Local Government Law
Our e-book collection includes practice guides, legal treatises, and self-help materials. Our legal databases provide access to case law, law review articles, downloadable legal forms and drafting guides, and more. These resources are available to Texas residents who create a library account online or in person in Austin.
» Local Government Law
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Economic development handbook
Latest received: 2022 Update. By Texas Municipal League. Texas Municipal League. 2017.
"Fostering a vibrant, thriving economy is critical to the future of our great state. All across Texas, cities and other local governments are working to nurture small business, encourage entrepreneurship, advance commerce, and create jobs. Fortunately, Texas law offers many tools for local leaders seeking to generate economic development and opportunity. As a service to those leaders and other interested parties, the Texas Municipal League has assumed publication of this Economic Development Handbook, which compiles the state’s economic development laws. This Handbook is intended to inform Texas cities about the wide-range of legal tools that are available to local communities." -introduction letter
Read online: https://www.tml.org/DocumentCenter/View/1471/2022-Economic-Dev-HDBK-_Final?bidId=
This is a featured Texas title Employment law manual for Texas cities
Latest received: 2019 Edition. By Mueller, Laura. Texas Municipal League. 2010-.
"The following questions and answers provide a layperson’s explanation of state and federal employment laws as they apply to Texas municipal officials and are intended to provide general guidance on the issues." -from the introduction
Read online: https://www.tml.org/DocumentCenter/View/1012/EMPLOYMENT_LAW_MANUAL_FOR_TEXAS_CITIES-2019_FINAL?bidId=
This is a featured Texas title Guide to Texas laws for county officials
Latest received: 2023. Texas Association of Counties. 1986-.
"This guide is a compilation of current statutes affecting the administration and operation of the principal county offices. While the compilation informs county officials about the more important statutes affecting their offices, it is primarily intended to provide them with a convenient reference source for questions regarding the scope of their individual duties. " -from the inroduction
URL: https://countyorgprodblob2023.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/cms/tac/media/default/member-services/legal/legal-publications/guide-to-laws-for-county-officials.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Municipal annexation in Texas
Latest received: July 2021 Update. By Houston, Scott. Texas Municipal League. [2017- ].
Municipal annexation laws were overhauled by the Texas Legislature in 2017 to require voter approval of certain annexations. This publication provides an overview of the changes enacted by Senate Bill 6.
Read online: https://www.tml.org/DocumentCenter/View/1461/ANNEXATION-PAPER-TML-January-2021?bidId=
This is a featured Texas title Nuisance abatement
By Texas. Texas Attorney General's Office. Fifteenth edition. 2011.
Texas law allows both government officials and private individuals to sue a property owner because of a common or public nuisance. This resource from the Office of the Attorney General outlines the procedure to abate a nuisance from the initial investigation to court-ordered property closure.
Read online: https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/sites/default/files/files/divisions/criminal-justice/NuisanceAbatement.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Officeholding deskbook
By Texas Justice Court Training Center. Texas Justice Court Training Center. Fourth edition. 2023.
This deskbook offers practical information for those elected as justice of the peace. It includes information about the structure of Texas courts, duties and powers of the justice of the peace, fees associated with justice court, and public access to information.
Download as PDF: https://docs.gato.txst.edu/660572/Officeholding%20and%20Ethics%20Deskbook%20-%20Fourth%20Edition.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Open meetings handbook
Office of the Attorney General. Latest received: 2022 Edition.
The Texas Attorney General provides a comprehensive look at the Open Meetings Act.
Read online: https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/sites/default/files/files/divisions/open-government/openmeetings_hb.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Revenue manual for Texas cities
Latest received: 2021 Update. By Texas Municipal League. Texas Municipal League. 2012-.
Organized alphabetically by type of revenue source available to Texas cities. Details revenue source, how it is adopted, types of cities which can adopt it, how much revenue can be generated. Includes various sources of debt funding or financing.
Read online: https://www.tml.org/DocumentCenter/View/1455/revenuemanual?bidId=
This is a featured Texas title Texas problem properties toolkit : A resource to help Texas communities address problems created by vacant and abandoned properties
By Community Development Clinic, University of Texas School of Law. The University of Texas School of Law. 2010 edition. 2010.
The Community Development Clinic at the University of Texas’s School of Law has created this resource to guide local communities through abating nuisances and hazards posed by abandoned properties. The guide offers a number of strategies as well as examples where readers can see how they have been implemented in cities across Texas.
Read online: https://law.utexas.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2015/07/2010-ECDC-ProblemPropertiesTexasToolkit.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Texas torts and remedies
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1987-.
This multivolume treatise discusses in detail the law around various torts and their legal remedies. Includes personal and professional liability, products liability, premises liability, insurance claims, commercial torts, etc.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501791
Read online Table of contents View details in library catalog
By Tokaji, Daniel P. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. 2023.
"Election law is a dynamic and rapidly expanding field that generates enormous public interest. It is also of great practical importance to lawyers and law students, with increasing litigation and many controversial Supreme Court decisions such as Bush v. Gore, Citizens United v. FEC, and Shelby County v. Holder. This Nutshell provides a succinct and thorough description of the law governing elections, the right to vote, and the political process in the United States. The topics addressed include “one person, one vote,” gerrymandering, minority voting rights, ballot access, voter identification, recounts, direct democracy, and campaign finance. The Nutshell covers U.S. constitutional law in these areas, as well as the Voting Rights Act, Federal Election Campaign Act, and other essential statutes. It includes Evenwel v. Abbott, McDonnell v. United States, and other cases from the 2015-16 Supreme Court Term." - publisher's description
Read online.: https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=28415&goBackUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fsubscription.westacademic.com%2Fsearch%3Fsort%3Dpublication-date%26afterDate%3D2023-12-14
By Chumbler, Martha H. American Bar Association. 2022.
The following topics are considered regarding public records: What is and is not a public record; The basics and the nuances of public records access in the digital age; When and how public records laws can apply to private entities; Protection of third-party and confidential information; Exemptions from disclosure; Public records requests during litigation with government entities; Enforcement of state open records laws; Cybersecurity challenges with public records. And the following topics are considered regarding open meetings: What is and is not an open meeting; The public's participation in open meetings; Best practices for remote public meetings; Exemptions from open meetings requirements; Enforcement of state open meetings laws. The book also includes a detailed breakdown of public records and open meetings requirements by state, plus a listing of statutes, constitutional provisions, and explanatory guides for each state's public records and open meetings laws.
URL: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/8728622
By Mintz, Joel A. American Bar Association. 2;2021-01. 2020.
This book is intended as an introduction, for nonspecialist attorneys, to the often intricate process of financing local capital projects through the sale of municipal bonds. It considers the major institutional and individual "players" in the bond issuance process, as well as those sometimes complex facets of the law that establish the "ground rules" for, and some limitations on, municipal debt financing.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5234391
By Bronin, Sara C. West Academic Publishing. 2018.
"Historic Preservation Law in a Nutshell provides the leading in-depth summary of historic preservation law within its local, state, tribal, federal, and international contexts. Historic preservation is a burgeoning area of law that includes aspects of property, land use, environmental, constitutional, cultural resources, international, and Native American law. This book covers the primary federal statutes, and many facets of state statutes, dealing with the protection and preservation of historic resources. It also includes key topics like the designation process, federal agency obligations, local regulation, takings and other constitutional concerns, and real estate development issues. Click here to read a book review of the first edition from the National Trust for Historic Preservation." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=25640
By De Barbieri, Edward W. West Academic Publishing. Sixth edition. 2023.
"This new edition continues the emphasis of prior editions on such topics as the relationship of local governments to state and federal governments; the needs of local governments for territory, for personnel, and for adequate financing; and the principal activities and possible liabilities of local government. There is increased attention to land use control, an area of growing activity on the part of institutions, ranging from the U.S. Supreme Court to local zoning boards. This includes material not found in some books in this field, on such important concepts as 'smart growth,' 'new urbanism,' and 'regulatory takings.'" - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=28128
By McCarthy, David J. Thomson/West. Fifth edition. c2003.
"Reliable source of local government law features added emphasis on finance, including special tax districts and the implications of the Civil Rights Act of 1991. Discusses taxation, borrowing, and updating in the area of 1983. A review of each rule is included, accompanied by expert explanation of its underlying concepts." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=20088
By Nelson, Arthur C. American Bar Association. 1;2017-09. 2017.
?This book addresses market demand-based permitting and building planning in municipalities and counties. It reviews implications for property rights, protecting the local economy, and preventing development in excess of market needs. The book shows how market demand-based planning and permitting could have reduced the severity of the savings and loan crisis as well as the Great Recession while saving the economy millions of jobs and Americans trillions of dollars in real estate equity. It reviews many existing tools that can be used to implement market demand-based planning and permitting.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/3596031
By Lawton, Anne. West Academic Publishing. First edition. 2022.
"The Municipal Bankruptcy Nutshell is a valuable resource for municipal attorneys and officials, law students, and journalists covering chapter 9 cases. Chapter topics include the history of municipal bankruptcy legislation, constitutional challenges to such legislation, eligibility requirements for chapter 9 relief, requirements for plan confirmation, and post-confirmation matters. The Nutshell also examines the chapter 9 specific rules on the automatic stay, pledged special revenues, rejection of collective bargaining agreements, and the avoiding powers. The Appendices include citations to legislative materials, a table listing by state the statutes authorizing chapter 9 relief, and retention-of-jurisdiction language from the Detroit and Stockton plans." - publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27720
By Scheiderich, William J. American Bar Association. 1;2016-2. 2016.
The Municipal Law Deskbook is an all-encompassing primer on the common legal issues that arise in local government law practice. This book will guide practitioners in where to direct their research, as well as provide resources and suggested approaches to issue resolution. Drawing from decades of municipal law experience, editor William Scheiderich and authors share best practices for analyzing and dealing with cutting-edge topics such as the use and multiple benefits of intergovernmental agreements; current legal and administrative issues at the state and federal level relevant to municipal finance powers; taxation and borrowing; municipal bankruptcy; and more.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2592799
By U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2003.
"This Guide is designed to assist public housing authority staff and HUD with a range of issues related to public housing occupancy, from application for admission and rent calculations through ongoing occupancy to lease termination. The guidebook is intended to provide a handy reference for all aspects of admissions and occupancy administration." -Introduction
URL: https://www.hud.gov/sites/documents/DOC_10760.PDF
Office of the Attorney General. Latest received: 2022 Edition.
The Texas Attorney General provides a thorough look at the Public Information Act and its workings.
Read online: https://texasattorneygeneral.gov/sites/default/files/files/divisions/open-government/publicinfo_hb.pdf
By Gelfand, M. David. Thomson/West. Third edition. 2007.
"This guide is a fully updated summary of state and federal laws that pertain to public finance and taxation. It is a valuable supplement to law school courses on local government law and state and municipal finance, as well as course offerings on these topics in schools of business and public policy. The book places the technical legal rules it considers in the context of the broader public policy issues that those rules raise. It focuses on several past fiscal crises as a catalyst for, as well as a source of, doctrinal changes in these areas of the law." -publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=20048
» Property Tax
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Forced sale remedies
By Fambrough, Judon. Texas A&M Real Estate Center. A reprint from the Real Estate Center Journal. Revised January 2010.
This brief article goes over Texas laws regarding foreclosure sales and the legal options an owner has to avoid foreclosure or to redeem or re-purchase the property after a foreclosure sale. The author notes that state laws restrict the “right of redemption” to certain types of forced sales.
Read online: https://assets.recenter.tamu.edu/documents/articles/652.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Texas litigation guide
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1977-.
This comprehensive set explains the law and procedure in a given area and then provides drafting guides to prepare the forms. The set is divided into 10 different units: Pretrial Practice, Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Pleadings in Business Entity Litigation, Pleadings in Commercial Litigation, Pleadings in Real Estate Litigation, Pleadings in Personal Injury Litigation, Family Code Litigation, Probate Code Litigation, and Administrative Proceedings. (Due to publisher restrictions, this title may only be checked out from home by government employees. Members of the public must visit the library in person to view this title electronically or in print.)
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501615
Read online Table of contents View details in library catalog
By De Barbieri, Edward W. West Academic Publishing. Sixth edition. 2023.
"This new edition continues the emphasis of prior editions on such topics as the relationship of local governments to state and federal governments; the needs of local governments for territory, for personnel, and for adequate financing; and the principal activities and possible liabilities of local government. There is increased attention to land use control, an area of growing activity on the part of institutions, ranging from the U.S. Supreme Court to local zoning boards. This includes material not found in some books in this field, on such important concepts as 'smart growth,' 'new urbanism,' and 'regulatory takings.'" - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=28128
By McCarthy, David J. Thomson/West. Fifth edition. c2003.
"Reliable source of local government law features added emphasis on finance, including special tax districts and the implications of the Civil Rights Act of 1991. Discusses taxation, borrowing, and updating in the area of 1983. A review of each rule is included, accompanied by expert explanation of its underlying concepts." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=20088
By Gelfand, M. David. Thomson/West. Third edition. 2007.
"This guide is a fully updated summary of state and federal laws that pertain to public finance and taxation. It is a valuable supplement to law school courses on local government law and state and municipal finance, as well as course offerings on these topics in schools of business and public policy. The book places the technical legal rules it considers in the context of the broader public policy issues that those rules raise. It focuses on several past fiscal crises as a catalyst for, as well as a source of, doctrinal changes in these areas of the law." -publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=20048
» Zoning & Land Use
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Nuisance abatement
By Texas. Texas Attorney General's Office. Fifteenth edition. 2011.
Texas law allows both government officials and private individuals to sue a property owner because of a common or public nuisance. This resource from the Office of the Attorney General outlines the procedure to abate a nuisance from the initial investigation to court-ordered property closure.
Read online: https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/sites/default/files/files/divisions/criminal-justice/NuisanceAbatement.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Texas municipal zoning law
By Dougherty, James L. LEXIS Pub. Third edition. c1999-.
Packed with the most current zoning law information, this must-have reference for Texas real estate practitioners is the definitive source for success in this area of the law.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1000894
This is a featured Texas title Texas problem properties toolkit : A resource to help Texas communities address problems created by vacant and abandoned properties
By Community Development Clinic, University of Texas School of Law. The University of Texas School of Law. 2010 edition. 2010.
The Community Development Clinic at the University of Texas’s School of Law has created this resource to guide local communities through abating nuisances and hazards posed by abandoned properties. The guide offers a number of strategies as well as examples where readers can see how they have been implemented in cities across Texas.
Read online: https://law.utexas.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2015/07/2010-ECDC-ProblemPropertiesTexasToolkit.pdf
By Frieders, Dean M. American Bar Association. ;1. 2014.
Saving money. Using resources wisely. Building more durable projects that require less maintenance and upkeep. Protecting water supplies, trees, and farmland. These are all noble goals--but what if they could be pursued in one project? How do communities and private developers work collaboratively, to meet public and private interests and to create spaces where people want to live and work? Sustainable development is intended to prevent the permanent damage or loss of resources as well as incorporating methods that reduce the rate of consumption of resources. In its many forms, sustainable development and environmentalism are increasingly important for commercial, governmental, and social issues. Helping meet the need for current, accessible information on this growing area of law and practice, Foundations of Sustainable Development provides a hands-on guide to understanding sustainable development concepts and projects. Written for both public and private entities embarking upon sus…
URL: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1871370
By Mandelker, Daniel R. LexisNexis Matthew Bender, 2015. Sixth edition. Latest received: Automatic updates.
"This text reviews local planning and land use regulation programs, and is the only treatise with comprehensive citations to federal and state court decisions, as well as state statutes." - publisher's description
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2537883
By Nolon, John R. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. 2021.
This "nutshell" title explains the legal aspects of land planning and regulation, project review processes, and innovative and flexible regulatory devices.
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27599
By Juergensmeyer, Julian Conrad. West. Fifth edition. 2023.
"This Hornbook introduces the fundamentals of land use planning and control law. Subjects covered include the planning process, zoning, development permission, subdivision control law, and building and housing codes. Discusses constitutional limitations and the environmental aspects of land use controls. Explores aesthetic regulation, historic preservation, and agricultural land protection." - publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=28172
By Haar, Charles. 1. 2015.
Designed primarily for the classroom, the book takes a comprehensive approach to the teaching of planning and zoning law, regulatory takings, and environmental topics.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2141357
By Salsich, Peter W. American Bar Association. 1;2016-06. 2016.
Written by specialists in the field, this is a convenient and practical resource to handling all aspects of the most typical land use problems. It is written from the perspective of the administrative process that most often is encountered in a land use matter. Bringing together all applicable land use doctrines in a succinct, easy-to-use format, it is a practical reference for real estate specialists, general practitioners, and planning official. This updated edition of Land Use Regulation describes current legal trends and issues to assist practitioners of every level of experience in representing property owners or governmental interests in the local regulatory process. Examples are drawn from communities around the country to highlight areas of particular importance. Organized by areas likely to be encountered in a typical practice, this current treatment of land use law covers: Current information concerning court attitudes with respect to the power of local communities to regulat…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2821675
By Whitman, Dale A. West Pub. Co. Fourth edition. 2019.
"Trustworthy and modern source on property laws surveys estates in land—present, future, and concurrent, comparable interests in personalty, landlord and tenant law, and rights against neighbors and other third persons. Also examines easements and profits, running covenants, governmental controls on land use, land contracts, conveyances, titles, and recording systems. Contains footnote citations to leading court decisions for easy location of primary authority." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=26221
By Serkin, Christopher. 2013.
The book supports and supplements students' understanding of property and its role in the law school curriculum.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2141470
By De Barbieri, Edward W. West Academic Publishing. Sixth edition. 2023.
"This new edition continues the emphasis of prior editions on such topics as the relationship of local governments to state and federal governments; the needs of local governments for territory, for personnel, and for adequate financing; and the principal activities and possible liabilities of local government. There is increased attention to land use control, an area of growing activity on the part of institutions, ranging from the U.S. Supreme Court to local zoning boards. This includes material not found in some books in this field, on such important concepts as 'smart growth,' 'new urbanism,' and 'regulatory takings.'" - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=28128
By McCarthy, David J. Thomson/West. Fifth edition. c2003.
"Reliable source of local government law features added emphasis on finance, including special tax districts and the implications of the Civil Rights Act of 1991. Discusses taxation, borrowing, and updating in the area of 1983. A review of each rule is included, accompanied by expert explanation of its underlying concepts." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=20088
By Connolly, Brian J. American Bar Association. 1;2017-09. 2017.
?This book is a re-mastered, retooled version of the ABA publication "Protecting Free Speech and Expression: The First Amendment and Land Use Law" which was published by the ABA. This book contains some theoretical discussion of First Amendment law as it pertains to land use issues (e.g. sign and billboard regulation, regulation of artwork and aesthetics, regulation of religious land uses, regulation of adult businesses, etc.), but also provides information which will be relevant to practitioners, and will include some regulatory strategies and case studies. In order to strategically illustrate their points, the authors included cases as source material.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/3596030
By Nolon, John R. First edition. 2014.
A close look at the historical struggle of local governments to balance land development with natural resource conservation.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2234310
By Burke, D. Barlow. LexisNexis. Third edition. 2013.
Understanding the Law of Zoning and Land Use Controls, now in its Third Edition, is a comprehensive and clearly written text addressing zoning, land use, and environmental regulation in a national, jurisdiction-independent manner.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1385932
By Cope, Ronald. American Bar Association. 1;2017-03. 2017.
Zoning law has a major impact on the development of our cities and villages, and where we live and work; it also plays a major role in numerous business and real estate transactions. The Zoning and Land Use Handbook is a reference guide for zoning and related land use issues.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/3212307
» All Titles
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Economic development handbook
Latest received: 2022 Update. By Texas Municipal League. Texas Municipal League. 2017.
"Fostering a vibrant, thriving economy is critical to the future of our great state. All across Texas, cities and other local governments are working to nurture small business, encourage entrepreneurship, advance commerce, and create jobs. Fortunately, Texas law offers many tools for local leaders seeking to generate economic development and opportunity. As a service to those leaders and other interested parties, the Texas Municipal League has assumed publication of this Economic Development Handbook, which compiles the state’s economic development laws. This Handbook is intended to inform Texas cities about the wide-range of legal tools that are available to local communities." -introduction letter
Read online: https://www.tml.org/DocumentCenter/View/1471/2022-Economic-Dev-HDBK-_Final?bidId=
This is a featured Texas title Employment law manual for Texas cities
Latest received: 2019 Edition. By Mueller, Laura. Texas Municipal League. 2010-.
"The following questions and answers provide a layperson’s explanation of state and federal employment laws as they apply to Texas municipal officials and are intended to provide general guidance on the issues." -from the introduction
Read online: https://www.tml.org/DocumentCenter/View/1012/EMPLOYMENT_LAW_MANUAL_FOR_TEXAS_CITIES-2019_FINAL?bidId=
This is a featured Texas title Forced sale remedies
By Fambrough, Judon. Texas A&M Real Estate Center. A reprint from the Real Estate Center Journal. Revised January 2010.
This brief article goes over Texas laws regarding foreclosure sales and the legal options an owner has to avoid foreclosure or to redeem or re-purchase the property after a foreclosure sale. The author notes that state laws restrict the “right of redemption” to certain types of forced sales.
Read online: https://assets.recenter.tamu.edu/documents/articles/652.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Guide to Texas laws for county officials
Latest received: 2023. Texas Association of Counties. 1986-.
"This guide is a compilation of current statutes affecting the administration and operation of the principal county offices. While the compilation informs county officials about the more important statutes affecting their offices, it is primarily intended to provide them with a convenient reference source for questions regarding the scope of their individual duties. " -from the inroduction
URL: https://countyorgprodblob2023.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/cms/tac/media/default/member-services/legal/legal-publications/guide-to-laws-for-county-officials.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Municipal annexation in Texas
Latest received: July 2021 Update. By Houston, Scott. Texas Municipal League. [2017- ].
Municipal annexation laws were overhauled by the Texas Legislature in 2017 to require voter approval of certain annexations. This publication provides an overview of the changes enacted by Senate Bill 6.
Read online: https://www.tml.org/DocumentCenter/View/1461/ANNEXATION-PAPER-TML-January-2021?bidId=
This is a featured Texas title Nuisance abatement
By Texas. Texas Attorney General's Office. Fifteenth edition. 2011.
Texas law allows both government officials and private individuals to sue a property owner because of a common or public nuisance. This resource from the Office of the Attorney General outlines the procedure to abate a nuisance from the initial investigation to court-ordered property closure.
Read online: https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/sites/default/files/files/divisions/criminal-justice/NuisanceAbatement.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Officeholding deskbook
By Texas Justice Court Training Center. Texas Justice Court Training Center. Fourth edition. 2023.
This deskbook offers practical information for those elected as justice of the peace. It includes information about the structure of Texas courts, duties and powers of the justice of the peace, fees associated with justice court, and public access to information.
Download as PDF: https://docs.gato.txst.edu/660572/Officeholding%20and%20Ethics%20Deskbook%20-%20Fourth%20Edition.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Open meetings handbook
Office of the Attorney General. Latest received: 2022 Edition.
The Texas Attorney General provides a comprehensive look at the Open Meetings Act.
Read online: https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/sites/default/files/files/divisions/open-government/openmeetings_hb.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Revenue manual for Texas cities
Latest received: 2021 Update. By Texas Municipal League. Texas Municipal League. 2012-.
Organized alphabetically by type of revenue source available to Texas cities. Details revenue source, how it is adopted, types of cities which can adopt it, how much revenue can be generated. Includes various sources of debt funding or financing.
Read online: https://www.tml.org/DocumentCenter/View/1455/revenuemanual?bidId=
This is a featured Texas title Texas litigation guide
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1977-.
This comprehensive set explains the law and procedure in a given area and then provides drafting guides to prepare the forms. The set is divided into 10 different units: Pretrial Practice, Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Pleadings in Business Entity Litigation, Pleadings in Commercial Litigation, Pleadings in Real Estate Litigation, Pleadings in Personal Injury Litigation, Family Code Litigation, Probate Code Litigation, and Administrative Proceedings. (Due to publisher restrictions, this title may only be checked out from home by government employees. Members of the public must visit the library in person to view this title electronically or in print.)
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501615
Read online Table of contents View details in library catalog
This is a featured Texas title Texas municipal zoning law
By Dougherty, James L. LEXIS Pub. Third edition. c1999-.
Packed with the most current zoning law information, this must-have reference for Texas real estate practitioners is the definitive source for success in this area of the law.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1000894
This is a featured Texas title Texas problem properties toolkit : A resource to help Texas communities address problems created by vacant and abandoned properties
By Community Development Clinic, University of Texas School of Law. The University of Texas School of Law. 2010 edition. 2010.
The Community Development Clinic at the University of Texas’s School of Law has created this resource to guide local communities through abating nuisances and hazards posed by abandoned properties. The guide offers a number of strategies as well as examples where readers can see how they have been implemented in cities across Texas.
Read online: https://law.utexas.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2015/07/2010-ECDC-ProblemPropertiesTexasToolkit.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Texas torts and remedies
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1987-.
This multivolume treatise discusses in detail the law around various torts and their legal remedies. Includes personal and professional liability, products liability, premises liability, insurance claims, commercial torts, etc.
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By Tokaji, Daniel P. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. 2023.
"Election law is a dynamic and rapidly expanding field that generates enormous public interest. It is also of great practical importance to lawyers and law students, with increasing litigation and many controversial Supreme Court decisions such as Bush v. Gore, Citizens United v. FEC, and Shelby County v. Holder. This Nutshell provides a succinct and thorough description of the law governing elections, the right to vote, and the political process in the United States. The topics addressed include “one person, one vote,” gerrymandering, minority voting rights, ballot access, voter identification, recounts, direct democracy, and campaign finance. The Nutshell covers U.S. constitutional law in these areas, as well as the Voting Rights Act, Federal Election Campaign Act, and other essential statutes. It includes Evenwel v. Abbott, McDonnell v. United States, and other cases from the 2015-16 Supreme Court Term." - publisher's description
Read online.: https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=28415&goBackUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fsubscription.westacademic.com%2Fsearch%3Fsort%3Dpublication-date%26afterDate%3D2023-12-14
By Chumbler, Martha H. American Bar Association. 2022.
The following topics are considered regarding public records: What is and is not a public record; The basics and the nuances of public records access in the digital age; When and how public records laws can apply to private entities; Protection of third-party and confidential information; Exemptions from disclosure; Public records requests during litigation with government entities; Enforcement of state open records laws; Cybersecurity challenges with public records. And the following topics are considered regarding open meetings: What is and is not an open meeting; The public's participation in open meetings; Best practices for remote public meetings; Exemptions from open meetings requirements; Enforcement of state open meetings laws. The book also includes a detailed breakdown of public records and open meetings requirements by state, plus a listing of statutes, constitutional provisions, and explanatory guides for each state's public records and open meetings laws.
URL: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/8728622
By Frieders, Dean M. American Bar Association. ;1. 2014.
Saving money. Using resources wisely. Building more durable projects that require less maintenance and upkeep. Protecting water supplies, trees, and farmland. These are all noble goals--but what if they could be pursued in one project? How do communities and private developers work collaboratively, to meet public and private interests and to create spaces where people want to live and work? Sustainable development is intended to prevent the permanent damage or loss of resources as well as incorporating methods that reduce the rate of consumption of resources. In its many forms, sustainable development and environmentalism are increasingly important for commercial, governmental, and social issues. Helping meet the need for current, accessible information on this growing area of law and practice, Foundations of Sustainable Development provides a hands-on guide to understanding sustainable development concepts and projects. Written for both public and private entities embarking upon sus…
URL: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1871370
By Mintz, Joel A. American Bar Association. 2;2021-01. 2020.
This book is intended as an introduction, for nonspecialist attorneys, to the often intricate process of financing local capital projects through the sale of municipal bonds. It considers the major institutional and individual "players" in the bond issuance process, as well as those sometimes complex facets of the law that establish the "ground rules" for, and some limitations on, municipal debt financing.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5234391
By Bronin, Sara C. West Academic Publishing. 2018.
"Historic Preservation Law in a Nutshell provides the leading in-depth summary of historic preservation law within its local, state, tribal, federal, and international contexts. Historic preservation is a burgeoning area of law that includes aspects of property, land use, environmental, constitutional, cultural resources, international, and Native American law. This book covers the primary federal statutes, and many facets of state statutes, dealing with the protection and preservation of historic resources. It also includes key topics like the designation process, federal agency obligations, local regulation, takings and other constitutional concerns, and real estate development issues. Click here to read a book review of the first edition from the National Trust for Historic Preservation." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=25640
By Mandelker, Daniel R. LexisNexis Matthew Bender, 2015. Sixth edition. Latest received: Automatic updates.
"This text reviews local planning and land use regulation programs, and is the only treatise with comprehensive citations to federal and state court decisions, as well as state statutes." - publisher's description
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2537883
By Nolon, John R. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. 2021.
This "nutshell" title explains the legal aspects of land planning and regulation, project review processes, and innovative and flexible regulatory devices.
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By Juergensmeyer, Julian Conrad. West. Fifth edition. 2023.
"This Hornbook introduces the fundamentals of land use planning and control law. Subjects covered include the planning process, zoning, development permission, subdivision control law, and building and housing codes. Discusses constitutional limitations and the environmental aspects of land use controls. Explores aesthetic regulation, historic preservation, and agricultural land protection." - publisher's description
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By Haar, Charles. 1. 2015.
Designed primarily for the classroom, the book takes a comprehensive approach to the teaching of planning and zoning law, regulatory takings, and environmental topics.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2141357
By Salsich, Peter W. American Bar Association. 1;2016-06. 2016.
Written by specialists in the field, this is a convenient and practical resource to handling all aspects of the most typical land use problems. It is written from the perspective of the administrative process that most often is encountered in a land use matter. Bringing together all applicable land use doctrines in a succinct, easy-to-use format, it is a practical reference for real estate specialists, general practitioners, and planning official. This updated edition of Land Use Regulation describes current legal trends and issues to assist practitioners of every level of experience in representing property owners or governmental interests in the local regulatory process. Examples are drawn from communities around the country to highlight areas of particular importance. Organized by areas likely to be encountered in a typical practice, this current treatment of land use law covers: Current information concerning court attitudes with respect to the power of local communities to regulat…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2821675
By De Barbieri, Edward W. West Academic Publishing. Sixth edition. 2023.
"This new edition continues the emphasis of prior editions on such topics as the relationship of local governments to state and federal governments; the needs of local governments for territory, for personnel, and for adequate financing; and the principal activities and possible liabilities of local government. There is increased attention to land use control, an area of growing activity on the part of institutions, ranging from the U.S. Supreme Court to local zoning boards. This includes material not found in some books in this field, on such important concepts as 'smart growth,' 'new urbanism,' and 'regulatory takings.'" - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=28128
By McCarthy, David J. Thomson/West. Fifth edition. c2003.
"Reliable source of local government law features added emphasis on finance, including special tax districts and the implications of the Civil Rights Act of 1991. Discusses taxation, borrowing, and updating in the area of 1983. A review of each rule is included, accompanied by expert explanation of its underlying concepts." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=20088
By Connolly, Brian J. American Bar Association. 1;2017-09. 2017.
?This book is a re-mastered, retooled version of the ABA publication "Protecting Free Speech and Expression: The First Amendment and Land Use Law" which was published by the ABA. This book contains some theoretical discussion of First Amendment law as it pertains to land use issues (e.g. sign and billboard regulation, regulation of artwork and aesthetics, regulation of religious land uses, regulation of adult businesses, etc.), but also provides information which will be relevant to practitioners, and will include some regulatory strategies and case studies. In order to strategically illustrate their points, the authors included cases as source material.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/3596030
By Nelson, Arthur C. American Bar Association. 1;2017-09. 2017.
?This book addresses market demand-based permitting and building planning in municipalities and counties. It reviews implications for property rights, protecting the local economy, and preventing development in excess of market needs. The book shows how market demand-based planning and permitting could have reduced the severity of the savings and loan crisis as well as the Great Recession while saving the economy millions of jobs and Americans trillions of dollars in real estate equity. It reviews many existing tools that can be used to implement market demand-based planning and permitting.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/3596031
By Lawton, Anne. West Academic Publishing. First edition. 2022.
"The Municipal Bankruptcy Nutshell is a valuable resource for municipal attorneys and officials, law students, and journalists covering chapter 9 cases. Chapter topics include the history of municipal bankruptcy legislation, constitutional challenges to such legislation, eligibility requirements for chapter 9 relief, requirements for plan confirmation, and post-confirmation matters. The Nutshell also examines the chapter 9 specific rules on the automatic stay, pledged special revenues, rejection of collective bargaining agreements, and the avoiding powers. The Appendices include citations to legislative materials, a table listing by state the statutes authorizing chapter 9 relief, and retention-of-jurisdiction language from the Detroit and Stockton plans." - publisher's description
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By Scheiderich, William J. American Bar Association. 1;2016-2. 2016.
The Municipal Law Deskbook is an all-encompassing primer on the common legal issues that arise in local government law practice. This book will guide practitioners in where to direct their research, as well as provide resources and suggested approaches to issue resolution. Drawing from decades of municipal law experience, editor William Scheiderich and authors share best practices for analyzing and dealing with cutting-edge topics such as the use and multiple benefits of intergovernmental agreements; current legal and administrative issues at the state and federal level relevant to municipal finance powers; taxation and borrowing; municipal bankruptcy; and more.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2592799
By Nolon, John R. First edition. 2014.
A close look at the historical struggle of local governments to balance land development with natural resource conservation.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2234310
By U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2003.
"This Guide is designed to assist public housing authority staff and HUD with a range of issues related to public housing occupancy, from application for admission and rent calculations through ongoing occupancy to lease termination. The guidebook is intended to provide a handy reference for all aspects of admissions and occupancy administration." -Introduction
URL: https://www.hud.gov/sites/documents/DOC_10760.PDF
Office of the Attorney General. Latest received: 2022 Edition.
The Texas Attorney General provides a thorough look at the Public Information Act and its workings.
Read online: https://texasattorneygeneral.gov/sites/default/files/files/divisions/open-government/publicinfo_hb.pdf
By Gelfand, M. David. Thomson/West. Third edition. 2007.
"This guide is a fully updated summary of state and federal laws that pertain to public finance and taxation. It is a valuable supplement to law school courses on local government law and state and municipal finance, as well as course offerings on these topics in schools of business and public policy. The book places the technical legal rules it considers in the context of the broader public policy issues that those rules raise. It focuses on several past fiscal crises as a catalyst for, as well as a source of, doctrinal changes in these areas of the law." -publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=20048
By Whitman, Dale A. West Pub. Co. Fourth edition. 2019.
"Trustworthy and modern source on property laws surveys estates in land—present, future, and concurrent, comparable interests in personalty, landlord and tenant law, and rights against neighbors and other third persons. Also examines easements and profits, running covenants, governmental controls on land use, land contracts, conveyances, titles, and recording systems. Contains footnote citations to leading court decisions for easy location of primary authority." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=26221
By Serkin, Christopher. 2013.
The book supports and supplements students' understanding of property and its role in the law school curriculum.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2141470
By Cope, Ronald. American Bar Association. 1;2017-03. 2017.
Zoning law has a major impact on the development of our cities and villages, and where we live and work; it also plays a major role in numerous business and real estate transactions. The Zoning and Land Use Handbook is a reference guide for zoning and related land use issues.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/3212307
By Burke, D. Barlow. LexisNexis. Third edition. 2013.
Understanding the Law of Zoning and Land Use Controls, now in its Third Edition, is a comprehensive and clearly written text addressing zoning, land use, and environmental regulation in a national, jurisdiction-independent manner.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1385932