Wills, Trusts, and Estate Planning
» Estate & Gift Tax
Latest received: Automatic updates. Panel Publishers. [2017?]-.
"A practical exploration of federal estate and gift taxation, the Estate & Gift Tax Handbook provides timely and effective advice on estate and gift tax practice and procedure, and is a useful resource for estate-planning practitioners, fiduciaries, attorneys, and others dealing with the complexities of the estate and gift tax system. Now you can have one place to find all the information and tools necessary to arrange a person's affairs, both before and after death, to minimize the estate and gift tax burden and maximize wealth transfers through lifetime and testamentary giving. Written in concise, easy-to-understand language to demystify this complicated area of the law, the book is a valuable resource for readers approaching the subject from varied backgrounds and disciplines." -publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/729?docUid=158956007
By McNulty, John K. West Academic Publishing. Ninth edition. 2020.
"This comprehensive guide can serve either as a course supplement or as a refresher for members of the bar. Expert commentary summarizes the law and offers critical perspectives on the estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfer taxes, including lifetime and testamentary transfers, joint-and-survivor tenancies, life insurance, annuities, and powers of appointment; inclusion and valuation; exemptions and exclusions; deductions; and tax liabilities. Additional chapters cover basic tax and estate planning concepts, reform proposals, and fundamental alternatives to the current transfer tax system." -publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=26711
By McCouch, Grayson M. P. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. 2023.
"This comprehensive guide can serve either as a course supplement or as a refresher for members of the bar. Expert commentary summarizes the law and offers critical perspectives on the federal income taxation of estates, trusts, and beneficiaries, including the decedent’s final income tax return; classification of estates and trusts; income in respect of a decedent; distributable net income; simple and complex trusts; distributions; grantor trusts; charitable trusts; and foreign trusts. Additional chapters cover basic income, gift and estate tax concepts, accumulation distributions, and specially treated trusts." - publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=28120
By Horn, Jerold I. American Bar Association. Sixth edition. 2018.
We find ourselves in uncertain times—and uncertainty promises to be the state of risk and demand flexible and creative solutions. Attorney Jerold I. Horn provides just these solutions in the new Sixth Edition of Flexible Trusts and Estates for Uncertain Times. Written for lawyers who already possess a sophisticated understanding of estate planning and will and trust drafting issues, this book contains the wisdom and experience of Horn's decades of practice. This edition further refines and expands the analysis experienced practitioners have come to expect from this title, with more than 150 sample forms, more than twenty complete wills, trusts, and other instruments, and extensive analysis of the options for creating and completing all of these. Lawyers new to the area will find a great deal of helpful information as well, as Horn provides the framework for understanding concepts, then details the multitude of options available. Flexible Trusts and Estates for Uncertain Times h…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/3818936
By Lynn, Robert J. West Academic Publishing. Seventh edition. 2019.
"This Nutshell presents an introduction to estate planning. Subjects covered include the transfer of property at death at will under the intestate law, survivor interests, community property, and "simple" wills. Addresses insurance, estates arising from status, Social Security, pensions, workers' compensation, and veterans benefits. Discusses charitable trusts, the rule in Shelley's case, the Doctrine of Worthier Title, the Rule Against Perpetuities, and the Rule Against Accumulations. Also addresses fiduciary administration and federal estate and gift taxes." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=26262
» Guardianships
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title A Texas guide to adult guardianship
By Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Texas Health and Human Services Department. [2017].
Are you considering how to care for your aging loved ones? This guide will provide you with information about obtaining legal guardianship of older adults.
URL: https://hhs.texas.gov/sites/default/files//documents/laws-regulations/legal-information/guardianship/pub395-guardianship.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Alternatives to guardianship and supports & services
By Disability Rights Texas. Disability Rights Texas. 2018.
Disability Rights Texas has created this handout outlining a court’s responsibility to determine whether a less restrictive alternative to guardianship is appropriate.
Read online: https://www.disabilityrightstx.org/en/handout/alternatives-to-guardianship-supports-services/
This is a featured Texas title Guardianship guide
By Texas Young Lawyers Association. Texas Young Lawyers Association. 2017.
This short pamphlet provides information on becoming the legal guardian of an adult.
URL: http://tyla.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Guardianship-Guide.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Guardianship law
By Cross, Kelly M. Texas College of Probate Judges. 2017.
This two-part paper was written by Texas probate judges. It covers the ins and outs of guardianship proceedings in great detail – what a guardianship is, what the requirements are, as well as what alternatives exist.
Part 1: Investigation and Creation: http://www.txcourts.gov/media/1439377/14-grdnship-law-1.pdf
Part 1: Investigation and Creation Part 2: Nuts and Bolts of Judicial Administration View details in library catalog
This is a featured Texas title Protecting the incapacitated : A guide to guardianship in Texas from application to oath
State Bar of Texas. 2014.
"Understanding guardianships in Texas law is made easier by this pamphlet, which discusses alternatives to guardianship, the guardianship process, and other issues related to instituting a guardianship proceeding." - from the publisher
URL: https://www.texasbar.com/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Free_Legal_Information2&Template=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=27877
This is a featured Texas title Texas family law practice and procedure
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. Second edition. 1997-.
This multivolume set provides comprehensive family law coverage including procedural explanations, drafting guides and forms, and citations to statutes/case law.
Note: This title is in high demand. If you need a short excerpt while it is borrowed by someone else, please contact the library.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501511
This is a featured Texas title Texas guardianship manual
State Bar of Texas. Fourth edition. 2022.
Now available remotely as an e-book, the State Bar of Texas’s Guardianship Manual provides practice notes and forms for those charged with creating or administering a guardianship.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/10048265
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This is a featured Texas title Texas litigation guide
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1977-.
This comprehensive set explains the law and procedure in a given area and then provides drafting guides to prepare the forms. The set is divided into 10 different units: Pretrial Practice, Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Pleadings in Business Entity Litigation, Pleadings in Commercial Litigation, Pleadings in Real Estate Litigation, Pleadings in Personal Injury Litigation, Family Code Litigation, Probate Code Litigation, and Administrative Proceedings. (Due to publisher restrictions, this title may only be checked out from home by government employees. Members of the public must visit the library in person to view this title electronically or in print.)
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501615
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This is a featured Texas title Texas probate, estate, and trust administration
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. c1996-.
This set provides coverage of every aspect of probate law and estate and trust administration in Texas. It includes sample forms and letters, procedural checklists, lists of source materials, charts and diagrams, tables of statutes, rules and regulations, and a quick reference index.
Note: This title is in high demand. If you need a short excerpt while it is borrowed by someone else, please contact the library.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501789
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This is a featured Texas title Texas small-firm practice tools
By Stormer, Cindy. James Publishing, Inc. 2024.
With over 560 forms for 16 practice areas, bring order and method to your practice, tackle new areas with confidence, and avoid omissions and wasted effort. This series includes step-by-step procedures, voice-of-experience tips, answers to common questions, mistakes to avoid, tax considerations, and practice checklists for small firms.
Read Online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/1872577
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Fleming, Robert B. Aspen Publishers. Fourth edition. [2017].
The Elder Law Answer Book offers a thorough guide to aspects of the law that affect senior citizens, including long-term care planning, powers of attorney, trusts, age discrimination, and more.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/725?docUid=106709324
By Kaplan, Richard L. West Academic. Eighth edition. 2023.
This book provides a brief overview of elder law. Topics covered include ethical considerations, health care decision making, Medicaid, SSI, guardianship alternatives, pension plans, and elder abuse and neglect.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=28274
Latest received: Automatic updates. Little, Brown. c1993-.
Provides answers to questions concerning Medicaid, long-term care planning, healthcare issues, trusts, powers, and guardianship. Each portfolio in the series is written by an elder law expert. The series also includes a table of cases.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/725?docUid=106705931
Latest received: Automatic updates. Little, Brown. 2003-.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/725?docUid=148902861
By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. Second edition. 2014.
This book provides an overview of laws that affect families including: custody, adoption, care for the elderly, marriage, divorce, estate planning, and more.
Read online: http://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=GXN3&site=lirc-live
By Matthews, J. L. Nolo. Thirteenth edition. 2020.
This book by Nolo helps readers find information on long-term medical care and financial planning. Long-Term Care helps readers understand the range of available choices helping them to explore options for home care, assisted living and nursing homes, maximizing Medicare, Medicaid and veterans' programs, and preventing elder fraud.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=MXTE&site=lirc-live
By Hegland, Kenney F. West Academic Publishing. First edition. 2013.
A quick and easy guide to problems of aging and how the law and practical advice can make things better.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2111598
» Trusts & Estates
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title New tool in the toolbox
By Rusty Adams. Texas A&M Real Estate Center. 2017.
This publication discusses the intricacies of 'transfer on death deeds' and how do-it-youself estate planners can best navigate their enforcement.
URL: https://assets.recenter.tamu.edu/Documents/Articles/2179.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Texas estate planning
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1993-.
With fingertip access to hundreds of forms, along with explanations of how to best apply these forms, Texas Estate Planning assists you in preparing client wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney, and more. From writing a simple will to preparing a complicated trust document, Texas Estate Planning clarifies statutes and outlines court opinions in an easy-to-understand, quick-to-reference manner.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501788
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This is a featured Texas title Texas estate planning
By Reis, Dianne. James Pub. 2023.
Will and trust forms annotated with alternate clauses, pitfalls to avoid, practice tips, recent cases, and tax considerations, and includes questionnaires, explanatory cover letters, asset flow charts, and case-based examples.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2385878
This is a featured Texas title Texas probate, estate, and trust administration
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. c1996-.
This set provides coverage of every aspect of probate law and estate and trust administration in Texas. It includes sample forms and letters, procedural checklists, lists of source materials, charts and diagrams, tables of statutes, rules and regulations, and a quick reference index.
Note: This title is in high demand. If you need a short excerpt while it is borrowed by someone else, please contact the library.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501789
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This is a featured Texas title Texas small-firm practice tools
By Stormer, Cindy. James Publishing, Inc. 2024.
With over 560 forms for 16 practice areas, bring order and method to your practice, tackle new areas with confidence, and avoid omissions and wasted effort. This series includes step-by-step procedures, voice-of-experience tips, answers to common questions, mistakes to avoid, tax considerations, and practice checklists for small firms.
Read Online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/1872577
This is a featured Texas title Texas transaction guide, legal forms
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Kendrick, Herbert S. M. Bender. 1972-.
"From business and commercial dealings to personal and real estate transactions, Texas Transaction Guide: Legal Forms contains all the information you need to successfully represent your client through any transactional process. Depend on step-by-step guidance, practice notes, research guides, legal backgrounds, practice guides and insightful commentary in your transaction law practice." - publisher's description
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501911
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This is a featured Texas title Wills road map : Practical considerations in will drafting
By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. 2014 Edition. 2014.
"The purpose of Wills Road Map is to pull together legal concepts from various areas that impact the preparation of wills, including wills, probate, and trust law. While it features a very basic discussion of estate tax planning, the primary focus is on the various state law issues." -Introduction
URL: https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth639585/
This is a featured Texas title Your Texas wills, trusts, & estates explained simply : Important information you need to know for Texas residents
By Ashar, Linda C. Atlantic Pub. c2011.
"This book will take the guesswork out of planning your estate and help you finally understand the complex processes." - publisher's description
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1425073
By Gallanis, Thomas P. West Academic Publishing. [2017], ©2017.
"Concise Restatements, compilations of provisions from The American Law Institute’s influential Restatements of the Law, provide a compact and comprehensive overview of the area of law they encompass. Condensing the seven volumes of the Restatement Third of Trusts and the Restatement Third of Property (Wills and Other Donative Transfers) into a single user-friendly volume, this Concise Restatement sets forth the black-letter principles of the law of trusts and estates, including relevant explanatory commentary and helpful illustrations that illuminate the law and the policies underlying it. This handy one-volume Concise Restatement is ideal for practitioner reference or for use as a supplement in law-school courses in trusts and estates. This title is a joint publication of the American Law Institute and West Academic Publishing; it was compiled and edited by Professor Thomas P. Gallanis of the University of Iowa, who served as an Associate Reporter for the Restatement Third of Trusts.…
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=25290
By Epstein, Lita. F+W Media. 2008.
This e-book answers questions about estate and tax laws and includes options to effectively plan for the disposition of assets.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/246447
By Williston, Samuel. Duke Classics. 2013.
The authoritative classic guide to commercial law through the early 20th century.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1327372
By Green, Janice. Nolo. Sixth edition. 2025.
"Legal information and practical advice for older Americans dealing with divorce. Divorce rates are soaring among seniors, but the legal and emotional challenges you face as an older adult are different from those that apply to younger divorcees. That's why you need Divorce After 50, the only guide around that addresses the challenges unique to your age group. Written by an attorney who specializes in divorce among the over-50 age group, Divorce After 50 covers these subjects and much more:. how to get guidance from friends, family, and, as needed, lawyers. ways to divorce -- collaborative, mediated, contested, etc. marital property: what it is, what you do with it, and how to divide assets and liabilities. how to survive financially during and after divorce. how health care and estate planning are impacted by divorce. alternatives to divorce, including post-nuptial agreements You'll get all the information you need to decide whether and how to divorce, plus plenty of divorce surviv…
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=NPDB&site=lirc-live
By Bove, Alexander A. American Bar Association. 2022.
Beginning in 1997, when Alaska established the first trust to protect the trust assets from the settlor's credits, DAPTs have become a key part of the estate planner's options to help clients protect their assets. DAPTs provide a domestic alternative to offshore asset-protection trusts while encouraging lifetime estate planning among clients who could benefit from transfer tax planning but could be apprehensive about such planning without possible access to the property transferred in the future. Providing the wealth of information in our volume on the requirements of and limitations on a DAPT, this comprehensive resource on creating trusts that protect assets from creditors. Written by experienced attorneys with extensive experience with DAPTs and other sophisticated estate planning vehicles, the book initially discusses the regulations of the various states that have enacted DAPT legislation, with additional information in related appendices: Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, In…
URL: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/8728621
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Fleming, Robert B. Aspen Publishers. Fourth edition. [2017].
The Elder Law Answer Book offers a thorough guide to aspects of the law that affect senior citizens, including long-term care planning, powers of attorney, trusts, age discrimination, and more.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/725?docUid=106709324
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Margolis, Harry S. Aspen Law & Business. [2012?]-.
This practice manual contains more than 100 forms and documents. Each form includes commentary explaining when and how each form should be used. The manual is organized into five parts: managing the elder law practice; estate and long-term care planning; powers of attorney, medical directives and wills; trusts; and miscellaneous topics.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/725?docUid=158774453
By Kaplan, Richard L. West Academic. Eighth edition. 2023.
This book provides a brief overview of elder law. Topics covered include ethical considerations, health care decision making, Medicaid, SSI, guardianship alternatives, pension plans, and elder abuse and neglect.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=28274
Latest received: Automatic updates. Little, Brown. c1993-.
Provides answers to questions concerning Medicaid, long-term care planning, healthcare issues, trusts, powers, and guardianship. Each portfolio in the series is written by an elder law expert. The series also includes a table of cases.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/725?docUid=106705931
Latest received: Automatic updates. Little, Brown. 2003-.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/725?docUid=148902861
Latest received: 2020 edition, automatic updates. Aspen Publishers. [2018?]-.
Designed for professional advisors and business executives who need quick and authoritative answers to help them decide how to integrate the receipt of retirement plan distributions with their estate plans, how to choose and design the type of retirement plan that best suits their needs, and how to comply with the growing number of federal requirements and tax rules that apply to these plans. The book is written in a Q&A format, and filled with numerous examples as well as practice pointers that highlight recent interpretations of IRS regulations and provide cautions concerning common pitfalls.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/729?docUid=106711308
By Munro, Margaret Atkins. Wiley. Second edition. 2013.
Your plain-English guide to administering an estate and/or trustAs more and more of the population reach senior ages--including baby boomers, many of whom do not have wills--an increasing number of people are being thrust into the role of executor, administrator, personal representative of an estate, or trustee of a trust after the death of a loved one. This updated edition of Estate & Trust Administration For Dummiesguides you through the confusing process of administering an estate and/or trust. Settling an estate and administering a trust can be complicated, messy, and time-consuming for individuals named as executor or trustee, most of whom have no previous experience with such matters. Estate & Trust Administration For Dummies shows you how to make sound decisions for your unique circumstances. Guides you through the confusing process of...The EPUB format of this title may not be compatible for use on all handheld devices.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1317321
By Mezzullo, Louis A. American Bar Association. 3;2017-10. 2017.
Now completely revised and updated, this clearly written guide from nationally known author and speaker Louis A. Mezzullo provides comprehensive yet practical advice for designing effective buy-sell agreements to be used as both an exit strategy or as part of the succession or estate planning process. Accessible to practitioners with varying degrees of experience in the subject, An Estate Planner's Guide to Buy-Sell Agreements for the Closely Held Business provides guidance for assisting owners of a closely held business in structuring arrangements to deal with the withdrawal of an owner from the ownership of the business. The book explains the important differences to consider when drafting an agreement for a business operating as a corporation (either a C or S corporation), a partnership, or a limited liability company (LLC). A well-drafted buy-sell agreement can achieve key objectives for your client. The book succinctly defines the most important of these benefits from the perspe…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/3623509
By Mezzullo, Louis A. American Bar Association. 4;2020-07. 2020.
Increasingly clients are looking for the most effective way to pass their investments on to younger family members. This updated edition provides a timely framework for selecting the most appropriate family members means of transferring wealth through the establishment of a business entity, including S corporations, C corporations, partnerships and LLCs. Author Louis A. Mezzullo explains complex information in a clear and logical manner. Updated to reflect recent legal developments, this book provides lawyers and financial planners the necessary background to accurately advise clients on their choice of entity options. The book discusses the different techniques available for most effectively planning the transfer of a client's wealth, including trusts, S corporations, C corporations, partnerships and LLCs. To guide the selection of the most appropriate entity to meet a client's objectives, the book offers a thorough comparison of the advantages, disadvantages and restrictions of each …
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5674174
By Clifford, Denis. Nolo. Twelfth edition. 2024.
Covers the basics of estate planning, including wills, trusts, and health care directives. It prepares readers to start planning their estate, with or without an attorney.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=NE6S&site=lirc-live
By Shenkman, Martin M. Springer Publishing Company. 2009.
This is the first comprehensive estate-planning guide for those living with a chronic disease or disability. This book is targeted at those planning for the disbursement of their estates, no matter their size.Estate-planning is crucial for those living with a chronic disease or disability: individuals must express their preferences whether to receive long-term care at home rather than in a nursing home in the event that they become more disabled, and it is more important for one who has a chronic illness to name a power of attorney. Estate Planning for People with a Chronic Condition or Disability covers all of those topics plus: How to write your will How to determine how much life insurance your family needs How to figure out whether you need a living trust Learn about powers of attorney When to work with a lawyer, if you need toThe book also includes downloadable sample forms for: Power of Attorney Living Will...
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/251098
By Gallanis, Thomas P. West. Sixth edition. 2018.
"This comprehensive guide provides an overview of the rules and principles of estates and future interests, including concurrent estates, marital estates (including the modern elective share), and powers of appointment. It includes new innovations from the Restatement 3d of Property, modernizing the law of future interests and dramatically changing the Rule Against Perpetuities. With respect to powers of appointment, the book incorporates the clarifications and modernizations of the law in the Restatement 3d of Property and the Uniform Powers of Appointment Act (2013, with subsequent amendments). The book also has exercises, with answers at the back. Valuable for students in first-year Property and upper-year courses in Trusts and Estates." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=25979
By Layton, Deborah S. Second edition. 2009.
A "how-to" guide for individuals needing assistance with end-of-life decision planning. Advises readers on: creating an estate plan, understanding probate, drafting a will, having a power of attorney, creating a trust, and paying taxes.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/637689
Latest received: Automatic updates. Aspen Law & Business. [c2001]-.
"Family Law Update covers all the current issues and relevant opinions pertaining to Family Law. It brings the most salient information to your fingertips. It is fully comprehensive and concrete, with its broad coverage and multiple sources." -publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/731?docUid=111909117
By Horn, Jerold I. American Bar Association. Seventh edition. 2021.
The Seventh Edition confronts continued and, indeed, increased instability. The new instability follows a relatively short lull after a period of unprecedented instability, including since 2001, increases in exemptions, reductions in rates, the repeal and restoration of the estate tax and the generation-skipping tax, the installation of a system of portability of the unused portion of the estate tax exemption of a predeceasing spouse, the advocacy by leading politicians of repeal of the taxes and, by others, of drastic increases in the taxes and the enactment of wealth taxes, and, probably most importantly, of a worldwide plague against which individuals, groups and even nations were unable to protect themselves. Variations of techniques that have appeared in all prior editions of this book are the techniques of choice for the present environment. More than ever, flexibility is the hallmark.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/6678081
By Horn, Jerold I. American Bar Association. Sixth edition. 2018.
We find ourselves in uncertain times—and uncertainty promises to be the state of risk and demand flexible and creative solutions. Attorney Jerold I. Horn provides just these solutions in the new Sixth Edition of Flexible Trusts and Estates for Uncertain Times. Written for lawyers who already possess a sophisticated understanding of estate planning and will and trust drafting issues, this book contains the wisdom and experience of Horn's decades of practice. This edition further refines and expands the analysis experienced practitioners have come to expect from this title, with more than 150 sample forms, more than twenty complete wills, trusts, and other instruments, and extensive analysis of the options for creating and completing all of these. Lawyers new to the area will find a great deal of helpful information as well, as Horn provides the framework for understanding concepts, then details the multitude of options available. Flexible Trusts and Estates for Uncertain Times h…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/3818936
By Lynn, Robert J. West Academic Publishing. Seventh edition. 2019.
"This Nutshell presents an introduction to estate planning. Subjects covered include the transfer of property at death at will under the intestate law, survivor interests, community property, and "simple" wills. Addresses insurance, estates arising from status, Social Security, pensions, workers' compensation, and veterans benefits. Discusses charitable trusts, the rule in Shelley's case, the Doctrine of Worthier Title, the Rule Against Perpetuities, and the Rule Against Accumulations. Also addresses fiduciary administration and federal estate and gift taxes." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=26262
By Jansen, Donald O. American Bar Association. 4;2020-01. 2020.
This best-selling volume in the Insurance Counselor series guides you through one of the most fundamental aspects of sophisticated estate planning - drafting and setting up an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust. Now completely updated, this user-friendly primer offers a comprehensive overview of the types of insurance trusts you can draft for your clients, and includes examples of the necessary forms and a memorandum you can use in your practice. Clear and concise, The Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust will help you protect your clients' estate and assets from taxation. It differentiates between the two types of trusts you may use, identifying the best one that will work for your client. The book contains these sample forms: Single Life Policy Trust : Intended to primarily benefit the insured's spouse and children Survivorship Policy Trust : Meant to serve as a long term, generation-skipping "dynasty" trust for the benefit of children and future descendants Accompanying each of th…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5234413
By Nolo (Firm). Nolo. Twelfth edition. 2023.
This e-book from Nolo Press offers a variety of downloadable, editable legal forms for everyday situations such as borrowing & lending money, delegating authority to care for children or pets, buying & selling property, handling personal finances, and many more common situations.
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=N57W&site=lirc-live
By Hunt, L. Rush. American Bar Association. 4;2018-05. 2018.
?This book provides a helpful introduction to the basics of estate planning. It is written with an eye toward the needs of general practitioners and those who are seeking to develop a specialty in the estate-planning field. For this reason, the text is written in a user-friendly manner that provides basic text treatment of the subject along with cautions, examples, and planning pointers clearly denoted throughout the book. The cautions point out problem areas that must be considered to avoid an unwanted tax or other problem. The examples supplement the text and illustrate the point being discussed. The planning pointers show how to use the tax laws to benefit the tax and other planning needs of clients.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4250161
By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. Second edition. 2014.
This book provides an overview of laws that affect families including: custody, adoption, care for the elderly, marriage, divorce, estate planning, and more.
Read online: http://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=GXN3&site=lirc-live
By Matthews, J. L. Nolo. Thirteenth edition. 2020.
This book by Nolo helps readers find information on long-term medical care and financial planning. Long-Term Care helps readers understand the range of available choices helping them to explore options for home care, assisted living and nursing homes, maximizing Medicare, Medicaid and veterans' programs, and preventing elder fraud.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=MXTE&site=lirc-live
By Clifford, Denis. Nolo. Sixteenth edition. 2023.
Death may be inevitable, but probate doesn't have to be. By creating a living trust, your property will bypass lengthy and expensive probate proceedings and go directly to the people you've designated, quickly and easily.
Read online: http://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2048/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=N57M&site=lirc-live
By Hertz, Frederick. Nolo. 2018.
Newly revised after the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges U.S. Supreme Court ruling, this book provides an overview of same-sex marriage laws, planning for marriage, prenuptial agreements, estate planning, and more.
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=LAJB&site=lirc-live
Latest received: Automatic updates. Panel Publishers. 2022 edition. 2018.
"Multistate Guide to Estate Planning gives the estate planning professional instant access to the estate planning laws of all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In one comprehensive source, the Guide provides state-by-state guidance on how to minimize state taxes to preserve the multistate estate, achieve the desired disposition of property regardless of jurisdiction, resolve commonly encountered state law problems in estate practice, and assure asset protection. The easy-to-use format enables the estate planning professional to readily locate information concerning one state's treatment of a particular issue (or compare the treatment required by several states) all on the same table. Each table is broken into detailed, separate analyses, which consist of a series of detailed questions. The tables are designed for state-by-state comparisons." -publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/729?docUid=154980221
CCH Inc. 2021 edition. c2017.
"Practical Guide to Estate Planning provides an overview of estate planning, offering the widest discussion on planning principles and tools from the simple to the sophisticated. This book is not lacking in detail, as witnessed by its well-annotated collection of forms that will appeal to many experienced estate planners. " -publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/729?docUid=66206882
Latest received: Automatic updates. CCH. 2017 edition. 2017.
A mine of information and expertise packed with valuable practice tips; this is the most current and comprehensive single-volume estate planning resource available. Providing theoretical grounding and a practice-oriented approach, Price shows how to handle the full range of estate planning problems and techniques.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/729?docUid=106694760
By McGovern, William M. West. Second edition. ©2012.
"This book introduces students to the federal gift, estate, and generation-skipping transfer tax laws; grantor trust rules affecting the wealth disposition process; and the income tax rules applicable to estates and trusts. It covers recent cases and secondary literature and, reflecting the current trend toward globalization, it also includes a discussion of comparative law. It emphasizes the lawyer's role as drafter or estate planner and suggests ways to avoid problems that otherwise lead to litigation. It closely tracks the authors? more detailed hornbook, using the same section numbers for easy retrieval of information in the longer version." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=20505
By Hegland, Kenney F. West Academic Publishing. First edition. 2013.
A quick and easy guide to problems of aging and how the law and practical advice can make things better.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2111598
By Urbatsch, Kevin. Nolo. Tenth edition. 2023.
"This book explains how special needs trusts work and how you can set one up yourself. This book also shows you how to work with experts to make the most of your trust." - from the introduction
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=N585&site=lirc-live
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Regan, John J. M. Bender. 1985-.
This handy how-to guide covers a broad spectrum of issues of special concern to the elderly and their families.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1000854
By D'Aversa, Carmina Y. American Bar Association. 2;2019-06. 2019.
This book serves as a source of "practical wisdom" for those professionals counseling and drafting for families with minors, whether those professionals be busy solo practitioners, first-year associates in estate planning, general practitioners, or lawyers changing their fields of concentration. It is designed to be that handy reference when there is no senior partner available for consultation, when one needs a quick answer, or when one requires a starting point for further research.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4845886
By Blackford, Sheila M. American Bar Association. 1;2018-01. 2018.
?One of the top reasons lawyers are disciplined or even disbarred is trust accounting done badly or ignored. Don't become part of that statistic! Trust accounting is one area that no one can afford to overlook, but busy lawyers don't have time or resources to waste. Lawyers who are leaving their law firms to establish their own solo practice or small firm need this simple primer to fulfill their ethical and fiduciary responsibilities to safeguard the money belonging to their clients. Trust Accounting in One Hour for Lawyers is a practical how-to book that will guide you quickly from opening your lawyer trust account to properly using it and providing accurate, timely accountings to your clients. In this book, author Sheila M. Blackford, an experienced practice management advisor, shares common sense advice to help busy lawyers and their staff safely and sanely adopt best practices and avoid ethical violations.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/3818951
By Hanks, Liza Weiman. Nolo. Seventh edition. 2023.
"This book provides crucial legal information on what the job of trustee entails, finding and working with legal and tax experts, keeping good records and avoiding challenges to your actions." - publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=N57N&site=lirc-live
By Leslie, Melanie. Second edition. 2011.
This Concepts and Insights title makes complex doctrinal rules easier to understand by exploring the history and rationale behind those rules.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2141485
By Andersen, Roger W. LexisNexis Matthew Bender. Seventh edition. 2018.
This is a comprehensive student treatise covering the issues in a standard Trusts and Estates course.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4262632
By Averill, Lawrence H. West Academic. Seventh edition. 2021.
"Authoritative coverage provides detailed explanation of the provisions, definitions, and concepts of the UPC and the UTC. UPC topics covered include, e.g., probate jurisdiction of the courts; intestate succession; wills and donative transfers; probate of wills; and administration of estates. UTC topics include, e.g., creation, validity, modification, and termination of trusts; discretionary and revocable trusts; creditor's claims and spendthrift trusts; duties, powers and liability of trustees; and rights of persons dealing with trustees." -publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27352
By Burr, Sherri. West Academic Publishing. Sixth edition. 2023.
"The sixth edition of this book updates laws affecting intestate succession, wills, guardianships, and trusts. It introduces wills and trust terminology to the lay audience and summarizes the law included in the Uniform Probate Code, Uniform Trust Code, Uniform Principal and Income Act, Uniform Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Act, Uniform Prudent Investor Act, and the Restatement of Trusts. To illustrate legal issues this book utilizes problems arising from celebrity peccadilloes and well-known deaths, such as those of Abraham Lincoln, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Prince, and the mother/daughter team of Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher. The book can be adopted to supplement a traditional wills and trusts class or as the sole text for a seminar. With clarified language, the book is also accessible to the general public interested in learning more about this complex topic." -publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27990
By McGovern, William M. West Academic. Sixth edition. 2021.
"A comprehensive one-volume treatise on the law of trusts and estates written by leading experts. Among the topics covered are intestate succession, wills, nonprobate mechanisms, trusts, fiduciary administration, and choice of law. The book includes the very latest hot topics including electronic wills, trust decanting, directed trusts, asset protection trusts, and planning for modern families. The book incorporates the most recent provisions of the Uniform Probate Code, the Uniform Trust Code, and the many other uniform laws relating to the donative transfer of wealth. The book also includes an overview of the federal transfer tax laws. An essential guide for students and practitioners." -publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27417
» Power of Attorney
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title Texas estate planning
By Reis, Dianne. James Pub. 2023.
Will and trust forms annotated with alternate clauses, pitfalls to avoid, practice tips, recent cases, and tax considerations, and includes questionnaires, explanatory cover letters, asset flow charts, and case-based examples.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2385878
This is a featured Texas title Texas estate planning
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1993-.
With fingertip access to hundreds of forms, along with explanations of how to best apply these forms, Texas Estate Planning assists you in preparing client wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney, and more. From writing a simple will to preparing a complicated trust document, Texas Estate Planning clarifies statutes and outlines court opinions in an easy-to-understand, quick-to-reference manner.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501788
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This is a featured Texas title Texas small-firm practice tools
By Stormer, Cindy. James Publishing, Inc. 2024.
With over 560 forms for 16 practice areas, bring order and method to your practice, tackle new areas with confidence, and avoid omissions and wasted effort. This series includes step-by-step procedures, voice-of-experience tips, answers to common questions, mistakes to avoid, tax considerations, and practice checklists for small firms.
Read Online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/1872577
This is a featured Texas title Texas transaction guide, legal forms
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Kendrick, Herbert S. M. Bender. 1972-.
"From business and commercial dealings to personal and real estate transactions, Texas Transaction Guide: Legal Forms contains all the information you need to successfully represent your client through any transactional process. Depend on step-by-step guidance, practice notes, research guides, legal backgrounds, practice guides and insightful commentary in your transaction law practice." - publisher's description
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501911
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By Ashar, Linda C. Atlantic Publishing Group Inc. 1. 2014.
This book discusses the many uses and benefits of a “power of attorney” and is designed to assist readers with advanced planning, as well as determining how to handle transactions, emergencies, and other life circumstances.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1775564
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Fleming, Robert B. Aspen Publishers. Fourth edition. [2017].
The Elder Law Answer Book offers a thorough guide to aspects of the law that affect senior citizens, including long-term care planning, powers of attorney, trusts, age discrimination, and more.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/725?docUid=106709324
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Margolis, Harry S. Aspen Law & Business. [2012?]-.
This practice manual contains more than 100 forms and documents. Each form includes commentary explaining when and how each form should be used. The manual is organized into five parts: managing the elder law practice; estate and long-term care planning; powers of attorney, medical directives and wills; trusts; and miscellaneous topics.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/725?docUid=158774453
By Kaplan, Richard L. West Academic. Eighth edition. 2023.
This book provides a brief overview of elder law. Topics covered include ethical considerations, health care decision making, Medicaid, SSI, guardianship alternatives, pension plans, and elder abuse and neglect.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=28274
Latest received: Automatic updates. Little, Brown. c1993-.
Provides answers to questions concerning Medicaid, long-term care planning, healthcare issues, trusts, powers, and guardianship. Each portfolio in the series is written by an elder law expert. The series also includes a table of cases.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/725?docUid=106705931
By Shenkman, Martin M. Springer Publishing Company. 2009.
This is the first comprehensive estate-planning guide for those living with a chronic disease or disability. This book is targeted at those planning for the disbursement of their estates, no matter their size.Estate-planning is crucial for those living with a chronic disease or disability: individuals must express their preferences whether to receive long-term care at home rather than in a nursing home in the event that they become more disabled, and it is more important for one who has a chronic illness to name a power of attorney. Estate Planning for People with a Chronic Condition or Disability covers all of those topics plus: How to write your will How to determine how much life insurance your family needs How to figure out whether you need a living trust Learn about powers of attorney When to work with a lawyer, if you need toThe book also includes downloadable sample forms for: Power of Attorney Living Will...
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/251098
By Nolo (Firm). Nolo. Twelfth edition. 2023.
This e-book from Nolo Press offers a variety of downloadable, editable legal forms for everyday situations such as borrowing & lending money, delegating authority to care for children or pets, buying & selling property, handling personal finances, and many more common situations.
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=N57W&site=lirc-live
By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. Second edition. 2014.
This book provides an overview of laws that affect families including: custody, adoption, care for the elderly, marriage, divorce, estate planning, and more.
Read online: http://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=GXN3&site=lirc-live
By Matthews, J. L. Nolo. Thirteenth edition. 2020.
This book by Nolo helps readers find information on long-term medical care and financial planning. Long-Term Care helps readers understand the range of available choices helping them to explore options for home care, assisted living and nursing homes, maximizing Medicare, Medicaid and veterans' programs, and preventing elder fraud.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=MXTE&site=lirc-live
Nolo. Eleventh edition. 2020.
"Turn to Nolo's Encyclopedia of Everyday Law for answers to everyday legal questions that come up in all aspects of life. Easily locate concise explanations about legal issues including: - credit, debt, and bankruptcy - divorce, child custody, and visitation - wills, living trusts, and estate planning" -- from the publisher
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=N57Q&site=lirc-live
By Hegland, Kenney F. West Academic Publishing. First edition. 2013.
A quick and easy guide to problems of aging and how the law and practical advice can make things better.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2111598
» Wills & Probate
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title New tool in the toolbox
By Rusty Adams. Texas A&M Real Estate Center. 2017.
This publication discusses the intricacies of 'transfer on death deeds' and how do-it-youself estate planners can best navigate their enforcement.
URL: https://assets.recenter.tamu.edu/Documents/Articles/2179.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Texas estate planning
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1993-.
With fingertip access to hundreds of forms, along with explanations of how to best apply these forms, Texas Estate Planning assists you in preparing client wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney, and more. From writing a simple will to preparing a complicated trust document, Texas Estate Planning clarifies statutes and outlines court opinions in an easy-to-understand, quick-to-reference manner.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501788
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This is a featured Texas title Texas litigation guide
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1977-.
This comprehensive set explains the law and procedure in a given area and then provides drafting guides to prepare the forms. The set is divided into 10 different units: Pretrial Practice, Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Pleadings in Business Entity Litigation, Pleadings in Commercial Litigation, Pleadings in Real Estate Litigation, Pleadings in Personal Injury Litigation, Family Code Litigation, Probate Code Litigation, and Administrative Proceedings. (Due to publisher restrictions, this title may only be checked out from home by government employees. Members of the public must visit the library in person to view this title electronically or in print.)
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501615
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This is a featured Texas title Texas probate forms & procedures
By Branyon, M. Keith. James Publishing. 2023.
"This time-saving combination of forms and law covers each key procedural step in the probate process with the relevant code sections, summaries of the interpretive cases, and advice for avoiding common pitfalls. This edition brings you more than 40 revised forms."—Publisher's description
Read Online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/7887648
This is a featured Texas title Texas probate passport : A guide to probate and estate planning in Texas
Latest received: 2014 Revision. Texas Young Lawyers Association. c1986, 2014.
View updated version online: http://tyla.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/TxProbatePassport_20151.pdf
View updated version online En Español. View details in library catalog
This is a featured Texas title Texas probate system
State Bar of Texas. Fourth edition. 2022.
This title provides a thorough overview of probate law in Texas, from the initial contact with a client to the closing of the estate. It contains forms, sample letters, worksheets, and checklists.
List of forms: https://www.texasbarpractice.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Forms-Index-for-the-Texas-Probate-System-cxx.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Texas probate, estate, and trust administration
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. c1996-.
This set provides coverage of every aspect of probate law and estate and trust administration in Texas. It includes sample forms and letters, procedural checklists, lists of source materials, charts and diagrams, tables of statutes, rules and regulations, and a quick reference index.
Note: This title is in high demand. If you need a short excerpt while it is borrowed by someone else, please contact the library.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501789
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This is a featured Texas title Texas small-firm practice tools
By Stormer, Cindy. James Publishing, Inc. 2024.
With over 560 forms for 16 practice areas, bring order and method to your practice, tackle new areas with confidence, and avoid omissions and wasted effort. This series includes step-by-step procedures, voice-of-experience tips, answers to common questions, mistakes to avoid, tax considerations, and practice checklists for small firms.
Read Online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/1872577
This is a featured Texas title Wills road map : Practical considerations in will drafting
By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. 2014 Edition. 2014.
"The purpose of Wills Road Map is to pull together legal concepts from various areas that impact the preparation of wills, including wills, probate, and trust law. While it features a very basic discussion of estate tax planning, the primary focus is on the various state law issues." -Introduction
URL: https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth639585/
This is a featured Texas title Your Texas wills, trusts, & estates explained simply : Important information you need to know for Texas residents
By Ashar, Linda C. Atlantic Pub. c2011.
"This book will take the guesswork out of planning your estate and help you finally understand the complex processes." - publisher's description
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1425073
By Randolph, Mary. Nolo. Fifteenth edition. 2024.
Many people would like to spare their loved ones the hassle and expense of probating a will. This title, recently updated with the latest estate laws and gift tax rules, discusses several effective ways to skip the probate process.
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By Hurme, Sally Balch. American Bar Association. 1;1. 2014.
A practical resource for dealing with family matters upon death, this first-of-its-kind publication from the American Bar Association and AARP - the nation's leading associations in the law and the advancement of issues that matter most to people 50+ and their families - helps answer the myriad of questions surrounding what needs to be done following a loved one's passing. This must-have book guides you through the steps to wrap up the personal and financial affairs of the loved one who died. Although the ABA/AARP Checklist for Family Survivors: A Guide to Practical and Legal Matters When Someone You Love Dies does not provide legal advice, it does include legal reasons, implications and complications that cover a variety of questions loved ones face upon death. In each chapter, you'll find convenient checklists to help guide you through the difficult time. Chapter topics include: • Applying for survivors' benefits • Checking on insurance benefits • Sorting through the stuff • Get…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1861191
By Hurme, Sally Balch. American Bar Association. Second edition. 2022.
The American Bar Association in collaboration with AARP has created this guide of helpful checklists to help make the “process of gathering in one place your finances, legal documents, online accounts, wishes about medical care, and more” easier for you and your loved ones. These checklists are each accompanied by explanations of what to keep together, how to replace any important documents you may need, and fill-in-the-blank templates to keep track of everything on the list.
URL: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/9196606
By Watros, R. David. American Bar Association. 1;1. 2014.
Waiting to address long-term care needs until the point one actually needs care is too late, as it significantly impacts a client's financial situation, quality of life of their loved ones, and their ability to maintain their independence. Incorporating long-term care insurance into the financial plan can ultimately help protect assets reduce the burden of care that would otherwise fall on family members, and enable the client to receive care in the setting they most prefer, including their home. The Advisor's Guide to Long-Term Care looks at the full range of the topic, explaining how to best use it in the estate plan as a prudent risk-management choice. Statistics point to the high probability that people are likely to need extended health care at some point in their life. The Advisor's Guide to Long-Term Care is intended to help estate planners and advisors to address these issues with their clients, establishing the issues and trends for care and covering all relevant issues invol…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1896071
By Cline, Christopher P. American Bar Association. 2;2. 2014.
Disclaimers are governed by both state and federal law. Section 2518 introduced the term "qualified disclaimer" for federal transfer tax purposes, but has little impact on the state law of disclaimers, and does not apply to disclaimers made before 1977. For those earlier disclaimers (which will be fairly rare) the tax law that applies involves a tangle of historical decisions, rulings and regulations. All of this requires that the first thing a practitioner must do when determining whether a disclaimer is appropriate is to determine which federal law applies and how state law will affect it. Disclaimers in Estate Planning by Christopher P. Cline assists the estate planner in making those determinations, understanding the applicable Uniform Acts involved and the specific issues raised by Section 2518, and creating the best strategies and techniques for effectively utilizing disclaimers. Topics covered include: • State disclaimer laws • Federal tax law…
URL: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1744160
By Green, Janice. Nolo. Sixth edition. 2025.
"Legal information and practical advice for older Americans dealing with divorce. Divorce rates are soaring among seniors, but the legal and emotional challenges you face as an older adult are different from those that apply to younger divorcees. That's why you need Divorce After 50, the only guide around that addresses the challenges unique to your age group. Written by an attorney who specializes in divorce among the over-50 age group, Divorce After 50 covers these subjects and much more:. how to get guidance from friends, family, and, as needed, lawyers. ways to divorce -- collaborative, mediated, contested, etc. marital property: what it is, what you do with it, and how to divide assets and liabilities. how to survive financially during and after divorce. how health care and estate planning are impacted by divorce. alternatives to divorce, including post-nuptial agreements You'll get all the information you need to decide whether and how to divorce, plus plenty of divorce surviv…
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By Brody, Lawrence. American Bar Association. 1;2018-11. 2018.
Life insurance properly acquired and actively managed is one of the best long-term solutions to assuring financial liquidity at death. Due Diligence of Trust-Owned Life Insurance is an impactful and timely resource for any attorney who wishes to safely guide their clients through what can be a confusing maze of life insurance policies sold in today's market. Why is this book so necessary? Recently, numerous class action lawsuits have been brought against life insurance companies by disgruntled policy owners due to failed policy performances. Many buyers who relied on the projected values contained in sales illustrations at the time of purchase are now experience serious buyer's remorse. Estate planning attorneys are often asked by clients to attend meetings with agents to help guide clients in making the right decisions, making it essential that counsel can decipher, understand, and explain the language in and differences among life insurance policy contracts. Due Diligence of Trust…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4468241
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Margolis, Harry S. Aspen Law & Business. [2012?]-.
This practice manual contains more than 100 forms and documents. Each form includes commentary explaining when and how each form should be used. The manual is organized into five parts: managing the elder law practice; estate and long-term care planning; powers of attorney, medical directives and wills; trusts; and miscellaneous topics.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/725?docUid=158774453
By Kaplan, Richard L. West Academic. Eighth edition. 2023.
This book provides a brief overview of elder law. Topics covered include ethical considerations, health care decision making, Medicaid, SSI, guardianship alternatives, pension plans, and elder abuse and neglect.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=28274
By Burda, Joan M. American Bar Association. 1;2016-06. 2016.
Estate planning is more than deciding how an estate will be divided post-mortem. Sure that is a part of it, but the other part is....life planning. The key is honing in on the best way to protect your clients' interests during their lifetime. When the ABA released the second edition of this book in 2012, a mere six jurisdictions recognized marriage equality. What a difference a day makes...this third edition follows hard on the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. The court decided that "marriage is a fundamental right inherent in the liberty of the person, and under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment, couples of the same-sex may not be deprived of that right and that liberty." What seemed an impossible pipe dream at the turn of the century is now a reality. From now on there is no "same-sex marriage" or "opposite-sex marriage"; there is only marriage. Marriage is just part of the equation. It is the beginning not the…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2592722
By Ali, Yaser. American Bar Association. ;2019-02. 2019.
Planning a client's estate can involve more than just the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next. To draft a customized plan that achieves a client's unique goals, an estate-planning practitioner must understand the client's values and convictions and, in many cases, his or her religious beliefs. For many clients, passing on these beliefs and traditions is just as important as, if not more important than, the distribution of assets. Estate Planning for the Muslim Client provides insights, information, and practical planning solutions for clients who wish to adhere to a set of classical religious obligations while recognizing the practicalities of daily life in America. The authors highlight various planning opportunities and identify the most common issues that arise when planning for a Muslim client. Topics include: Meeting the Muslim client and understanding the pillars of their faith Ethical, legal, and public policy issues Estate planning during life Planning for inc…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4626422
By Gallanis, Thomas P. West. Sixth edition. 2018.
"This comprehensive guide provides an overview of the rules and principles of estates and future interests, including concurrent estates, marital estates (including the modern elective share), and powers of appointment. It includes new innovations from the Restatement 3d of Property, modernizing the law of future interests and dramatically changing the Rule Against Perpetuities. With respect to powers of appointment, the book incorporates the clarifications and modernizations of the law in the Restatement 3d of Property and the Uniform Powers of Appointment Act (2013, with subsequent amendments). The book also has exercises, with answers at the back. Valuable for students in first-year Property and upper-year courses in Trusts and Estates." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=25979
By Layton, Deborah S. Second edition. 2009.
A "how-to" guide for individuals needing assistance with end-of-life decision planning. Advises readers on: creating an estate plan, understanding probate, drafting a will, having a power of attorney, creating a trust, and paying taxes.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/637689
By Randolph, Mary. NOLO. Tenth edition. 2024.
After a loved one has died, many people find themselves responsible for settling the deceased's affairs with little or no previous experience. This book provides easy-to-follow steps on how to transfer property, probate a will, claim life insurance, and more.
Read online: http://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=NE77&site=lirc-live
By Cullen, Melanie. Nolo. Tenth edition. 2024.
This guide will help you organize your records and help your family find your important paperwork. It includes information on tracking estate planning documents, final arrangements, real estate, and tax records.
URL: http://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2048/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=NE7F&site=lirc-live
By Lynn, Robert J. West Academic Publishing. Seventh edition. 2019.
"This Nutshell presents an introduction to estate planning. Subjects covered include the transfer of property at death at will under the intestate law, survivor interests, community property, and "simple" wills. Addresses insurance, estates arising from status, Social Security, pensions, workers' compensation, and veterans benefits. Discusses charitable trusts, the rule in Shelley's case, the Doctrine of Worthier Title, the Rule Against Perpetuities, and the Rule Against Accumulations. Also addresses fiduciary administration and federal estate and gift taxes." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=26262
By Alderman, Richard M. Lone Star Books. Ninth edition. 2018.
Practical, easy-to-understand answers to questions about divorce, child support, and child custody; credit, bankruptcy, and debt collection; starting a business; leases and tenant rights; small claims court and lawyers; wills and probate; false advertising and warranties; immigration; and more.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/3608491
By Ventura, John. Second edition. 2005.
Get answers to your legal questions -- in plain English!Find out how to protect your family, your money, your job, and your rightsIf you're like most people, you probably don't know much about your legal rights and responsibilities -- until you run smack-dab into a messy legal problem. Now revised and updated, this friendly guide helps you get a handle on a wide range of everyday legal issues, decipher legal mumbo-jumbo -- and come out on top.Discover how to:Protect your child support rightsArm yourself against identity theftClean up your credit and improve your credit scoreHire the right attorney for your needsDraw up wills and living wills
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/553819
By Nolo (Firm). Nolo. Twelfth edition. 2023.
This e-book from Nolo Press offers a variety of downloadable, editable legal forms for everyday situations such as borrowing & lending money, delegating authority to care for children or pets, buying & selling property, handling personal finances, and many more common situations.
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=N57W&site=lirc-live
By American Bar Association. American Bar Association. Second;EB2ED. 2015.
Now revised and updated, this book provides a detailed discussion of all aspects relating to probate bonds. The chapters in The Law of Probate Bonds cover topics ranging from public policy regarding the need for probate bonds to claim handling to many different defenses and special situations. The book's twenty chapters include: --Public Policy—Why Require Probate Bonds? --Underwriting the Probate Bond --Types of Probate Bonds and Rules of Fiduciaries --Claimants on a Bond --Procedural Prerequisites to Asserting Claims on Probate Bonds --Statute of Limitations: When the Surety's Liability Can Be Laid to Rest --Handling and Disposition of Fiduciary Bond Claims: Types of Claims and Damages --Bond Liability for Money Principal Borrows --Surety's Liability for Acts Occurring before Bond Was Issued --The Impact of Attorney Neglect and Bad Acts on the Probate Bond Surety --The Surety's Liability for Misconduct or Co-Fiduciaries --Fiduciaries Serving Estates in Multiple Capacitie…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2405001
By Hunt, L. Rush. American Bar Association. 4;2018-05. 2018.
?This book provides a helpful introduction to the basics of estate planning. It is written with an eye toward the needs of general practitioners and those who are seeking to develop a specialty in the estate-planning field. For this reason, the text is written in a user-friendly manner that provides basic text treatment of the subject along with cautions, examples, and planning pointers clearly denoted throughout the book. The cautions point out problem areas that must be considered to avoid an unwanted tax or other problem. The examples supplement the text and illustrate the point being discussed. The planning pointers show how to use the tax laws to benefit the tax and other planning needs of clients.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4250161
By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. Second edition. 2014.
This book provides an overview of laws that affect families including: custody, adoption, care for the elderly, marriage, divorce, estate planning, and more.
Read online: http://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=GXN3&site=lirc-live
By Hertz, Frederick. Nolo. 20th edition. 2020.
"Take the proper legal steps to define and protect your relationship in the eyes of the law using the practical and legal information in this book. Even though the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in 2015, many questions remain for those same-sex couples who choose to remain unmarried and/or are registered in a civil union or domestic partnership. And parenting rights for same-sex couples still vary depending on the couple's relationship status and state laws. You'll learn about these important subjects and many more, including: domestic partner benefits; establishing parental rights, including through a second parent adoption, a stepparent adoption, a court judgement of parentage, and/or a contractual agreement; buying property together; and providing for each other upon death." - publisher description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=MB20&site=lirc-live
Nolo. Eleventh edition. 2020.
"Turn to Nolo's Encyclopedia of Everyday Law for answers to everyday legal questions that come up in all aspects of life. Easily locate concise explanations about legal issues including: - credit, debt, and bankruptcy - divorce, child custody, and visitation - wills, living trusts, and estate planning" -- from the publisher
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By Page, William Herbert. LexisNexis. Rev. treatise,. Latest received: Automatic updates.
The first volume of this comprehensive, multi-volume treatise provides background information for those new to the subject of wills and probate. Subsequent volumes give in-depth analysis of specific topics and volume 7 contains forms.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501899
By Clifford, Denis. Nolo. Sixteenth edition. 2022.
"This comprehensive guide covers everything from wills and living trusts to sophisticated tax-saving strategies and health care directives." - publisher's description
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By McGovern, William M. West. Second edition. ©2012.
"This book introduces students to the federal gift, estate, and generation-skipping transfer tax laws; grantor trust rules affecting the wealth disposition process; and the income tax rules applicable to estates and trusts. It covers recent cases and secondary literature and, reflecting the current trend toward globalization, it also includes a discussion of comparative law. It emphasizes the lawyer's role as drafter or estate planner and suggests ways to avoid problems that otherwise lead to litigation. It closely tracks the authors? more detailed hornbook, using the same section numbers for easy retrieval of information in the longer version." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=20505
By Clifford, Denis. Nolo. Tenth edition. 2023.
This title provides instructions for how to draft a will quickly and easily while remaining within the bounds of the law. All necessary forms are provided in the manual to assist in the will-writing process.
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By Hollander, Stuart J. Nolo. Sixth edition. 2021.
"No matter whether you're planning to pass on a cottage to your children, or you've inherited a cabin with your siblings, it's never too early to take steps to preserve a beloved family property for generations to come. Shared ownership of vacation property-especially when the co-owners are family members-can be fraught with problems. The idyllic dream of a cottage getaway can be shattered when co-owners' emotions, financial concerns, and opinions on how the property should be used come into play. Fortunately, a solid plan that dictates how the property will be owned and managed can prevent squabbles over the family cottage. Saving the Family Cottage lays out a roadmap for creating and implementing this plan. It also explains the possible pitfalls of co-owing a family vacation property, and provides time-tested guidance on how to: keep the peace among heirs; prevent a family member from forcing a sale of the property; keep your vacation home out of the hands of in-laws and creditors, a…
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By Hegland, Kenney F. West Academic Publishing. First edition. 2013.
A quick and easy guide to problems of aging and how the law and practical advice can make things better.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2111598
By D'Aversa, Carmina Y. American Bar Association. 2;2019-06. 2019.
This book serves as a source of "practical wisdom" for those professionals counseling and drafting for families with minors, whether those professionals be busy solo practitioners, first-year associates in estate planning, general practitioners, or lawyers changing their fields of concentration. It is designed to be that handy reference when there is no senior partner available for consultation, when one needs a quick answer, or when one requires a starting point for further research.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4845886
By Hanks, Liza Weiman. Nolo. Seventh edition. 2023.
"This book provides crucial legal information on what the job of trustee entails, finding and working with legal and tax experts, keeping good records and avoiding challenges to your actions." - publisher's description
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By Averill, Lawrence H. West Academic. Seventh edition. 2021.
"Authoritative coverage provides detailed explanation of the provisions, definitions, and concepts of the UPC and the UTC. UPC topics covered include, e.g., probate jurisdiction of the courts; intestate succession; wills and donative transfers; probate of wills; and administration of estates. UTC topics include, e.g., creation, validity, modification, and termination of trusts; discretionary and revocable trusts; creditor's claims and spendthrift trusts; duties, powers and liability of trustees; and rights of persons dealing with trustees." -publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27352
By Vercammen, Kenneth A. American Bar Association. 1;2016-06. 2016.
Estate planning and administration responsibilities are often a significant part of a solo or small firm lawyer's practice, but these issues are often time-consuming and complex. Written by a veteran attorney who has focused on streamlining his firm's practice in this area, Kenneth Vercammen shares how to establish and strengthen a firm's wills and estate practice. Straightforward and to-the-point, Wills and Estate Administration provides step-by-step guidance that firms can use to handle all aspects of an estates practice, from initial client intake to closing the file. Topics are defined in six parts for ease of use: Preparation for Wills/Estate Planning Interviews Interviewing Clients Additional Estate Planning Issues Estate Administration Guardianship of Disabled or Incompetent Parents Marketing Your Wills and Estate Administration Practice Making this an essential resource for solo and small firm practitioners, the author includes numerous forms for each topic.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2821696
By Burr, Sherri. West Academic Publishing. Sixth edition. 2023.
"The sixth edition of this book updates laws affecting intestate succession, wills, guardianships, and trusts. It introduces wills and trust terminology to the lay audience and summarizes the law included in the Uniform Probate Code, Uniform Trust Code, Uniform Principal and Income Act, Uniform Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Act, Uniform Prudent Investor Act, and the Restatement of Trusts. To illustrate legal issues this book utilizes problems arising from celebrity peccadilloes and well-known deaths, such as those of Abraham Lincoln, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Prince, and the mother/daughter team of Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher. The book can be adopted to supplement a traditional wills and trusts class or as the sole text for a seminar. With clarified language, the book is also accessible to the general public interested in learning more about this complex topic." -publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27990
By McGovern, William M. West Academic. Sixth edition. 2021.
"A comprehensive one-volume treatise on the law of trusts and estates written by leading experts. Among the topics covered are intestate succession, wills, nonprobate mechanisms, trusts, fiduciary administration, and choice of law. The book includes the very latest hot topics including electronic wills, trust decanting, directed trusts, asset protection trusts, and planning for modern families. The book incorporates the most recent provisions of the Uniform Probate Code, the Uniform Trust Code, and the many other uniform laws relating to the donative transfer of wealth. The book also includes an overview of the federal transfer tax laws. An essential guide for students and practitioners." -publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27417
» CLEs
Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2017.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4774653
Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2018.
Consists of chapters 1-10. See Part 2 for chapters 11-20.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5071918
Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2018.
Consists of chapters 11-20. See Part 1 for chapters 1-10.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5072378
Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2019.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5108650
Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2020.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/7702169
Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2021.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/8909315
Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2022.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/10186734
By Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2008.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5130908
By Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2017.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4626441
By Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2018.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4494973
By Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2019.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4877087
By Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2022.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/9183135
By Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2023.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/10157870
State Bar of Texas. 2011.
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State Bar of Texas. 2015.
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
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State Bar of Texas. 2018.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4494984
State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2022.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/9182572
State Bar of Texas. 2023.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/10157871
State Bar of Texas. 2017.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4601017
State Bar of Texas. 2018.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4539291
State Bar of Texas. 2019.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4749143
State Bar of Texas. 2020.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/7525048
State Bar of Texas. 2021.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/8904728
State Bar of Texas. 2022.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/10189267
State Bar of Texas. 2017.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4642582
State Bar of Texas. 2018.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4642875
State Bar of Texas. 2019.
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State Bar of Texas. 2020.
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State Bar of Texas. 2021.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/7633619
State Bar of Texas. 2019.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4636148
State Bar of Texas. 2021.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/7704068
State Bar of Texas. 2023.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/10157921
State Bar of Texas. 2017.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4774572
State Bar of Texas. 2018.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4774652
State Bar of Texas. 2019.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4877091
State Bar of Texas. 2020.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/6120100
State Bar of Texas. 2022.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/9183433
State Bar of Texas. 2023.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/10157923
Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2017.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4641123
State Bar of Texas. 2017.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5111236
State Bar of Texas. 2018.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5111238
State Bar of Texas. 2019.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5262612
State Bar of Texas. 2020.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/7702522
State Bar of Texas. 2021.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/8909316
State Bar of Texas. 2022.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/10190058
» All Titles
The ‘Gold star icon’ icon indicates a Texas title
This is a featured Texas title A Texas guide to adult guardianship
By Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Texas Health and Human Services Department. [2017].
Are you considering how to care for your aging loved ones? This guide will provide you with information about obtaining legal guardianship of older adults.
URL: https://hhs.texas.gov/sites/default/files//documents/laws-regulations/legal-information/guardianship/pub395-guardianship.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Alternatives to guardianship and supports & services
By Disability Rights Texas. Disability Rights Texas. 2018.
Disability Rights Texas has created this handout outlining a court’s responsibility to determine whether a less restrictive alternative to guardianship is appropriate.
Read online: https://www.disabilityrightstx.org/en/handout/alternatives-to-guardianship-supports-services/
This is a featured Texas title Guardianship guide
By Texas Young Lawyers Association. Texas Young Lawyers Association. 2017.
This short pamphlet provides information on becoming the legal guardian of an adult.
URL: http://tyla.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Guardianship-Guide.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Guardianship law
By Cross, Kelly M. Texas College of Probate Judges. 2017.
This two-part paper was written by Texas probate judges. It covers the ins and outs of guardianship proceedings in great detail – what a guardianship is, what the requirements are, as well as what alternatives exist.
Part 1: Investigation and Creation: http://www.txcourts.gov/media/1439377/14-grdnship-law-1.pdf
Part 1: Investigation and Creation Part 2: Nuts and Bolts of Judicial Administration View details in library catalog
This is a featured Texas title New tool in the toolbox
By Rusty Adams. Texas A&M Real Estate Center. 2017.
This publication discusses the intricacies of 'transfer on death deeds' and how do-it-youself estate planners can best navigate their enforcement.
URL: https://assets.recenter.tamu.edu/Documents/Articles/2179.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Protecting the incapacitated : A guide to guardianship in Texas from application to oath
State Bar of Texas. 2014.
"Understanding guardianships in Texas law is made easier by this pamphlet, which discusses alternatives to guardianship, the guardianship process, and other issues related to instituting a guardianship proceeding." - from the publisher
URL: https://www.texasbar.com/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Free_Legal_Information2&Template=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=27877
This is a featured Texas title Texas estate planning
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1993-.
With fingertip access to hundreds of forms, along with explanations of how to best apply these forms, Texas Estate Planning assists you in preparing client wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney, and more. From writing a simple will to preparing a complicated trust document, Texas Estate Planning clarifies statutes and outlines court opinions in an easy-to-understand, quick-to-reference manner.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501788
Read online Table of contents View details in library catalog
This is a featured Texas title Texas estate planning
By Reis, Dianne. James Pub. 2023.
Will and trust forms annotated with alternate clauses, pitfalls to avoid, practice tips, recent cases, and tax considerations, and includes questionnaires, explanatory cover letters, asset flow charts, and case-based examples.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2385878
This is a featured Texas title Texas family law practice and procedure
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. Second edition. 1997-.
This multivolume set provides comprehensive family law coverage including procedural explanations, drafting guides and forms, and citations to statutes/case law.
Note: This title is in high demand. If you need a short excerpt while it is borrowed by someone else, please contact the library.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501511
This is a featured Texas title Texas guardianship manual
State Bar of Texas. Fourth edition. 2022.
Now available remotely as an e-book, the State Bar of Texas’s Guardianship Manual provides practice notes and forms for those charged with creating or administering a guardianship.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/10048265
Read online Table of contents View details in library catalog
This is a featured Texas title Texas litigation guide
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. 1977-.
This comprehensive set explains the law and procedure in a given area and then provides drafting guides to prepare the forms. The set is divided into 10 different units: Pretrial Practice, Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Pleadings in Business Entity Litigation, Pleadings in Commercial Litigation, Pleadings in Real Estate Litigation, Pleadings in Personal Injury Litigation, Family Code Litigation, Probate Code Litigation, and Administrative Proceedings. (Due to publisher restrictions, this title may only be checked out from home by government employees. Members of the public must visit the library in person to view this title electronically or in print.)
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501615
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This is a featured Texas title Texas probate forms & procedures
By Branyon, M. Keith. James Publishing. 2023.
"This time-saving combination of forms and law covers each key procedural step in the probate process with the relevant code sections, summaries of the interpretive cases, and advice for avoiding common pitfalls. This edition brings you more than 40 revised forms."—Publisher's description
Read Online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/7887648
This is a featured Texas title Texas probate passport : A guide to probate and estate planning in Texas
Latest received: 2014 Revision. Texas Young Lawyers Association. c1986, 2014.
View updated version online: http://tyla.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/TxProbatePassport_20151.pdf
View updated version online En Español. View details in library catalog
This is a featured Texas title Texas probate system
State Bar of Texas. Fourth edition. 2022.
This title provides a thorough overview of probate law in Texas, from the initial contact with a client to the closing of the estate. It contains forms, sample letters, worksheets, and checklists.
List of forms: https://www.texasbarpractice.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Forms-Index-for-the-Texas-Probate-System-cxx.pdf
This is a featured Texas title Texas probate, estate, and trust administration
Latest received: Automatic updates. M. Bender. c1996-.
This set provides coverage of every aspect of probate law and estate and trust administration in Texas. It includes sample forms and letters, procedural checklists, lists of source materials, charts and diagrams, tables of statutes, rules and regulations, and a quick reference index.
Note: This title is in high demand. If you need a short excerpt while it is borrowed by someone else, please contact the library.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501789
Read online Table of contents View details in library catalog
This is a featured Texas title Texas small-firm practice tools
By Stormer, Cindy. James Publishing, Inc. 2024.
With over 560 forms for 16 practice areas, bring order and method to your practice, tackle new areas with confidence, and avoid omissions and wasted effort. This series includes step-by-step procedures, voice-of-experience tips, answers to common questions, mistakes to avoid, tax considerations, and practice checklists for small firms.
Read Online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/1872577
This is a featured Texas title Texas transaction guide, legal forms
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Kendrick, Herbert S. M. Bender. 1972-.
"From business and commercial dealings to personal and real estate transactions, Texas Transaction Guide: Legal Forms contains all the information you need to successfully represent your client through any transactional process. Depend on step-by-step guidance, practice notes, research guides, legal backgrounds, practice guides and insightful commentary in your transaction law practice." - publisher's description
Note: This electronic copy can only be checked out from home by government employees, but librarians may be able to provide a short excerpt to library patrons upon request.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501911
Read online Table of contents View details in library catalog
This is a featured Texas title Wills road map : Practical considerations in will drafting
By State Bar of Texas. State Bar of Texas. 2014 Edition. 2014.
"The purpose of Wills Road Map is to pull together legal concepts from various areas that impact the preparation of wills, including wills, probate, and trust law. While it features a very basic discussion of estate tax planning, the primary focus is on the various state law issues." -Introduction
URL: https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth639585/
This is a featured Texas title Your Texas wills, trusts, & estates explained simply : Important information you need to know for Texas residents
By Ashar, Linda C. Atlantic Pub. c2011.
"This book will take the guesswork out of planning your estate and help you finally understand the complex processes." - publisher's description
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1425073
By Randolph, Mary. Nolo. Fifteenth edition. 2024.
Many people would like to spare their loved ones the hassle and expense of probating a will. This title, recently updated with the latest estate laws and gift tax rules, discusses several effective ways to skip the probate process.
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=MXSP&site=lirc-live
By Gallanis, Thomas P. West Academic Publishing. [2017], ©2017.
"Concise Restatements, compilations of provisions from The American Law Institute’s influential Restatements of the Law, provide a compact and comprehensive overview of the area of law they encompass. Condensing the seven volumes of the Restatement Third of Trusts and the Restatement Third of Property (Wills and Other Donative Transfers) into a single user-friendly volume, this Concise Restatement sets forth the black-letter principles of the law of trusts and estates, including relevant explanatory commentary and helpful illustrations that illuminate the law and the policies underlying it. This handy one-volume Concise Restatement is ideal for practitioner reference or for use as a supplement in law-school courses in trusts and estates. This title is a joint publication of the American Law Institute and West Academic Publishing; it was compiled and edited by Professor Thomas P. Gallanis of the University of Iowa, who served as an Associate Reporter for the Restatement Third of Trusts.…
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=25290
By Hunt, L. Rush. American Bar Association. 4;2018-05. 2018.
?This book provides a helpful introduction to the basics of estate planning. It is written with an eye toward the needs of general practitioners and those who are seeking to develop a specialty in the estate-planning field. For this reason, the text is written in a user-friendly manner that provides basic text treatment of the subject along with cautions, examples, and planning pointers clearly denoted throughout the book. The cautions point out problem areas that must be considered to avoid an unwanted tax or other problem. The examples supplement the text and illustrate the point being discussed. The planning pointers show how to use the tax laws to benefit the tax and other planning needs of clients.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4250161
By Hertz, Frederick. Nolo. 20th edition. 2020.
"Take the proper legal steps to define and protect your relationship in the eyes of the law using the practical and legal information in this book. Even though the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in 2015, many questions remain for those same-sex couples who choose to remain unmarried and/or are registered in a civil union or domestic partnership. And parenting rights for same-sex couples still vary depending on the couple's relationship status and state laws. You'll learn about these important subjects and many more, including: domestic partner benefits; establishing parental rights, including through a second parent adoption, a stepparent adoption, a court judgement of parentage, and/or a contractual agreement; buying property together; and providing for each other upon death." - publisher description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=MB20&site=lirc-live
By Hegland, Kenney F. West Academic Publishing. First edition. 2013.
A quick and easy guide to problems of aging and how the law and practical advice can make things better.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2111598
By Hurme, Sally Balch. American Bar Association. 1;1. 2014.
A practical resource for dealing with family matters upon death, this first-of-its-kind publication from the American Bar Association and AARP - the nation's leading associations in the law and the advancement of issues that matter most to people 50+ and their families - helps answer the myriad of questions surrounding what needs to be done following a loved one's passing. This must-have book guides you through the steps to wrap up the personal and financial affairs of the loved one who died. Although the ABA/AARP Checklist for Family Survivors: A Guide to Practical and Legal Matters When Someone You Love Dies does not provide legal advice, it does include legal reasons, implications and complications that cover a variety of questions loved ones face upon death. In each chapter, you'll find convenient checklists to help guide you through the difficult time. Chapter topics include: • Applying for survivors' benefits • Checking on insurance benefits • Sorting through the stuff • Get…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1861191
By Hurme, Sally Balch. American Bar Association. Second edition. 2022.
The American Bar Association in collaboration with AARP has created this guide of helpful checklists to help make the “process of gathering in one place your finances, legal documents, online accounts, wishes about medical care, and more” easier for you and your loved ones. These checklists are each accompanied by explanations of what to keep together, how to replace any important documents you may need, and fill-in-the-blank templates to keep track of everything on the list.
URL: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/9196606
Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2017.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4774653
Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2018.
Consists of chapters 1-10. See Part 2 for chapters 11-20.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5071918
Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2018.
Consists of chapters 11-20. See Part 1 for chapters 1-10.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5072378
Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2019.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5108650
Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2020.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/7702169
Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2021.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/8909315
Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2022.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/10186734
By Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2008.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5130908
By Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2017.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4626441
By Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2018.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4494973
By Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2019.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4877087
By Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2022.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/9183135
By Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program. 2023.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/10157870
State Bar of Texas. 2011.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5133991
State Bar of Texas. 2015.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5134142
State Bar of Texas. 2017.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4626441
State Bar of Texas. 2018.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4494984
State Bar of Texas. 2019.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4748971
State Bar of Texas. 2022.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/9182572
State Bar of Texas. 2023.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/10157871
State Bar of Texas. 2017.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4601017
State Bar of Texas. 2018.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4539291
State Bar of Texas. 2019.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4749143
State Bar of Texas. 2020.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/7525048
State Bar of Texas. 2021.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/8904728
State Bar of Texas. 2022.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/10189267
By Mezzullo, Louis A. American Bar Association. 3;2017-10. 2017.
Now completely revised and updated, this clearly written guide from nationally known author and speaker Louis A. Mezzullo provides comprehensive yet practical advice for designing effective buy-sell agreements to be used as both an exit strategy or as part of the succession or estate planning process. Accessible to practitioners with varying degrees of experience in the subject, An Estate Planner's Guide to Buy-Sell Agreements for the Closely Held Business provides guidance for assisting owners of a closely held business in structuring arrangements to deal with the withdrawal of an owner from the ownership of the business. The book explains the important differences to consider when drafting an agreement for a business operating as a corporation (either a C or S corporation), a partnership, or a limited liability company (LLC). A well-drafted buy-sell agreement can achieve key objectives for your client. The book succinctly defines the most important of these benefits from the perspe…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/3623509
By Mezzullo, Louis A. American Bar Association. 4;2020-07. 2020.
Increasingly clients are looking for the most effective way to pass their investments on to younger family members. This updated edition provides a timely framework for selecting the most appropriate family members means of transferring wealth through the establishment of a business entity, including S corporations, C corporations, partnerships and LLCs. Author Louis A. Mezzullo explains complex information in a clear and logical manner. Updated to reflect recent legal developments, this book provides lawyers and financial planners the necessary background to accurately advise clients on their choice of entity options. The book discusses the different techniques available for most effectively planning the transfer of a client's wealth, including trusts, S corporations, C corporations, partnerships and LLCs. To guide the selection of the most appropriate entity to meet a client's objectives, the book offers a thorough comparison of the advantages, disadvantages and restrictions of each …
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5674174
State Bar of Texas. 2017.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4642582
State Bar of Texas. 2018.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4642875
State Bar of Texas. 2019.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5297714
State Bar of Texas. 2020.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/6106841
State Bar of Texas. 2021.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/7633619
By Williston, Samuel. Duke Classics. 2013.
The authoritative classic guide to commercial law through the early 20th century.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1327372
By Cline, Christopher P. American Bar Association. 2;2. 2014.
Disclaimers are governed by both state and federal law. Section 2518 introduced the term "qualified disclaimer" for federal transfer tax purposes, but has little impact on the state law of disclaimers, and does not apply to disclaimers made before 1977. For those earlier disclaimers (which will be fairly rare) the tax law that applies involves a tangle of historical decisions, rulings and regulations. All of this requires that the first thing a practitioner must do when determining whether a disclaimer is appropriate is to determine which federal law applies and how state law will affect it. Disclaimers in Estate Planning by Christopher P. Cline assists the estate planner in making those determinations, understanding the applicable Uniform Acts involved and the specific issues raised by Section 2518, and creating the best strategies and techniques for effectively utilizing disclaimers. Topics covered include: • State disclaimer laws • Federal tax law…
URL: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1744160
By Green, Janice. Nolo. Sixth edition. 2025.
"Legal information and practical advice for older Americans dealing with divorce. Divorce rates are soaring among seniors, but the legal and emotional challenges you face as an older adult are different from those that apply to younger divorcees. That's why you need Divorce After 50, the only guide around that addresses the challenges unique to your age group. Written by an attorney who specializes in divorce among the over-50 age group, Divorce After 50 covers these subjects and much more:. how to get guidance from friends, family, and, as needed, lawyers. ways to divorce -- collaborative, mediated, contested, etc. marital property: what it is, what you do with it, and how to divide assets and liabilities. how to survive financially during and after divorce. how health care and estate planning are impacted by divorce. alternatives to divorce, including post-nuptial agreements You'll get all the information you need to decide whether and how to divorce, plus plenty of divorce surviv…
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=NPDB&site=lirc-live
By Bove, Alexander A. American Bar Association. 2022.
Beginning in 1997, when Alaska established the first trust to protect the trust assets from the settlor's credits, DAPTs have become a key part of the estate planner's options to help clients protect their assets. DAPTs provide a domestic alternative to offshore asset-protection trusts while encouraging lifetime estate planning among clients who could benefit from transfer tax planning but could be apprehensive about such planning without possible access to the property transferred in the future. Providing the wealth of information in our volume on the requirements of and limitations on a DAPT, this comprehensive resource on creating trusts that protect assets from creditors. Written by experienced attorneys with extensive experience with DAPTs and other sophisticated estate planning vehicles, the book initially discusses the regulations of the various states that have enacted DAPT legislation, with additional information in related appendices: Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, In…
URL: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/8728621
By Brody, Lawrence. American Bar Association. 1;2018-11. 2018.
Life insurance properly acquired and actively managed is one of the best long-term solutions to assuring financial liquidity at death. Due Diligence of Trust-Owned Life Insurance is an impactful and timely resource for any attorney who wishes to safely guide their clients through what can be a confusing maze of life insurance policies sold in today's market. Why is this book so necessary? Recently, numerous class action lawsuits have been brought against life insurance companies by disgruntled policy owners due to failed policy performances. Many buyers who relied on the projected values contained in sales illustrations at the time of purchase are now experience serious buyer's remorse. Estate planning attorneys are often asked by clients to attend meetings with agents to help guide clients in making the right decisions, making it essential that counsel can decipher, understand, and explain the language in and differences among life insurance policy contracts. Due Diligence of Trust…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4468241
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Fleming, Robert B. Aspen Publishers. Fourth edition. [2017].
The Elder Law Answer Book offers a thorough guide to aspects of the law that affect senior citizens, including long-term care planning, powers of attorney, trusts, age discrimination, and more.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/725?docUid=106709324
Latest received: Automatic updates. By Margolis, Harry S. Aspen Law & Business. [2012?]-.
This practice manual contains more than 100 forms and documents. Each form includes commentary explaining when and how each form should be used. The manual is organized into five parts: managing the elder law practice; estate and long-term care planning; powers of attorney, medical directives and wills; trusts; and miscellaneous topics.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/725?docUid=158774453
By Kaplan, Richard L. West Academic. Eighth edition. 2023.
This book provides a brief overview of elder law. Topics covered include ethical considerations, health care decision making, Medicaid, SSI, guardianship alternatives, pension plans, and elder abuse and neglect.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=28274
Latest received: Automatic updates. Panel Publishers. [2017?]-.
"A practical exploration of federal estate and gift taxation, the Estate & Gift Tax Handbook provides timely and effective advice on estate and gift tax practice and procedure, and is a useful resource for estate-planning practitioners, fiduciaries, attorneys, and others dealing with the complexities of the estate and gift tax system. Now you can have one place to find all the information and tools necessary to arrange a person's affairs, both before and after death, to minimize the estate and gift tax burden and maximize wealth transfers through lifetime and testamentary giving. Written in concise, easy-to-understand language to demystify this complicated area of the law, the book is a valuable resource for readers approaching the subject from varied backgrounds and disciplines." -publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/729?docUid=158956007
Latest received: 2020 edition, automatic updates. Aspen Publishers. [2018?]-.
Designed for professional advisors and business executives who need quick and authoritative answers to help them decide how to integrate the receipt of retirement plan distributions with their estate plans, how to choose and design the type of retirement plan that best suits their needs, and how to comply with the growing number of federal requirements and tax rules that apply to these plans. The book is written in a Q&A format, and filled with numerous examples as well as practice pointers that highlight recent interpretations of IRS regulations and provide cautions concerning common pitfalls.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://apps.fastcase.com/PartnerBenefits/?IPKey=YqgsCx3zssdVGvBwDN%2bWkECjLVh6HJPUvW1vkc9Yupy1%2fXe8U%2fs2zNBjN1vWoaL0D4FAJvcGJrPFPMjrHFYNHTRYXRJsKrW1cwOm8ig3UPdj6asCU7XHbi2N3WlshdNF&LogoutUrl=https://www.sll.texas.gov&returnurl=https://fc7.fastcase.com/outline/TX/729?docUid=106711308
By Munro, Margaret Atkins. Wiley. Second edition. 2013.
Your plain-English guide to administering an estate and/or trustAs more and more of the population reach senior ages--including baby boomers, many of whom do not have wills--an increasing number of people are being thrust into the role of executor, administrator, personal representative of an estate, or trustee of a trust after the death of a loved one. This updated edition of Estate & Trust Administration For Dummiesguides you through the confusing process of administering an estate and/or trust. Settling an estate and administering a trust can be complicated, messy, and time-consuming for individuals named as executor or trustee, most of whom have no previous experience with such matters. Estate & Trust Administration For Dummies shows you how to make sound decisions for your unique circumstances. Guides you through the confusing process of...The EPUB format of this title may not be compatible for use on all handheld devices.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1317321
By Clifford, Denis. Nolo. Twelfth edition. 2024.
Covers the basics of estate planning, including wills, trusts, and health care directives. It prepares readers to start planning their estate, with or without an attorney.
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lir&jid=NE6S&site=lirc-live
By Shenkman, Martin M. Springer Publishing Company. 2009.
This is the first comprehensive estate-planning guide for those living with a chronic disease or disability. This book is targeted at those planning for the disbursement of their estates, no matter their size.Estate-planning is crucial for those living with a chronic disease or disability: individuals must express their preferences whether to receive long-term care at home rather than in a nursing home in the event that they become more disabled, and it is more important for one who has a chronic illness to name a power of attorney. Estate Planning for People with a Chronic Condition or Disability covers all of those topics plus: How to write your will How to determine how much life insurance your family needs How to figure out whether you need a living trust Learn about powers of attorney When to work with a lawyer, if you need toThe book also includes downloadable sample forms for: Power of Attorney Living Will...
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/251098
By Burda, Joan M. American Bar Association. 1;2016-06. 2016.
Estate planning is more than deciding how an estate will be divided post-mortem. Sure that is a part of it, but the other part is....life planning. The key is honing in on the best way to protect your clients' interests during their lifetime. When the ABA released the second edition of this book in 2012, a mere six jurisdictions recognized marriage equality. What a difference a day makes...this third edition follows hard on the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. The court decided that "marriage is a fundamental right inherent in the liberty of the person, and under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment, couples of the same-sex may not be deprived of that right and that liberty." What seemed an impossible pipe dream at the turn of the century is now a reality. From now on there is no "same-sex marriage" or "opposite-sex marriage"; there is only marriage. Marriage is just part of the equation. It is the beginning not the…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2592722
By Ali, Yaser. American Bar Association. ;2019-02. 2019.
Planning a client's estate can involve more than just the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next. To draft a customized plan that achieves a client's unique goals, an estate-planning practitioner must understand the client's values and convictions and, in many cases, his or her religious beliefs. For many clients, passing on these beliefs and traditions is just as important as, if not more important than, the distribution of assets. Estate Planning for the Muslim Client provides insights, information, and practical planning solutions for clients who wish to adhere to a set of classical religious obligations while recognizing the practicalities of daily life in America. The authors highlight various planning opportunities and identify the most common issues that arise when planning for a Muslim client. Topics include: Meeting the Muslim client and understanding the pillars of their faith Ethical, legal, and public policy issues Estate planning during life Planning for inc…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4626422
By Gallanis, Thomas P. West. Sixth edition. 2018.
"This comprehensive guide provides an overview of the rules and principles of estates and future interests, including concurrent estates, marital estates (including the modern elective share), and powers of appointment. It includes new innovations from the Restatement 3d of Property, modernizing the law of future interests and dramatically changing the Rule Against Perpetuities. With respect to powers of appointment, the book incorporates the clarifications and modernizations of the law in the Restatement 3d of Property and the Uniform Powers of Appointment Act (2013, with subsequent amendments). The book also has exercises, with answers at the back. Valuable for students in first-year Property and upper-year courses in Trusts and Estates." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=25979
Latest received: Automatic updates. Aspen Law & Business. [c2001]-.
"Family Law Update covers all the current issues and relevant opinions pertaining to Family Law. It brings the most salient information to your fingertips. It is fully comprehensive and concrete, with its broad coverage and multiple sources." -publisher's description
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By McNulty, John K. West Academic Publishing. Ninth edition. 2020.
"This comprehensive guide can serve either as a course supplement or as a refresher for members of the bar. Expert commentary summarizes the law and offers critical perspectives on the estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfer taxes, including lifetime and testamentary transfers, joint-and-survivor tenancies, life insurance, annuities, and powers of appointment; inclusion and valuation; exemptions and exclusions; deductions; and tax liabilities. Additional chapters cover basic tax and estate planning concepts, reform proposals, and fundamental alternatives to the current transfer tax system." -publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=26711
By McCouch, Grayson M. P. West Academic Publishing. Third edition. 2023.
"This comprehensive guide can serve either as a course supplement or as a refresher for members of the bar. Expert commentary summarizes the law and offers critical perspectives on the federal income taxation of estates, trusts, and beneficiaries, including the decedent’s final income tax return; classification of estates and trusts; income in respect of a decedent; distributable net income; simple and complex trusts; distributions; grantor trusts; charitable trusts; and foreign trusts. Additional chapters cover basic income, gift and estate tax concepts, accumulation distributions, and specially treated trusts." - publisher's description
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By Horn, Jerold I. American Bar Association. Sixth edition. 2018.
We find ourselves in uncertain times—and uncertainty promises to be the state of risk and demand flexible and creative solutions. Attorney Jerold I. Horn provides just these solutions in the new Sixth Edition of Flexible Trusts and Estates for Uncertain Times. Written for lawyers who already possess a sophisticated understanding of estate planning and will and trust drafting issues, this book contains the wisdom and experience of Horn's decades of practice. This edition further refines and expands the analysis experienced practitioners have come to expect from this title, with more than 150 sample forms, more than twenty complete wills, trusts, and other instruments, and extensive analysis of the options for creating and completing all of these. Lawyers new to the area will find a great deal of helpful information as well, as Horn provides the framework for understanding concepts, then details the multitude of options available. Flexible Trusts and Estates for Uncertain Times h…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/3818936
By Horn, Jerold I. American Bar Association. Seventh edition. 2021.
The Seventh Edition confronts continued and, indeed, increased instability. The new instability follows a relatively short lull after a period of unprecedented instability, including since 2001, increases in exemptions, reductions in rates, the repeal and restoration of the estate tax and the generation-skipping tax, the installation of a system of portability of the unused portion of the estate tax exemption of a predeceasing spouse, the advocacy by leading politicians of repeal of the taxes and, by others, of drastic increases in the taxes and the enactment of wealth taxes, and, probably most importantly, of a worldwide plague against which individuals, groups and even nations were unable to protect themselves. Variations of techniques that have appeared in all prior editions of this book are the techniques of choice for the present environment. More than ever, flexibility is the hallmark.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/6678081
By Cullen, Melanie. Nolo. Tenth edition. 2024.
This guide will help you organize your records and help your family find your important paperwork. It includes information on tracking estate planning documents, final arrangements, real estate, and tax records.
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State Bar of Texas. 2019.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4636148
State Bar of Texas. 2021.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/7704068
State Bar of Texas. 2023.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/10157921
State Bar of Texas. 2017.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4774572
State Bar of Texas. 2018.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4774652
State Bar of Texas. 2019.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4877091
State Bar of Texas. 2020.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/6120100
State Bar of Texas. 2022.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/9183433
State Bar of Texas. 2023.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/10157923
By Lynn, Robert J. West Academic Publishing. Seventh edition. 2019.
"This Nutshell presents an introduction to estate planning. Subjects covered include the transfer of property at death at will under the intestate law, survivor interests, community property, and "simple" wills. Addresses insurance, estates arising from status, Social Security, pensions, workers' compensation, and veterans benefits. Discusses charitable trusts, the rule in Shelley's case, the Doctrine of Worthier Title, the Rule Against Perpetuities, and the Rule Against Accumulations. Also addresses fiduciary administration and federal estate and gift taxes." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=26262
By Alderman, Richard M. Lone Star Books. Ninth edition. 2018.
Practical, easy-to-understand answers to questions about divorce, child support, and child custody; credit, bankruptcy, and debt collection; starting a business; leases and tenant rights; small claims court and lawyers; wills and probate; false advertising and warranties; immigration; and more.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/3608491
By Ventura, John. Second edition. 2005.
Get answers to your legal questions -- in plain English!Find out how to protect your family, your money, your job, and your rightsIf you're like most people, you probably don't know much about your legal rights and responsibilities -- until you run smack-dab into a messy legal problem. Now revised and updated, this friendly guide helps you get a handle on a wide range of everyday legal issues, decipher legal mumbo-jumbo -- and come out on top.Discover how to:Protect your child support rightsArm yourself against identity theftClean up your credit and improve your credit scoreHire the right attorney for your needsDraw up wills and living wills
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/553819
By Nolo (Firm). Nolo. Twelfth edition. 2023.
This e-book from Nolo Press offers a variety of downloadable, editable legal forms for everyday situations such as borrowing & lending money, delegating authority to care for children or pets, buying & selling property, handling personal finances, and many more common situations.
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By Matthews, J. L. Nolo. Thirteenth edition. 2020.
This book by Nolo helps readers find information on long-term medical care and financial planning. Long-Term Care helps readers understand the range of available choices helping them to explore options for home care, assisted living and nursing homes, maximizing Medicare, Medicaid and veterans' programs, and preventing elder fraud.
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By Clifford, Denis. Nolo. Sixteenth edition. 2023.
Death may be inevitable, but probate doesn't have to be. By creating a living trust, your property will bypass lengthy and expensive probate proceedings and go directly to the people you've designated, quickly and easily.
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By Hertz, Frederick. Nolo. 2018.
Newly revised after the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges U.S. Supreme Court ruling, this book provides an overview of same-sex marriage laws, planning for marriage, prenuptial agreements, estate planning, and more.
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Professional Development Program, State Bar of Texas. 2017.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4641123
Latest received: Automatic updates. Panel Publishers. 2022 edition. 2018.
"Multistate Guide to Estate Planning gives the estate planning professional instant access to the estate planning laws of all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In one comprehensive source, the Guide provides state-by-state guidance on how to minimize state taxes to preserve the multistate estate, achieve the desired disposition of property regardless of jurisdiction, resolve commonly encountered state law problems in estate practice, and assure asset protection. The easy-to-use format enables the estate planning professional to readily locate information concerning one state's treatment of a particular issue (or compare the treatment required by several states) all on the same table. Each table is broken into detailed, separate analyses, which consist of a series of detailed questions. The tables are designed for state-by-state comparisons." -publisher's description
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Nolo. Eleventh edition. 2020.
"Turn to Nolo's Encyclopedia of Everyday Law for answers to everyday legal questions that come up in all aspects of life. Easily locate concise explanations about legal issues including: - credit, debt, and bankruptcy - divorce, child custody, and visitation - wills, living trusts, and estate planning" -- from the publisher
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By Page, William Herbert. LexisNexis. Rev. treatise,. Latest received: Automatic updates.
The first volume of this comprehensive, multi-volume treatise provides background information for those new to the subject of wills and probate. Subsequent volumes give in-depth analysis of specific topics and volume 7 contains forms.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/set/501899
By Clifford, Denis. Nolo. Sixteenth edition. 2022.
"This comprehensive guide covers everything from wills and living trusts to sophisticated tax-saving strategies and health care directives." - publisher's description
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CCH Inc. 2021 edition. c2017.
"Practical Guide to Estate Planning provides an overview of estate planning, offering the widest discussion on planning principles and tools from the simple to the sophisticated. This book is not lacking in detail, as witnessed by its well-annotated collection of forms that will appeal to many experienced estate planners. " -publisher's description
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Latest received: Automatic updates. CCH. 2017 edition. 2017.
A mine of information and expertise packed with valuable practice tips; this is the most current and comprehensive single-volume estate planning resource available. Providing theoretical grounding and a practice-oriented approach, Price shows how to handle the full range of estate planning problems and techniques.
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By McGovern, William M. West. Second edition. ©2012.
"This book introduces students to the federal gift, estate, and generation-skipping transfer tax laws; grantor trust rules affecting the wealth disposition process; and the income tax rules applicable to estates and trusts. It covers recent cases and secondary literature and, reflecting the current trend toward globalization, it also includes a discussion of comparative law. It emphasizes the lawyer's role as drafter or estate planner and suggests ways to avoid problems that otherwise lead to litigation. It closely tracks the authors? more detailed hornbook, using the same section numbers for easy retrieval of information in the longer version." - publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=20505
By Clifford, Denis. Nolo. Tenth edition. 2023.
This title provides instructions for how to draft a will quickly and easily while remaining within the bounds of the law. All necessary forms are provided in the manual to assist in the will-writing process.
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By Hollander, Stuart J. Nolo. Sixth edition. 2021.
"No matter whether you're planning to pass on a cottage to your children, or you've inherited a cabin with your siblings, it's never too early to take steps to preserve a beloved family property for generations to come. Shared ownership of vacation property-especially when the co-owners are family members-can be fraught with problems. The idyllic dream of a cottage getaway can be shattered when co-owners' emotions, financial concerns, and opinions on how the property should be used come into play. Fortunately, a solid plan that dictates how the property will be owned and managed can prevent squabbles over the family cottage. Saving the Family Cottage lays out a roadmap for creating and implementing this plan. It also explains the possible pitfalls of co-owing a family vacation property, and provides time-tested guidance on how to: keep the peace among heirs; prevent a family member from forcing a sale of the property; keep your vacation home out of the hands of in-laws and creditors, a…
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By Urbatsch, Kevin. Nolo. Tenth edition. 2023.
"This book explains how special needs trusts work and how you can set one up yourself. This book also shows you how to work with experts to make the most of your trust." - from the introduction
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Latest received: Automatic updates. By Regan, John J. M. Bender. 1985-.
This handy how-to guide covers a broad spectrum of issues of special concern to the elderly and their families.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1000854
By D'Aversa, Carmina Y. American Bar Association. 2;2019-06. 2019.
This book serves as a source of "practical wisdom" for those professionals counseling and drafting for families with minors, whether those professionals be busy solo practitioners, first-year associates in estate planning, general practitioners, or lawyers changing their fields of concentration. It is designed to be that handy reference when there is no senior partner available for consultation, when one needs a quick answer, or when one requires a starting point for further research.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4845886
By Epstein, Lita. F+W Media. 2008.
This e-book answers questions about estate and tax laws and includes options to effectively plan for the disposition of assets.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/246447
By Watros, R. David. American Bar Association. 1;1. 2014.
Waiting to address long-term care needs until the point one actually needs care is too late, as it significantly impacts a client's financial situation, quality of life of their loved ones, and their ability to maintain their independence. Incorporating long-term care insurance into the financial plan can ultimately help protect assets reduce the burden of care that would otherwise fall on family members, and enable the client to receive care in the setting they most prefer, including their home. The Advisor's Guide to Long-Term Care looks at the full range of the topic, explaining how to best use it in the estate plan as a prudent risk-management choice. Statistics point to the high probability that people are likely to need extended health care at some point in their life. The Advisor's Guide to Long-Term Care is intended to help estate planners and advisors to address these issues with their clients, establishing the issues and trends for care and covering all relevant issues invol…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1896071
By Ashar, Linda C. Atlantic Publishing Group Inc. 1. 2014.
This book discusses the many uses and benefits of a “power of attorney” and is designed to assist readers with advanced planning, as well as determining how to handle transactions, emergencies, and other life circumstances.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/1775564
Latest received: Automatic updates. Little, Brown. c1993-.
Provides answers to questions concerning Medicaid, long-term care planning, healthcare issues, trusts, powers, and guardianship. Each portfolio in the series is written by an elder law expert. The series also includes a table of cases.
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Latest received: Automatic updates. Little, Brown. 2003-.
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By Layton, Deborah S. Second edition. 2009.
A "how-to" guide for individuals needing assistance with end-of-life decision planning. Advises readers on: creating an estate plan, understanding probate, drafting a will, having a power of attorney, creating a trust, and paying taxes.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/637689
By Randolph, Mary. NOLO. Tenth edition. 2024.
After a loved one has died, many people find themselves responsible for settling the deceased's affairs with little or no previous experience. This book provides easy-to-follow steps on how to transfer property, probate a will, claim life insurance, and more.
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By Jansen, Donald O. American Bar Association. 4;2020-01. 2020.
This best-selling volume in the Insurance Counselor series guides you through one of the most fundamental aspects of sophisticated estate planning - drafting and setting up an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust. Now completely updated, this user-friendly primer offers a comprehensive overview of the types of insurance trusts you can draft for your clients, and includes examples of the necessary forms and a memorandum you can use in your practice. Clear and concise, The Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust will help you protect your clients' estate and assets from taxation. It differentiates between the two types of trusts you may use, identifying the best one that will work for your client. The book contains these sample forms: Single Life Policy Trust : Intended to primarily benefit the insured's spouse and children Survivorship Policy Trust : Meant to serve as a long term, generation-skipping "dynasty" trust for the benefit of children and future descendants Accompanying each of th…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5234413
By American Bar Association. American Bar Association. Second;EB2ED. 2015.
Now revised and updated, this book provides a detailed discussion of all aspects relating to probate bonds. The chapters in The Law of Probate Bonds cover topics ranging from public policy regarding the need for probate bonds to claim handling to many different defenses and special situations. The book's twenty chapters include: --Public Policy—Why Require Probate Bonds? --Underwriting the Probate Bond --Types of Probate Bonds and Rules of Fiduciaries --Claimants on a Bond --Procedural Prerequisites to Asserting Claims on Probate Bonds --Statute of Limitations: When the Surety's Liability Can Be Laid to Rest --Handling and Disposition of Fiduciary Bond Claims: Types of Claims and Damages --Bond Liability for Money Principal Borrows --Surety's Liability for Acts Occurring before Bond Was Issued --The Impact of Attorney Neglect and Bad Acts on the Probate Bond Surety --The Surety's Liability for Misconduct or Co-Fiduciaries --Fiduciaries Serving Estates in Multiple Capacitie…
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2405001
By Doskow, Emily. Nolo. Second edition. 2014.
This book provides an overview of laws that affect families including: custody, adoption, care for the elderly, marriage, divorce, estate planning, and more.
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By Hanks, Liza Weiman. Nolo. Seventh edition. 2023.
"This book provides crucial legal information on what the job of trustee entails, finding and working with legal and tax experts, keeping good records and avoiding challenges to your actions." - publisher's description
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State Bar of Texas. 2017.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5111236
State Bar of Texas. 2018.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5111238
State Bar of Texas. 2019.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/5262612
State Bar of Texas. 2020.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/7702522
State Bar of Texas. 2021.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/8909316
State Bar of Texas. 2022.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/10190058
By Blackford, Sheila M. American Bar Association. 1;2018-01. 2018.
?One of the top reasons lawyers are disciplined or even disbarred is trust accounting done badly or ignored. Don't become part of that statistic! Trust accounting is one area that no one can afford to overlook, but busy lawyers don't have time or resources to waste. Lawyers who are leaving their law firms to establish their own solo practice or small firm need this simple primer to fulfill their ethical and fiduciary responsibilities to safeguard the money belonging to their clients. Trust Accounting in One Hour for Lawyers is a practical how-to book that will guide you quickly from opening your lawyer trust account to properly using it and providing accurate, timely accountings to your clients. In this book, author Sheila M. Blackford, an experienced practice management advisor, shares common sense advice to help busy lawyers and their staff safely and sanely adopt best practices and avoid ethical violations.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/3818951
By Leslie, Melanie. Second edition. 2011.
This Concepts and Insights title makes complex doctrinal rules easier to understand by exploring the history and rationale behind those rules.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2141485
By Andersen, Roger W. LexisNexis Matthew Bender. Seventh edition. 2018.
This is a comprehensive student treatise covering the issues in a standard Trusts and Estates course.
Read online: https://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/4262632
By Averill, Lawrence H. West Academic. Seventh edition. 2021.
"Authoritative coverage provides detailed explanation of the provisions, definitions, and concepts of the UPC and the UTC. UPC topics covered include, e.g., probate jurisdiction of the courts; intestate succession; wills and donative transfers; probate of wills; and administration of estates. UTC topics include, e.g., creation, validity, modification, and termination of trusts; discretionary and revocable trusts; creditor's claims and spendthrift trusts; duties, powers and liability of trustees; and rights of persons dealing with trustees." -publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27352
By Vercammen, Kenneth A. American Bar Association. 1;2016-06. 2016.
Estate planning and administration responsibilities are often a significant part of a solo or small firm lawyer's practice, but these issues are often time-consuming and complex. Written by a veteran attorney who has focused on streamlining his firm's practice in this area, Kenneth Vercammen shares how to establish and strengthen a firm's wills and estate practice. Straightforward and to-the-point, Wills and Estate Administration provides step-by-step guidance that firms can use to handle all aspects of an estates practice, from initial client intake to closing the file. Topics are defined in six parts for ease of use: Preparation for Wills/Estate Planning Interviews Interviewing Clients Additional Estate Planning Issues Estate Administration Guardianship of Disabled or Incompetent Parents Marketing Your Wills and Estate Administration Practice Making this an essential resource for solo and small firm practitioners, the author includes numerous forms for each topic.
Read online: http://lexisdl.com/library/txsll/title/2821696
By Burr, Sherri. West Academic Publishing. Sixth edition. 2023.
"The sixth edition of this book updates laws affecting intestate succession, wills, guardianships, and trusts. It introduces wills and trust terminology to the lay audience and summarizes the law included in the Uniform Probate Code, Uniform Trust Code, Uniform Principal and Income Act, Uniform Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Act, Uniform Prudent Investor Act, and the Restatement of Trusts. To illustrate legal issues this book utilizes problems arising from celebrity peccadilloes and well-known deaths, such as those of Abraham Lincoln, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Prince, and the mother/daughter team of Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher. The book can be adopted to supplement a traditional wills and trusts class or as the sole text for a seminar. With clarified language, the book is also accessible to the general public interested in learning more about this complex topic." -publisher's description
URL: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27990
By McGovern, William M. West Academic. Sixth edition. 2021.
"A comprehensive one-volume treatise on the law of trusts and estates written by leading experts. Among the topics covered are intestate succession, wills, nonprobate mechanisms, trusts, fiduciary administration, and choice of law. The book includes the very latest hot topics including electronic wills, trust decanting, directed trusts, asset protection trusts, and planning for modern families. The book incorporates the most recent provisions of the Uniform Probate Code, the Uniform Trust Code, and the many other uniform laws relating to the donative transfer of wealth. The book also includes an overview of the federal transfer tax laws. An essential guide for students and practitioners." -publisher's description
Read online: https://ezproxy.sll.texas.gov:2443/login?url=https://subscription.westacademic.com/Book/Detail?id=27417