how to divorce, plus plenty of divorce surviv…
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By Kaplan, Richard L. West Academic. Eighth edition. 2023.
This book provides a brief overview of elder law. Topics covered include ethical considerations, health care decision making, Medicaid, SSI, guardianship alternatives, pension plans, and elder abuse and neglect.
By Matthews, J. L. Nolo. Thirteenth edition. 2020.
This book by Nolo helps readers find information on long-term medical care and financial planning. Long-Term Care helps readers understand the range of available choices helping them to explore options for home care, assisted living and nursing homes, maximizing Medicare, Medicaid and veterans' programs, and preventing elder fraud.
By Hegland, Kenney F. West Academic Publishing. First edition. 2013.
A quick and easy guide to problems of aging and how the law and practical advice can make things better.
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The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Texas family law practice and procedure
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. Second edition. 1997-.
This multivolume set provides comprehensive family law coverage including procedural explanations, drafting guides and forms, and citations to statutes/case law.
Note: This is a very popular item and is currently in high demand! Please e-mail or call the library at 512-463-1722 if you need a short excerpt from this e-book while it is checked out by another person.
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By Burda, Joan M. American Bar Association. 1;2016-06. 2016.
Estate planning is more than deciding how an estate will be divided post-mortem. Sure that is a part of it, but the other part planning. The key is honing in on the best way to protect your clients' interests during their lifetime. When the ABA released the second edition of this book in 2012, a mere six jurisdictions recognized marriage equality. What a difference a day makes...this third edition follows hard on the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. The court decided that "marriage is a fundamental right inherent in the liberty of the person, and under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment, couples of the same-sex may not be deprived of that right and that liberty." What seemed an impossible pipe dream at the turn of the century is now a reality. From now on there is no "same-sex marriage" or "opposite-sex marriage"; there is only marriage. Marriage is just part of the equation. It is the beginning not the…
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By Hertz, Frederick. Nolo. 20th edition. 2020.
"Take the proper legal steps to define and protect your relationship in the eyes of the law using the practical and legal information in this book. Even though the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in 2015, many questions remain for those same-sex couples who choose to remain unmarried and/or are registered in a civil union or domestic partnership. And parenting rights for same-sex couples still vary depending on the couple's relationship status and state laws. You'll learn about these important subjects and many more, including: domestic partner benefits; establishing parental rights, including through a second parent adoption, a stepparent adoption, a court judgement of parentage, and/or a contractual agreement; buying property together; and providing for each other upon death." - publisher description
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By Warner, Ralph E. Nolo. Seventeenth edition. 2020.
"Find all the information and forms unmarried couples need to define and protect their relationship in the eyes of the law. An essential resource for any unmarried couple, Living Together explains: the legality of living together; having and raising children; the many types of ownership agreements. Includes all the legal forms you need! - publisher's description
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By Hertz, Frederick. Nolo. 2018.
Newly revised after the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges U.S. Supreme Court ruling, this book provides an overview of same-sex marriage laws, planning for marriage, prenuptial agreements, estate planning, and more.
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By Stone, Carrie. First edition. 2013.
Grasp the latest legal information for gay and lesbian couplesSame-sex relationships are treated differently under each state's laws, and nearly a quarter of the U.S. population lives in a state with some form of legal recognition for same-sex couples.Same Sex Legal Kit For Dummies is a practical, plain-English guide to the legal information and guidance lesbian and gay couples need—from making practical decisions about living together and obtaining domestic partner benefits, to making medical decisions, taking care of each other's finances when one partner is incapacitated, leaving property to each other, having and raising children, and much more.Discusses power of attorney, health directives, and real estate and personal property ownershipCovers considerations for bank accounts, investments, and estate planningThe book's accompanying...The EPUB format of this title may not be compatible for use on all handheld devices.
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By Colker, Ruth. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. c2024.
"This Nutshell presents a very timely overview of legal topics relating to sexual orientation, gender identity and the law. Topics covered include: regulation of sexuality, gender identity and expression, parenthood, marriage, United States military, nondiscrimination statutes and ordinances, freedom of expression, freedom of association, and religious freedom. Discussion includes developments at the federal, state and local level. Statutes discussed include Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX; the Fair Housing Act; the Affordable Care Act; Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; Defense of Marriage Act, as well as some of the anti-LGBT rights measures that have been adopted in various states." - publisher's description
By Hudson, David L. Greenwood. Third edition. [2015].
A book that covers the legal rights of young adults in all aspects of their daily lives such as at home, at school and on the job. The third edition includes information on emerging topics such as cyber-bulling and sexting as well as recent changes to laws on privacy and LGBTQ rights.
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By Howell, Ally Windsor. American Bar Association. 1;2016-2. 2016.
Transgender Persons and the Law, 2nd Edition further solidifies the ABA's position as the forerunner and champion of combatting transgender discrimination and safeguarding the legal rights of all transgender individuals. This new edition is an excellent resource for lawyers as well as lay-activists engaged in transgender human and civil rights albeit in the courts or in legislative lobbying. The following areas of the law are thoroughly explained in the book: —What is transgendered? —Identification documents —Public facilities —Housing concerns —Military and veterans issues —Family law —School matters —Health care —Personal safety concerns —Keeping and securing employment —Immigration problems —Criminal imprisonment disputes Transgender Persons and the Law, 2nd Edition includes the latest regulations and policy statements (including the looming Executive Order by President Obama on LGBT discrimination by federal co…
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» Marriage & Domestic Partnerships
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Texas annotated family code
By Staff, Publishers Editorial. LexisNexis. 2015 Edition. c2016.
"The Texas Annotated Family Code contains the complete Family Code in an easy-to-read, portable book with on-point, relevant annotations." — publisher
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This is a featured Texas title Texas family law practice and procedure
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. Second edition. 1997-.
This multivolume set provides comprehensive family law coverage including procedural explanations, drafting guides and forms, and citations to statutes/case law.
Note: This is a very popular item and is currently in high demand! Please e-mail or call the library at 512-463-1722 if you need a short excerpt from this e-book while it is checked out by another person.
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By Herman, Gregg. American Bar Association. 4;2019-06. 2019.
Learn the tips and techniques that leading family lawyers have developed to help make their legal practice more effective. This popular compendium takes this practice-tested knowledge and distills it into an array of concise tips focused on family law. This information-packed guide is organized in 15 categories, including custody, fees, taxes, discovery, valuation, premarital agreements, settlement, trial tactics, and post-divorce issues.
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By Mennell, Robert L. West Academic Publishing. Fourth edition. 2018.
"Summarizes the marital property laws dealing with creation, management and termination of community property in nine states (Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin). The first portion of each chapter presents a broad overview, followed by the detail of the law in the second part. A third part explains how various states differ. Covers premarital contracts, transmutations, community property, separate property, and characterization issues. Discusses community property during a marriage, management and control, and liabilities. Addresses the termination of community property and the special problems that can result." - publisher's description
By Hertz, Frederick. American Bar Association. ;1. 2014.
This new, revised and expanded edition of Counseling Unmarried Couples will give you the tools you need to serve the legal needs of this growing segment of society. Beyond summing up legal rules and writing competent agreements, a representative of this market needs to integrate and interpret the legal rules for your clients in a realistic, comprehensible, and meaningful manner. Only by doing so can you effectively guide your clients, heterosexual and homosexual, in making wise decisions about their homes, their children, and their assets.
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Latest received: Automatic updates. By Skoloff, Gary N. Aspen Publishers. [2012?].
"Prenuptial agreements have exploded over the past 20 years, not only among celebrities, but also for all types of people who desire to protect, manage, or enhance their personal, family, or business assets against foreseen and unforeseen circumstances. Attorneys have been assigned the task of cutting through a morass of issues to create agreements that achieve the goals of their clients while meeting complex, and often subtle, legal requirements. Drafting Prenuptial Agreements is the first guidebook ever to cover this growing area of family law." -publisher's descriptions
By Gallanis, Thomas P. West. Sixth edition. 2018.
"This comprehensive guide provides an overview of the rules and principles of estates and future interests, including concurrent estates, marital estates (including the modern elective share), and powers of appointment. It includes new innovations from the Restatement 3d of Property, modernizing the law of future interests and dramatically changing the Rule Against Perpetuities. With respect to powers of appointment, the book incorporates the clarifications and modernizations of the law in the Restatement 3d of Property and the Uniform Powers of Appointment Act (2013, with subsequent amendments). The book also has exercises, with answers at the back. Valuable for students in first-year Property and upper-year courses in Trusts and Estates." - publisher's description
By Myers, John E. B. West Academic Publishing. Eighth edition. 2022.
This book comprehensively surveys the traditional landscape of family law as well as important new legislation and case law relating to domestic partnerships, same-sex marriage, parentage, adoption, child custody and support.
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By Wadlington, Walter. Third edition. 2012.
This book continues the approach of the previous editions, offering a conceptual approach to the legal issues implicit in family law.
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Family Law Litigation Committee of the Section of Litigation, American Bar Association. 2001.
"Provides information about family law matters and focuses on providing representation or assistance to underrepresented parties in family law matters, and the role that individual practitioners and the bar can play in these efforts." - publisher's description
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Latest received: Automatic updates. Aspen Law & Business. [c2001]-.
"Family Law Update covers all the current issues and relevant opinions pertaining to Family Law. It brings the most salient information to your fingertips. It is fully comprehensive and concrete, with its broad coverage and multiple sources." -publisher's description
By Bray, Ilona M. Nolo. Eleventh edition. 2022.
"Married or engaged to a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, and need to apply for a green card or visa? You can get through this daunting immigration process, but only with current legal information that covers your exact situation. With Fiancé & Marriage Visas, you'll learn to: adopt the best strategy for your application, prepare for meetings with immigration officials, and learn how to prove your marriage is the real thing.
By Wheeler, Charles. American Immigration Lawyers Association. Seventh edition. 2023.
This resource acts as a guide to the family-sponsored immigration application process for attorneys. It provides a thorough explanation of the DOS and handling of family-based visa petitions, immigrant applications, and more.
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By Clark, Homer Harrison. West Academic. Third edition. 2021.
The 3rd edition of this one-volume treatise looks at both the history and current state of the law of domestic relations in this country, with chapters examining legal changes to marriage, contraception and abortion, divorce procedures, child custody, and termination of parental rights.
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By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. Second edition. 2014.
This book provides an overview of laws that affect families including: custody, adoption, care for the elderly, marriage, divorce, estate planning, and more.
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By Hertz, Frederick. Nolo. 20th edition. 2020.
"Take the proper legal steps to define and protect your relationship in the eyes of the law using the practical and legal information in this book. Even though the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in 2015, many questions remain for those same-sex couples who choose to remain unmarried and/or are registered in a civil union or domestic partnership. And parenting rights for same-sex couples still vary depending on the couple's relationship status and state laws. You'll learn about these important subjects and many more, including: domestic partner benefits; establishing parental rights, including through a second parent adoption, a stepparent adoption, a court judgement of parentage, and/or a contractual agreement; buying property together; and providing for each other upon death." - publisher description
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By Hertz, Frederick. Nolo. 2018.
Newly revised after the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges U.S. Supreme Court ruling, this book provides an overview of same-sex marriage laws, planning for marriage, prenuptial agreements, estate planning, and more.
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Nolo. Eleventh edition. 2020.
"Turn to Nolo's Encyclopedia of Everyday Law for answers to everyday legal questions that come up in all aspects of life. Easily locate concise explanations about legal issues including: - credit, debt, and bankruptcy - divorce, child custody, and visitation - wills, living trusts, and estate planning" -- from the publisher
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By Stoner, Katherine E. Nolo. Sixth edition. 2019.
"Marriage is one of the few personal contracts in which your state dictates the terms -- unless you create your own customized premarital agreement. Combining Nolo's legal expertise and plain-English writing, Prenuptial Agreements makes a potentially touchy subject easy to deal with while explaining how to create a valid contract. The book covers whether a prenup is right for your relationship, how to decide what a prenup should include, how to assemble a draft agreement, how to turn your draft into a contract and tips on negotiating and communicating." - Publisher's description
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By Stone, Carrie. First edition. 2013.
Grasp the latest legal information for gay and lesbian couplesSame-sex relationships are treated differently under each state's laws, and nearly a quarter of the U.S. population lives in a state with some form of legal recognition for same-sex couples.Same Sex Legal Kit For Dummies is a practical, plain-English guide to the legal information and guidance lesbian and gay couples need—from making practical decisions about living together and obtaining domestic partner benefits, to making medical decisions, taking care of each other's finances when one partner is incapacitated, leaving property to each other, having and raising children, and much more.Discusses power of attorney, health directives, and real estate and personal property ownershipCovers considerations for bank accounts, investments, and estate planningThe book's accompanying...The EPUB format of this title may not be compatible for use on all handheld devices.
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» CLEs
By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2022.
Prepared for the 'Advanced Child Protection Law Course' sponsored by the State Bar of Texas.
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By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2023.
Prepared for the 'Advanced Child Protection Law Course' sponsored by the State Bar of Texas.
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By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2017.
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By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2018.
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By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2019.
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By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2020.
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By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2021.
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By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2022.
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By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2023.
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Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2021.
This Continuing Legal Education course from the State Bar of Texas offers guidance on the drafting of family law documents with articles focused on areas such as pretrial motions, mediation, summary judgments, pattern jury charges and post-trial motions with additional tips for attorneys on how they can provide efficient pro bono services.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2018.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2020.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2022.
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By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. Professional Development Program. 2017.
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By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. Professional Development Program. 2018.
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By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. Professional Development Program. 2019.
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By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. Professional Development Program. 2022.
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By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. Professional Development Program. 2023.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2023.
Prepared for the 'Child Protection Law 101 Course' sponsored by the Child Protection Law Section of the State Bar of Texas.
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2018.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2020.
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State Bar of Texas. 2021.
The State Bar's latest installment of Family Law Book Camp is a Continuing Legal Education title that features tips and tricks to help lawyers manage client expectations, try a case on a small budget, and build a family law case file. Other included articles explore the basics of discovery, evidence and presentation, and how to prepare for mediation.
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State Bar of Texas. 2022.
The State Bar's latest installment of Family Law Book Camp is a Continuing Legal Education title that features tips and tricks to help lawyers manage client expectations, try a case on a small budget, and build a family law case file. Other included articles explore the basics of discovery, evidence and presentation, and how to prepare for mediation.
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State Bar of Texas. 2023.
The State Bar's latest installment of Family Law Book Camp is a Continuing Legal Education title that features tips and tricks to help lawyers manage client expectations, try a case on a small budget, and build a family law case file. Other included articles explore the basics of discovery, evidence and presentation, and how to prepare for mediation.
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2021.
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State Bar of Texas. 2022.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2018.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2021.
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State Bar of Texas. 2016.
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2018.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2020.
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By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. 2022.
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2018.
LGBTQ law intersects with other aspects of the law in a myriad of ways - e.g., family law, immigration, employment. The State Bar's LGBTQ-focused CLE course will help practitioners understand recent developments in the law and what they mean for their LGBTQ clients.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
This CLE course helps attorneys understand the legal landscape for their LGBTQ clients. It looks at new legal developments in family law, criminal law, employment law, real property, and immigration.
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State Bar of Texas. 2021.
With sections on landlord/tenant issues, religious exemptions, employment litigation, and probate and estate issues, this Continuing Legal Education material from the State Bar of Texas aims to help lawyers better understand how the constantly evolving law impacts their LGBTQ clients and how to best represent them.
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2018.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2021.
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State Bar of Texas. 2022.
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State Bar of Texas. 2023.
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Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2016.
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Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development. 2010.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development. 2016.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development. 2018.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development. 2022.
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» All Titles
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Child protective services handbook
By Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. Latest received: Automatic updates.
This handbook, authored by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, outlines the roles and duties of Child Protective Services (CPS).
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This is a featured Texas title Collaborative law : Start to finish
By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. 2014 Edition. 2014.
"This book discusses the practicalities of the collaborative law practice and its use in both family law and other civil cases. It includes forms to help the practitioner working on a case, as well as essential documents about the collaborative process and its history." -President's letter
This is a featured Texas title Emergency protective order in a box
By Texas Advocacy Project. Texas Advocacy Project. 2012.
This manual provides ideas and guidelines for law enforcement, advocates, and attorneys who are trying to aid families dealing with domestic violence.
This is a featured Texas title Parent resource guide
Texas Supreme Court Permanent Judicial Commission for Children, Youth & Families. 2020.
The Supreme Court of Texas Permanent Judicial Commission for Children, Youth and Families created this handbook to help parents understand the Texas child welfare system, their role and responsibilities when involved in a Child Protective Services case, and the roles and responsibilities of others.
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This is a featured Texas title Pro se divorce handbook : Representing yourself in family court
State Bar of Texas. 2019.
"This handbook provides a general introduction to representing yourself in a simple(uncontested) divorce." - introduction
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This is a featured Texas title Texas annotated family code
By Staff, Publishers Editorial. LexisNexis. 2015 Edition. c2016.
"The Texas Annotated Family Code contains the complete Family Code in an easy-to-read, portable book with on-point, relevant annotations." — publisher
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This is a featured Texas title Texas child welfare law bench book : A practitioners guide
National Association of Counsel for Children. 2022.
"This revised edition of the Texas Child Welfare Law Bench Book (Bench Book) includes additions of and revisions to important topics such as Required Participation and Dual Status Youth. Based on feedback regarding usability, the 2022 edition is also organized into the following sections: Statutory, Legal Essentials, Federal, Health, Well-being, Safety, System Issues, and Family Connections"
This is a featured Texas title Texas family law practice and procedure
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. Second edition. 1997-.
This multivolume set provides comprehensive family law coverage including procedural explanations, drafting guides and forms, and citations to statutes/case law.
Note: This is a very popular item and is currently in high demand! Please e-mail or call the library at 512-463-1722 if you need a short excerpt from this e-book while it is checked out by another person.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas family law practice manual
State Bar of Texas. 2022.
The 2022 revision of this highly respected publication by the State Bar of Texas is now available as an eBook through the Lexis Digital Library! This manual contains over 750 family law forms, and the practice notes provide a general introduction into the most common types of family law actions including divorce, custody, child support, parental rights termination and adoption.
Note: This is a very popular item and is currently in high demand! Please e-mail or call the library at 512-463-1722 if you need a short excerpt from this e-book while it is checked out by another person.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas litigation guide
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1977-.
This comprehensive set explains the law and procedure in a given area and then provides drafting guides to prepare the forms. The set is divided into 10 different units: Pretrial Practice, Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Pleadings in Business Entity Litigation, Pleadings in Commercial Litigation, Pleadings in Real Estate Litigation, Pleadings in Personal Injury Litigation, Family Code Litigation, Probate Code Litigation, and Administrative Proceedings. (Due to publisher restrictions, this title may only be checked out from home by government employees. Members of the public must visit the library in person to view this title electronically or in print.)
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas practice guide for child protective services attorneys
By Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. 2018.
"The Texas Practice Guide for Child Protective Services Attorneys was launched in 2009 as a measure of support for the County and District Attorneys and Regional Attorneys who represent Child Protective Services across Texas. With many updates since that time, the Practice Guide is an ongoing effort to condense the expanding universe of information child protection attorneys need to do this important work." -Introduction
This is a featured Texas title Texas small-firm practice tools
By Stormer, Cindy. James Publishing, Inc. 2024.
With over 560 forms for 16 practice areas, bring order and method to your practice, tackle new areas with confidence, and avoid omissions and wasted effort. This series includes step-by-step procedures, voice-of-experience tips, answers to common questions, mistakes to avoid, tax considerations, and practice checklists for small firms.
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This is a featured Texas title Texas transaction guide, legal forms
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Kendrick, Herbert S. M. Bender. 1972-.
"From business and commercial dealings to personal and real estate transactions, Texas Transaction Guide: Legal Forms contains all the information you need to successfully represent your client through any transactional process. Depend on step-by-step guidance, practice notes, research guides, legal backgrounds, practice guides and insightful commentary in your transaction law practice." - publisher's description
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
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This is a featured Texas title The Texas family violence bench book
Latest received: 2011 Edition. By Texas. Office of Court Administration. 2011.
"This benchbook provides the Texas judiciary with a single, comprehensive reference for family violence law. In addition to identifying and organizing the relevant primary sources (state and federal statutes annotated with case law), the benchbook also ... [provides] hyperlinks to the on-line resources discussed in each chapter's comments section." - publisher's description
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This is a featured Texas title Tool kit for attorneys representing the Texas Department of Family & Protective Services in child welfare cases
By Texas Children's Commission. Texas Children's Commission. 2022.
"This Tool Kit is designed to benefit prosecutors of all levels of experience by providing concise compilations of hearing checklists, relevant state and federal statutes, and Practice Tips. The Commission hopes this Tool Kit will help promote best practices for prosecutors representing the Department of Family and Protective Services across the state." - page 2
By Herman, Gregg. American Bar Association. 4;2019-06. 2019.
Learn the tips and techniques that leading family lawyers have developed to help make their legal practice more effective. This popular compendium takes this practice-tested knowledge and distills it into an array of concise tips focused on family law. This information-packed guide is organized in 15 categories, including custody, fees, taxes, discovery, valuation, premarital agreements, settlement, trial tactics, and post-divorce issues.
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By Hertz, Frederick. Nolo. 20th edition. 2020.
"Take the proper legal steps to define and protect your relationship in the eyes of the law using the practical and legal information in this book. Even though the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in 2015, many questions remain for those same-sex couples who choose to remain unmarried and/or are registered in a civil union or domestic partnership. And parenting rights for same-sex couples still vary depending on the couple's relationship status and state laws. You'll learn about these important subjects and many more, including: domestic partner benefits; establishing parental rights, including through a second parent adoption, a stepparent adoption, a court judgement of parentage, and/or a contractual agreement; buying property together; and providing for each other upon death." - publisher description
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By Hegland, Kenney F. West Academic Publishing. First edition. 2013.
A quick and easy guide to problems of aging and how the law and practical advice can make things better.
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By Katz, Sanford N. West Academic Publishing. First edition. c2012.
"With the number of people waiting to adopt children, the need for a comprehensive yet succinct explanation of adoption laws and practices is met by Adoption Laws in a Nutshell. The book is an excellent resource for the legal and social work professions, providing an analysis of the latest developments regarding agency responsibilities toward adoptive parents and children, the consents necessary to complete an adoption, the father’s rights, the new assisted reproductive technology, and adoption, including surrogacy, standards for placement, open adoption, access to adoption records, inheritance rights of all the parties and intercountry adoption." - publisher's description
By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2022.
Prepared for the 'Advanced Child Protection Law Course' sponsored by the State Bar of Texas.
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By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2023.
Prepared for the 'Advanced Child Protection Law Course' sponsored by the State Bar of Texas.
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By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2017.
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By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2018.
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By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2019.
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By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2020.
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By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2021.
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By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2022.
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By Advanced Family Law Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2023.
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Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2021.
This Continuing Legal Education course from the State Bar of Texas offers guidance on the drafting of family law documents with articles focused on areas such as pretrial motions, mediation, summary judgments, pattern jury charges and post-trial motions with additional tips for attorneys on how they can provide efficient pro bono services.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2018.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2020.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2022.
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Latest received: Automatic updates. Wiley Law Publications. c1987-.
The American Journal of Family Law provides in-depth relevant, commentary on the current issues in today's practice. This quarterly journal is a family law resource that blends the practicality of experience with the credibility of thorough research. Each issue is authored by recognized leaders in the field to interpret changing perspectives and help prepare for new developments in family law practice and litigation.
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By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. Professional Development Program. 2017.
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By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. Professional Development Program. 2018.
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By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. Professional Development Program. 2019.
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By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. Professional Development Program. 2022.
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By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. Professional Development Program. 2023.
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By Zemmelman, Mimi Lyster. Nolo. Tenth edition. 2022.
Nolo's guide to creating a co-parenting agreement provides information, worksheets, and a fill-in-the-blank parenting agreement to assist divorcing couples in making a fair and lasting child custody agreement. The mediation-based strategies contained in this book will help minimize conflict in resolving issues such as health care, education, and living arrangements.
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By Cushman, Travis A. American Bar Association. 1;2017-03. 2017.
Children deserve our love, support and most of all our protection. Child Abuse and Neglect Cases: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the System is roadmap for anyone that wants to help keep children safe. This guide suggests practice standards to help judges, parents' attorneys, children's attorneys, CFS workers, GALs and family members ask the questions that need to be asked in every case. The author of the book, Travis Cushman indicates that if the strategies outlined in the book are followed, it should reduce the chance of costly formal litigation. This book includes informative checklists such as: Receiving an Initial Report of possible Abuse or Neglect Danger Assessments – To Remove or Not to Remove Family Functioning Assessment TIA vs. TLC – Advantages and Disadvantages Drafting an Affidavit in Support of a Court Petition Show Cause Hearing Mediation Topics covered in the book include: What is the "System" Terms and Definitions The Need for a Balanced and Neutral …
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2023.
Prepared for the 'Child Protection Law 101 Course' sponsored by the Child Protection Law Section of the State Bar of Texas.
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Latest received: Automatic updates. By Morgan, Laura W. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. [Second edition]. [2017?]-.
"Child Support Guidelines, Second Edition is the only comprehensive guidebook for determining child support awards that takes practitioners step-by-step through the interpretation and application of the guidelines and their worksheets in both the normal and exceptional child support case. This unique publication thoroughly covers each state's version of one of the three basic models for determining child support: the percentage of income model, the income shares model, and the Melson formula." -publisher's description
By Fahnert, Marie. American Bar Association. 1;1. 2015.
This clearly written guide provides family law practitioners with the practical knowledge and tools they need to analyze the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) and the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act (PKPA).
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By Abrams, Douglas E. West Academic Publishing. Seventh edition. 2021.
"This Nutshell follows the structure and format of the authors' casebook—Children and the Law: Doctrine, Policy and Practice. The authors have devoted entire chapters to the meaning of "parent," abuse and neglect, the foster care system, adoption, medical decision-making, support and other financial responsibilities, protective legislation, and delinquency. Representation of children is covered throughout the book. Also treated for comparative purposes are several relevant international law issues, including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, international child labor, and U.S. tobacco exports to children overseas." - publisher's description
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By Clawar, Stanley S. American Bar Association. 2;2. 2014.
In the first edition of Children Held Hostage, Stanley Clawar and Brynne Rivlin used their groundbreaking study of 700 families to demonstrate that children could and were being used by parents in the divorce battle. Their research showed how negative actions by parents toward their children would show up in court proceedings where children testify or are questioned by mental health professionals. Now completely updated and greatly expanded, the research underpinning the material in this book now focuses on research involving over 1,000 families. The major issue in confronting this problem of programmed and brainwashed children has been identification of a child alienated by one parent against the other; proving it in court; and then finding a solution that not only works, but that a court will buy into. The updated edition of Children Held Hostage explains these issues in detail, with practice-focused explanations on every step in the process. Among the many new information and findin…
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By Tesler, Pauline. American Bar Association. 3;2016-12. 2016.
The third edition of Collaborative Law is substantially revised and expanded. This edition serves both as a broad, comprehensive introduction to collaborative legal practice for lawyers new to the area as well as a current reference for more experienced practitioners. In the preface of the first edition, Stu Webb, the grandfather of collaborative law, wrote that practicing CL "will change your practice and your life." Webb knew what he was talking about. CL burst into view when Pauline H. Tesler "exported" the concept first developed by Webb in his practice. Over the years CL has consistently attracted lawyers who want to align their life values with their professional practice and who abhorred the adversarial norms of divorce litigation. CL has taught family lawyers an invaluable lesson on how to respond effectively to change the tone of contenuous divorce litigation to a civil conversation that results in an equitable agreement for both divorcing partners. In this book, the author cu…
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By Mennell, Robert L. West Academic Publishing. Fourth edition. 2018.
"Summarizes the marital property laws dealing with creation, management and termination of community property in nine states (Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin). The first portion of each chapter presents a broad overview, followed by the detail of the law in the second part. A third part explains how various states differ. Covers premarital contracts, transmutations, community property, separate property, and characterization issues. Discusses community property during a marriage, management and control, and liabilities. Addresses the termination of community property and the special problems that can result." - publisher's description
By Hertz, Frederick. American Bar Association. ;1. 2014.
This new, revised and expanded edition of Counseling Unmarried Couples will give you the tools you need to serve the legal needs of this growing segment of society. Beyond summing up legal rules and writing competent agreements, a representative of this market needs to integrate and interpret the legal rules for your clients in a realistic, comprehensible, and meaningful manner. Only by doing so can you effectively guide your clients, heterosexual and homosexual, in making wise decisions about their homes, their children, and their assets.
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By Guillen, Lina. Nolo. Fourteenth edition. 2023.
"Make savvy, informed financial decisions during divorce. Learn about dividing debts, setting alimony, negotiating a fair settlement, and more. With Divorce & Money, you'll find out how to: -avoid tax problems -handle alimony and child support -reduce risks to your investments" - publisher's description
By Green, Janice. Nolo. Sixth edition. 2025.
"Legal information and practical advice for older Americans dealing with divorce. Divorce rates are soaring among seniors, but the legal and emotional challenges you face as an older adult are different from those that apply to younger divorcees. That's why you need Divorce After 50, the only guide around that addresses the challenges unique to your age group. Written by an attorney who specializes in divorce among the over-50 age group, Divorce After 50 covers these subjects and much more:. how to get guidance from friends, family, and, as needed, lawyers. ways to divorce -- collaborative, mediated, contested, etc. marital property: what it is, what you do with it, and how to divide assets and liabilities. how to survive financially during and after divorce. how health care and estate planning are impacted by divorce. alternatives to divorce, including post-nuptial agreements You'll get all the information you need to decide whether and how to divorce, plus plenty of divorce surviv…
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By Childs, Lindsay H. American Bar Association. 2;2021-03. 2021.
A multitude of complex issues can be involved when handling the divorce of a couple who has achieved a level of personal and financial security. This updated edition addresses how a divorce case is affected by estate planning established during the marriage, explaining how to review existing estate plans to avoid complications. Divorcing clients who are 45 years of age and older present special concerns for family lawyers as they often have achieved some level of personal and financial security. To help guide practitioners through the multitude of complex issues when handling a divorce case in these circumstances, this updated edition explains how to handle a divorcing couple's assets while also considering issues related to their age, the length of their marriage, and other complicating factors such as medical directives, spousal support, wills and trusts, and retirement plans. Divorce in the Golden Years also includes invaluable appendices that provide relevant information by state…
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By Stoner, Katherine E. Nolo. Seventh edition. 2024.
If you are trying to avoid legal bills and headaches during your divorce, this book can assist in guiding you through a negotiated divorce through means of mediation and/or collaboration.
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By Weisberg, D. Kelly. West Academic Publishing. First edition. 2019.
This Hornbook is a comprehensive, well-researched overview of all aspects of state and federal law on domestic violence, including the pending VAWA Reauthorization bill before Congress, as well as in-depth coverage on topics such as abuse, child welfare, tort remedies and firearms regulation.
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Skoloff, Gary N. Aspen Publishers. [2012?].
"Prenuptial agreements have exploded over the past 20 years, not only among celebrities, but also for all types of people who desire to protect, manage, or enhance their personal, family, or business assets against foreseen and unforeseen circumstances. Attorneys have been assigned the task of cutting through a morass of issues to create agreements that achieve the goals of their clients while meeting complex, and often subtle, legal requirements. Drafting Prenuptial Agreements is the first guidebook ever to cover this growing area of family law." -publisher's descriptions
By Kaplan, Richard L. West Academic. Eighth edition. 2023.
This book provides a brief overview of elder law. Topics covered include ethical considerations, health care decision making, Medicaid, SSI, guardianship alternatives, pension plans, and elder abuse and neglect.
By Burda, Joan M. American Bar Association. 1;2016-06. 2016.
Estate planning is more than deciding how an estate will be divided post-mortem. Sure that is a part of it, but the other part planning. The key is honing in on the best way to protect your clients' interests during their lifetime. When the ABA released the second edition of this book in 2012, a mere six jurisdictions recognized marriage equality. What a difference a day makes...this third edition follows hard on the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. The court decided that "marriage is a fundamental right inherent in the liberty of the person, and under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment, couples of the same-sex may not be deprived of that right and that liberty." What seemed an impossible pipe dream at the turn of the century is now a reality. From now on there is no "same-sex marriage" or "opposite-sex marriage"; there is only marriage. Marriage is just part of the equation. It is the beginning not the…
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By Gallanis, Thomas P. West. Sixth edition. 2018.
"This comprehensive guide provides an overview of the rules and principles of estates and future interests, including concurrent estates, marital estates (including the modern elective share), and powers of appointment. It includes new innovations from the Restatement 3d of Property, modernizing the law of future interests and dramatically changing the Rule Against Perpetuities. With respect to powers of appointment, the book incorporates the clarifications and modernizations of the law in the Restatement 3d of Property and the Uniform Powers of Appointment Act (2013, with subsequent amendments). The book also has exercises, with answers at the back. Valuable for students in first-year Property and upper-year courses in Trusts and Estates." - publisher's description
By Wheeler, Jennifer. American Bar Association. ;2020-01. 2020.
This book is intended to assist both mental health professionals and attorneys in working together on family law cases to improve their understanding of each other's respective roles. The purpose of Part I is to provide some definition and clarification about the roles of mental health professionals in family law settings and to identify how those roles are used by attorneys in litigating their cases. The purpose of Part II is to offer some insight and understanding about the underlying "rules" for conducting a parenting evaluation. The purpose of Part III is to help family law attorneys better understand the goals of the PE at each step of the process. In Part IV, we explore some of the "consulting" roles that a mental health professional might perform to assist family law attorneys.
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2018.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2020.
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State Bar of Texas. 2021.
The State Bar's latest installment of Family Law Book Camp is a Continuing Legal Education title that features tips and tricks to help lawyers manage client expectations, try a case on a small budget, and build a family law case file. Other included articles explore the basics of discovery, evidence and presentation, and how to prepare for mediation.
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State Bar of Texas. 2022.
The State Bar's latest installment of Family Law Book Camp is a Continuing Legal Education title that features tips and tricks to help lawyers manage client expectations, try a case on a small budget, and build a family law case file. Other included articles explore the basics of discovery, evidence and presentation, and how to prepare for mediation.
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State Bar of Texas. 2023.
The State Bar's latest installment of Family Law Book Camp is a Continuing Legal Education title that features tips and tricks to help lawyers manage client expectations, try a case on a small budget, and build a family law case file. Other included articles explore the basics of discovery, evidence and presentation, and how to prepare for mediation.
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By Myers, John E. B. West Academic Publishing. Eighth edition. 2022.
This book comprehensively surveys the traditional landscape of family law as well as important new legislation and case law relating to domestic partnerships, same-sex marriage, parentage, adoption, child custody and support.
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By Wadlington, Walter. Third edition. 2012.
This book continues the approach of the previous editions, offering a conceptual approach to the legal issues implicit in family law.
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Family Law Litigation Committee of the Section of Litigation, American Bar Association. 2001.
"Provides information about family law matters and focuses on providing representation or assistance to underrepresented parties in family law matters, and the role that individual practitioners and the bar can play in these efforts." - publisher's description
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Latest received: Automatic updates. Aspen Law & Business. [c2001]-.
"Family Law Update covers all the current issues and relevant opinions pertaining to Family Law. It brings the most salient information to your fingertips. It is fully comprehensive and concrete, with its broad coverage and multiple sources." -publisher's description
By Bray, Ilona M. Nolo. Eleventh edition. 2022.
"Married or engaged to a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, and need to apply for a green card or visa? You can get through this daunting immigration process, but only with current legal information that covers your exact situation. With Fiancé & Marriage Visas, you'll learn to: adopt the best strategy for your application, prepare for meetings with immigration officials, and learn how to prove your marriage is the real thing.
By Simon, Robert A. American Bar Association. 2;2020-09. 2020.
This comprehensive book addresses the increasingly important role of forensic psychologists in consulting and in expert witness testimony in child custody litigation. Authors Robert A. Simon and Philip M. Stahl, forensic psychology consultants with more than 60 years of combined experience, provide practical advice on understanding the critical psychological dynamics frequently encountered in child custody cases as well as guidance for how to effectively use your own forensic consultant and testifying expert in litigation. Using case examples where critical issues such as the developmental need of children, relocation, domestic violence, and the alienated child are involved, the authors explain a logical process to critique the evaluation reports of others and help you analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your case. Among the topics covered are: Forensic vs. clinical approach in child custody evaluations A method for critiquing the work of the neutral court-appointed custody evaluat…
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2021.
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State Bar of Texas. 2022.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2018.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2021.
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By Wheeler, Charles. American Immigration Lawyers Association. Seventh edition. 2023.
This resource acts as a guide to the family-sponsored immigration application process for attorneys. It provides a thorough explanation of the DOS and handling of family-based visa petitions, immigrant applications, and more.
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2018.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2020.
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By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. 2022.
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By Alderman, Richard M. Lone Star Books. Ninth edition. 2018.
Practical, easy-to-understand answers to questions about divorce, child support, and child custody; credit, bankruptcy, and debt collection; starting a business; leases and tenant rights; small claims court and lawyers; wills and probate; false advertising and warranties; immigration; and more.
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By Ventura, John. Second edition. 2005.
Get answers to your legal questions -- in plain English!Find out how to protect your family, your money, your job, and your rightsIf you're like most people, you probably don't know much about your legal rights and responsibilities -- until you run smack-dab into a messy legal problem. Now revised and updated, this friendly guide helps you get a handle on a wide range of everyday legal issues, decipher legal mumbo-jumbo -- and come out on top.Discover how to:Protect your child support rightsArm yourself against identity theftClean up your credit and improve your credit scoreHire the right attorney for your needsDraw up wills and living wills
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By Nolo (Firm). Nolo. Twelfth edition. 2023.
This e-book from Nolo Press offers a variety of downloadable, editable legal forms for everyday situations such as borrowing & lending money, delegating authority to care for children or pets, buying & selling property, handling personal finances, and many more common situations.
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2018.
LGBTQ law intersects with other aspects of the law in a myriad of ways - e.g., family law, immigration, employment. The State Bar's LGBTQ-focused CLE course will help practitioners understand recent developments in the law and what they mean for their LGBTQ clients.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
This CLE course helps attorneys understand the legal landscape for their LGBTQ clients. It looks at new legal developments in family law, criminal law, employment law, real property, and immigration.
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State Bar of Texas. 2021.
With sections on landlord/tenant issues, religious exemptions, employment litigation, and probate and estate issues, this Continuing Legal Education material from the State Bar of Texas aims to help lawyers better understand how the constantly evolving law impacts their LGBTQ clients and how to best represent them.
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By Coenen, Tracy. American Bar Association. 2;2020-01. 2020.
Accounting is a topic that can frighten otherwise brave professionals. All the asset, liability, income, and expense talk can be overwhelming if the listener is not trained in the field of accounting. Even those who have taken a couple of accounting courses can get bogged down in the details and have a difficult time translating the numbers and determining what they really mean to a case. The best forensic accountants are able to present financial issues in litigation so they can be understood readily. Attorneys, judges, and juries often lack an accounting or finance background, so being able to break down financial topics in a way that is easy to understand is essential for forensic accountants. The best expert witnesses are those who can relate to the judge and jury and who can make sense of even the most complex numbers Although a financial expert can be involved in family law cases in many different ways, this book focuses on determining income, determining the standard of living, …
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By Joshi, Ashish S. American Bar Association. ;2021-03. 2021.
Litigating Parental Alienation provides an in-depth examination of evaluating a case of parental alienation and practical guidance for handling a case in court. An overwhelming number of American family courts have acknowledged that parental alienation exists, although there is significant variance in how the courts have defined it and how they deal with it. As these cases involve not just family law practitioners, this book offers science, case law, and practice pointers for Guardians ad Litem, family court judges, referees, minors' counsel, and custody evaluators. The first chapter provides both a brief history and overview of the controversies surrounding the phenomenon of parental alienation, providing a starting point for a fundamental understanding of the concept. Author Ashish Joshi distills his experience of litigating parental alienation cases before family courts all over America and internationally. He discusses not just the concepts but also offers "hands on" practice poin…
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By Warner, Ralph E. Nolo. Seventeenth edition. 2020.
"Find all the information and forms unmarried couples need to define and protect their relationship in the eyes of the law. An essential resource for any unmarried couple, Living Together explains: the legality of living together; having and raising children; the many types of ownership agreements. Includes all the legal forms you need! - publisher's description
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By Matthews, J. L. Nolo. Thirteenth edition. 2020.
This book by Nolo helps readers find information on long-term medical care and financial planning. Long-Term Care helps readers understand the range of available choices helping them to explore options for home care, assisted living and nursing homes, maximizing Medicare, Medicaid and veterans' programs, and preventing elder fraud.
By Hertz, Frederick. Nolo. 2018.
Newly revised after the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges U.S. Supreme Court ruling, this book provides an overview of same-sex marriage laws, planning for marriage, prenuptial agreements, estate planning, and more.
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2018.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2021.
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State Bar of Texas. 2022.
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State Bar of Texas. 2023.
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By Scharff, Kate. American Bar Association. 1;2017-03. 2017.
"What makes a great divorce professional great?" This clear, accessible how-to guide answers that question through a rich blend of theory, true-to-life vignettes, and practical techniques. The authors start with the notion that divorce is best viewed not as a failure, but as a developmental crisis in the life of a couple. Scharff and Herrick then explore our roles as helping professionals, and provide a clear roadmap for supporting clients in reaching durable agreements under conditions of stress. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or new to the field, whether you're an attorney, mental health professional, financial expert or allied professional, you'll find fresh perspectives on familiar concepts, surprising new ideas, group and individual "exercises" for ongoing learning, and a trove of tools to add to your professional toolbox. Among the key topics you'll learn about are: Divorce as a developmental experience The human relationship to change (and why it matters) How to provide the c…
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Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2016.
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Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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Latest received: 2023 Edition. By Shewmaker, Patricia D. Matthew Bender. 2018-.
The authors, Patricia and Steven Shewmaker, both served in the military before going on to earn their law degrees and fully understand the unique issues that confront military families.
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By Vasileff, Lili A. American Bar Association. 1;2018-01. 2018.
Most people head straight into divorce without preparing themselves for the journey that lies ahead. Whether or not the divorce is of your choosing, you need the necessary guidance and useful information. Financial planning for the future is an essential part of every divorce settlement. Separating couples often face a significant financial transformation. The bottom line is that two households must now survive on the dollars that formerly supported one. Transition is a critical time when you need the most help to understand the pros and cons of your financial options, how to set priorities, and when to reach a settlement with confidence. Money and Divorce: The Essential Roadmap to Mastering Financial Decisions will help you make informed and intelligent choices concerning financial issues in divorce. The book explains the fundamentals—illustrating how to set goals, deal with finances, navigate the legal process, and protect against unforeseen events. Over the years, author Lil…
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By Scharff, Kate. American Bar Association. ;1. 2014.
Designed to help all professionals -- lawyers, as well as mental health professionals, financial neutrals, etc. -- who practice in the area of Collaborative Divorce, this important new book explains how marital dynamics (both conscious and unconscious), combined with the traumas of both the current divorce and those resulting from previous situations, will be re-enacted within the Collaborative process. If these traumas and dynamic re-enactments go unaddressed, misunderstood or unmetabolized by the team they can impede progress, create difficulty in team functioning, result in a compromised agreement, or cause a complete break-down of the process itself. Navigating Emotional Currents in Collaborative Divorce offers both a theoretical and practical roadmap for navigating the Collaborative process from an emotional point of view. The authors, Kate Scharff and Lisa Herrick, recognize that readers will come to the book with varying degrees of psychological savvy and self-awareness. The bo…
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development. 2010.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development. 2016.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development. 2018.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas, Professional Development. 2022.
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Nolo. Eleventh edition. 2020.
"Turn to Nolo's Encyclopedia of Everyday Law for answers to everyday legal questions that come up in all aspects of life. Easily locate concise explanations about legal issues including: - credit, debt, and bankruptcy - divorce, child custody, and visitation - wills, living trusts, and estate planning" -- from the publisher
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By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. 2023 edition. 2023.
This title provides an overview of common legal issues that arise when setting and adjusting child custody and child support agreements.
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By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. Tenth edition. 2024.
Information and guidance about the divorce process and steps of working with lawyers or mediators.
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By Hynan, Daniel J. American Bar Association. ;2018-05. 2018.
Providing expert assistance for developing effective, high-quality parenting plans, this book covers a broad range of information that serves as both essential reference material and a hands-on toolbox for family lawyers and related professionals. Author Daniel J. Hynan, Ph.D., ABAP, considers everything from ongoing controversies to empirical research to practical yet crucial considerations in the day-to-day lives of families. Accessible to professionals with all levels of experience in the area, this book integrates practical considerations about parenting plans with scientifically based and professional information. It begins by describing many of the controversies in the parenting plan arena, then provides a description of the foundation for building a good parenting plan. Parenting Plans: Meeting the Challenges with Facts and Analysis provides important information to assist in creating age- and situation-appropriate plans. Topics include: An overview of scientific, factual in…
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By Stoner, Katherine E. Nolo. Sixth edition. 2019.
"Marriage is one of the few personal contracts in which your state dictates the terms -- unless you create your own customized premarital agreement. Combining Nolo's legal expertise and plain-English writing, Prenuptial Agreements makes a potentially touchy subject easy to deal with while explaining how to create a valid contract. The book covers whether a prenup is right for your relationship, how to decide what a prenup should include, how to assemble a draft agreement, how to turn your draft into a contract and tips on negotiating and communicating." - Publisher's description
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Latest received: Automatic updates. By Ackerman, Marc J. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. Seventh edition. 2018.
"Emotionally charged issues abound in matrimonial practice, especially in custody disputes. Expert testimony can have a dramatic impact on the outcome of a case, and when matters are highly sensitive or sensational the seeming objectivity of an expert can be dispositive. To effectively reinforce or question that testimony, certain specialized knowledge is essential. Scientifically accepted standards and theories are constantly evolving. Keeping up with the data had been a challenge, but one integrated resource has made it simple. Aspen Publishers’ Psychological Experts in Divorce Actions pulls all the research together into the definitive guide to understanding the role of psychological evaluations in divorce and custody actions. Focused on providing the best approach to protecting your client’s interests, this work explains all the leading testing instruments,what conclusions may be drawn and how to challenge or support those conclusions. In addition to offering effective examination …
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Latest received: Automatic updates. By Shulman, Gary A. Aspen. Fourth edition. [c2006/2017?]-.
" Distilled from years of Fortune 500 consulting practice, Shulman's administrative tools and techniques in Qualified Domestic Relations Order Handbook help plan administrators streamline the entire QDRO review and compliance process, while cutting the risk of errors, penalties, and litigation. They include model policies and procedures, review checklists, staff training cases, and more. Contains new models and guidelines for drafting airtight QDROs that speed approval, maximize your clients' rights, and steer you through the malpractice minefields of ERISA and the IRC." -publisher's description
By Guggenheim, Martin. American Bar Association. 1;2016-06. 2016.
Representing Parents in Child Welfare Cases is a guide for attorneys representing parents accused of parental unfitness due to abuse or neglect. Leading experts provide insights into every step of the legal process, from the initial interview with the parent(s), through court hearings, to issues attendant to the Child Abuse and Neglect Registry System. Parents' attorney's must be prepared to navigate the obstacles created by the emotional nature of this work. Representing parents can be a lonely job, and natural biases against an accused parent can create additional obstacles from judicial officers, opposing counsel, social workers and service providers who are typically charged with assisting the reunification process. On the other side, competent legal representation often is the sole consistent support a parent has when he or she is pulled the child welfare system.This book offers practical, hands-on tips for attorneys at each stage of the process.
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By Stone, Carrie. First edition. 2013.
Grasp the latest legal information for gay and lesbian couplesSame-sex relationships are treated differently under each state's laws, and nearly a quarter of the U.S. population lives in a state with some form of legal recognition for same-sex couples.Same Sex Legal Kit For Dummies is a practical, plain-English guide to the legal information and guidance lesbian and gay couples need—from making practical decisions about living together and obtaining domestic partner benefits, to making medical decisions, taking care of each other's finances when one partner is incapacitated, leaving property to each other, having and raising children, and much more.Discusses power of attorney, health directives, and real estate and personal property ownershipCovers considerations for bank accounts, investments, and estate planningThe book's accompanying...The EPUB format of this title may not be compatible for use on all handheld devices.
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By Hanks, James C. American Bar Association. 1;2016-2. 2016.
One measure of the scope of a problem is the attention it attracts from society in general and from the government in particular. There are support groups, programs, websites, and campaigns on Facebook, all focused on the problem of bullying. The news media regularly reports on incidents of bullying. Sometimes the consequences of bullying are tragic. Rebecca Sedwick, a twelve-year-old girl, tragically ended her life by jumping from a cement silo as a result of more than a year and a half of bullying by her fellow classmates, both at school and online. Another twelve-year- old, Hailee Lamberth, shot herself after being bullied daily, including name calling and several comments made by bullies such as "Drink Bleach and Die." Schools have a responsibility to provide a safe environment for students and protect their students from harassment and bullying in the school environment. Since public education remains a responsibility of the states and their units of local government, the primary …
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By Herman, Gregg. American Bar Association. 2;2021-03. 2021.
Negotiation is a critical part of any family lawyer's job, and thus the importance of becoming a better negotiator cannot be overstated. The updated edition of Settlement Negotiation Techniques in Family Law by Gregg Herman brings together many of the concepts of divorce settlement negotiations to help lawyers improve their skills at divorce negotiation. Well-written and logically organized, this revised and expanded volume offers reasoned and tested approaches that help lawyers better understand the many aspects of negotiation, and through this process assist their clients in getting to "yes." For lawyers who have used various negotiation techniques in the past and see room for improvement, this is an invaluable, clearly written resource based on the realities of daily legal practice. Beginning with traditional theories and basic concepts of negotiation, Gregg Herman examines the nuts-and-bolts issues involved in divorce negotiation and settlement. From issues of timing to how to pr…
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By Colker, Ruth. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. c2024.
"This Nutshell presents a very timely overview of legal topics relating to sexual orientation, gender identity and the law. Topics covered include: regulation of sexuality, gender identity and expression, parenthood, marriage, United States military, nondiscrimination statutes and ordinances, freedom of expression, freedom of association, and religious freedom. Discussion includes developments at the federal, state and local level. Statutes discussed include Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX; the Fair Housing Act; the Affordable Care Act; Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; Defense of Marriage Act, as well as some of the anti-LGBT rights measures that have been adopted in various states." - publisher's description
By Hudson, David L. Greenwood. Third edition. [2015].
A book that covers the legal rights of young adults in all aspects of their daily lives such as at home, at school and on the job. The third edition includes information on emerging topics such as cyber-bulling and sexting as well as recent changes to laws on privacy and LGBTQ rights.
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By Fairfax, Jennifer. American Bar Association. 2;2019-02. 2019.
?Adoption is a process that can require both time and patience. This guide helps you efficiently handle all steps in an adoption case, from consultation through finalization. Jennifer Fairfax, an experienced adoption attorney covers the primary types of adoption, both domestic and international, and examines the full range of issues impacting the adoption process, including the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children, special needs, adult, and stepparent adoptions, financing and tax issues, open records, and wrongful adoption.
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By Bourdeau, Nicholas. James Pub. 2020.
Written by a certified public accountant, this manual is intended to guide non-experts through the process of calculating the amount of a parent’s income available for child support payments. Each chapter walks the reader through examining and analyzing financial documents related to different kinds of income, such as wages, dividends, rental income, and capital gains.
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By Peskind, Steven N. American Bar Association. Second edition. 2022.
With an emphasis on courtroom advocacy, this resource guides the reader from pre-trial considerations through each step of a divorce trial. It is an excellent resource for family law attorneys looking to improve their trial practice skills.
By Wells, Kristi Anderson. American Bar Association. 1;2018-11. 2018.
For the family lawyer handling a case involving executive compensation, there can be a dizzying array of arrangements, plans, bonuses, and agreements that can seem overwhelming. Providing an invaluable roadmap to a complicated aspect of financial issues occurring in divorce, this book offers a practical guide to understanding, negotiating, and dividing assets that fall into the broad category of executive compensation. These assets are notoriously complex, and this book provides alerts to common pitfalls while providing the background to allow the lawyer to explain the issues to both clients and judges. Executive compensation can include stock options, restricted stock, restricted stock units, phantom stock, stock appreciation rights, longterm incentive plans, short-term incentive plans, cash bonuses, and supplemental executive retirement plans, among a myriad of other arrangements. This book looks at the executive compensation options where the benefit is in the category of nonqualifi…
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By Mason, R. Miles. American Bar Association. 2;2019-05. 2019.
The relationship between the family lawyer and the forensic accountant can be an effective weapon in the advocacy arsenal. Forensic accounting can help family lawyers win cases while at the same time their clients are able to keep money which might otherwise be taken from them by the difficult and confusing divorce process. This updated edition of one the ABA's most popular resources explains the practice of forensic accounting and business valuation and how to apply it in family law cases. It provides a practice-focused introduction to the core financial concepts in divorce, such as asset identification, classification, and valuation, income determination, expenses, and more.
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By Morley, Jeremy D. American Bar Association. 2;2016-12. 2016.
Handling Hague abduction cases is challenging and fulfilling. Although Hague cases are tried very quickly, they still require an intimate knowledge of the Convention and of the voluminous case law that has developed around it. Hague cases also require a complete understanding of international child custody law in general and in particular, for U.S. practitioners, of the relationship between The Hague Convention and the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction & Enforcement Act. The Convention operates in the U.S. in ways that differ from those in other Hague countries. This is because of the federal legislation that implements the treaty, the concurrence of federal and state jurisdiction, the lack of a specialized group of judges who handle cases under the Convention, the uniform state legislation on child custody jurisdiction, and a host of other factors. When children are the subject of international family law disputes, the challenges are often great and emotions generally run high. Simpl…
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By Morley, Jeremy D. American Bar Association. Third edition. 2021.
Every family lawyer should understand the workings of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. This updated third edition of The Hague Abduction Convention explains for family lawyers how this critical treaty works in the United States, both in theory and in practice. The renowned author, Jeremy D. Morley, has enormous experience counseling clients and fellow practitioners as to international family law matters globally, as well as lecturing on international child custody law to audiences around the world. Because family law is becoming increasingly internationalized with globalization, international relationships are common and international travel is growing. Family lawyers and judges may not be fully aware of the law and the voluminous case law that has developed around the Hague Convention. It operates in the United States in ways that are significantly different than in other Hague countries due to federal legislation that implements the treaty…
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State Bar of Texas. 2016.
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By Clark, Homer Harrison. West Academic. Third edition. 2021.
The 3rd edition of this one-volume treatise looks at both the history and current state of the law of domestic relations in this country, with chapters examining legal changes to marriage, contraception and abortion, divorce procedures, child custody, and termination of parental rights.
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By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. Second edition. 2014.
This book provides an overview of laws that affect families including: custody, adoption, care for the elderly, marriage, divorce, estate planning, and more.
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By Sullivan, Mark Eugene. American Bar Association. 3;2019-06. 2019.
The Military Divorce Handbook: A Practical Guide to Representing Military Personnel and Their Families is the best single resource available to guide you to a better understanding of the unique issues involved in military divorces. Now in its third edition, author Mark Sullivan's seminal treatment of the subject is a one-of-a-kind reference that examines all aspects of military divorce law, explaining it for civilian practitioners, and providing a quick reference to answers and forms for attorneys.
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By Howell, Ally Windsor. American Bar Association. 1;2016-2. 2016.
Transgender Persons and the Law, 2nd Edition further solidifies the ABA's position as the forerunner and champion of combatting transgender discrimination and safeguarding the legal rights of all transgender individuals. This new edition is an excellent resource for lawyers as well as lay-activists engaged in transgender human and civil rights albeit in the courts or in legislative lobbying. The following areas of the law are thoroughly explained in the book: —What is transgendered? —Identification documents —Public facilities —Housing concerns —Military and veterans issues —Family law —School matters —Health care —Personal safety concerns —Keeping and securing employment —Immigration problems —Criminal imprisonment disputes Transgender Persons and the Law, 2nd Edition includes the latest regulations and policy statements (including the looming Executive Order by President Obama on LGBT discrimination by federal co…
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Latest received: Automatic updates. J. Wiley. Fifth edition. [2017]-.
Most states across the country have some form of equitable distribution of assets upon divorce. There are three basic steps in any property distribution scheme: identification, valuation and distribution of those assets. Valuation Strategies in Divorce, Fifth Edition covers virtually all valuation issues that arise in a divorce case.
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Latest received: Automatic updates. By Altschuler, Mark K. Aspen. Fifth edition. [2013?]-.
Value of Pensions in Divorce, Fourth Edition, provides guidelines for financial advisors, divorce attorneys, and pension actuaries through every stage of the pension valuation process - from preliminary client interview to review of pension valuation reports, drafting of qualified domestic relations orders (QDROs), and cross-examination of expert witnesses. Mathematics are kept to a minimum, and legal principles and concepts of pension valuation are translated into plain English and illustrated with examples, sample court orders, and pension documents.
Latest received: Automatic updates. Aspen Publishers. c2001-.
"This newly updated guide for matrimonial lawyers and accountants is the companion publication for Feder's Valuation Strategies in Divorce. In individual chapters, detailed information is provided on how to evaluate specific types of marital assets; the particular accounting and financial conventions that affect the owner's income from the asset and the value of the asset; and the rules, regulations and issues peculiar to the particular asset. " -publisher's description