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» Technology
The 2014 solo and small firm legal technology guide : Critical decisions made simple
By Nelson, Sharon D. ABA Law Practice Division. [2014].
This annual guide is intended to help solo and small firm lawyers make economical and smart technological purchases. It provides unbiased recommendations on a range of products such as computers, networking equipment, servers, document and case management, printers, data security products, smartphones, tablets, and social media. It also includes information about how to make your office paperless and cloud computing.
KF 320 A9 N45
AILA's immigration practice and professionalism toolbox : Essential resources for managing your immigration practice
By American Immigration Lawyers Association. American Immigration Lawyers Association. 2018.
"This first edition of AILA's Practice & Professionalism Toolbox is designed to replace the practice and professionalism materials found in AILA's Immigration Practice Toolbox and to provide a new resource that focuses solely on practice management and legal ethics. In addition to the compilation and reorganization of Practice Toolbox forms, this edition adds a solid collection of articles, checklists, forms, tips, and samples that cover a wide range of practice management and professionalism issues. The practice of law is a profession, but a law practice is a business. The distinction is important: as a practicing lawyer, we need to learn and know the law. However, that knowledge is worthless unless we have clients who can use it and are willing to pay for it. The process of attracting clients, applying the legal knowledge in an efficient and effective manner, and getting paid for that service is the business of law. Without understanding how to deliver legal services, learning the la…
Cloud computing for lawyers
By Black, Nicole. American Bar Association, Law Practice Management Section. c2012.
"Cloud Computing for Lawyers, from the American Bar Association, features a discussion of cloud computing fundamentals, an overview of legal cloud computing products, and step-by-step instructions for implementing cloud computing in your practice." - from the publisher
KF 242 A1 B575
iPad in one hour for lawyers
By Mighell, Tom. ABA, Law Practice Division. Third edition. [2014].
As the publisher notes, earlier additions of this book "helped thousands of attorneys" become iPad proficient. Arranged into lessons, this book is most appropriate for the iPad beginner. Lessons include information on the physical set-up, email configuration and how to download apps. The second half of the book has an updated annotated list of productivity apps, as well as those for "doing lawyer things." Highlights of legal specific apps include various tools for trial including apps for jury selection, reviewing and annotating depositions, as well as a variety of legal research apps.
KF 320 A9 M48
The lawyer's guide to Adobe Acrobat
By Masters, David L. ABA Law Practice Management Section. Third edition. c2008.
KF 320 A9 M38
The lawyer's guide to creating persuasive computer presentations
By Brenden, Ann E. Law Practice Management Section, American Bar Association. Second edition. c2005.
"This book explains the advantages of computer presentation resources, how to use them effectively in and out of the courtroom, and the legal issues involved in their use. Includes a CD-ROM with sample Microsoft PowerPoint presentations." - from the publisher
KF 320 A9 B74
The lawyer's guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007
By Schorr, Ben M. ABA Law Practice Management Section. c2008.
Outlook is more than just an email client. It is a personal information manager. It includes task, contact and calendar management features. This book is written for lawyers and other legal staff to help them learn about these and other features of Outlook, so that they might use it more effectively in a law office environment.
KF 320 A9 S36
The lawyer's guide to Microsoft Outlook 2010
By Schorr, Ben M. American Bar Association, Law Practice Management Section. c2012.
"The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoftʼ Outlook 2010 is the only guide written specifically for lawyers to help you be more productive, more efficient and more successful. More than just email, Outlook is also a powerful task, contact, and scheduling manager that will improve your practice." - from the publisher
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KF 320 A9 S36
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The lawyer's guide to Microsoft Word 2007
By Schorr, Ben M. American Bar Association, Law Practice Management Section. c2009.
"Microsoft Word is one of the most used applications in the Microsoft Office suite. This handy reference includes clear explanations, legal-specific descriptions, and time-saving tips for getting the most out of Microsoft Word and customizing it for the needs of today's legal professional. Focusing on the tools and features that are essential for lawyers in their practice, this book explains the key components to help make lawyers more effective, more efficient, and more successful." - from the publisher
KF 322 M53 S36
The lawyer's guide to Microsoft Word 2010
By Schorr, Ben M. American Bar Association. c2011.
This title was written especially to assist legal professionals in using Microsoft Word 2010. It is an excellent resource for attorneys or paralegals with little or no Microsoft Office experience, covering basic functions like saving, as well as for more proficient users looking to use Word's advanced features like HotDocs or document encryption.
KF 322 M53 S36
Social media for lawyers : The next frontier
By Elefant, Carolyn. American Bar Association, Law Practice Management Section. c2010.
This guide explains what social media is and how to use it for your law practice. It also breaks down ten common misconceptions of social media by the legal profession and includes a section on developing criteria for choosing the right social media platform for your business. The author also discusses the ethical and legal implications of social media including protecting your copyrighted material and how to avoid false and misleading communications.
KF 320 A9 E44