Bankruptcy road map : Navigating the landscape, avoiding the pitfalls
State Bar of Texas.
This title guides one through the bankruptcy process for both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases. Mapped for the non-bankruptcy practitioner, the journey begins with representation strategies for both debtors and creditors at the time of filing of the bankruptcy petition and ends with the treatment of dischargeability issues. Stops along the way include the automatic stay, means testing, proofs of claim, and avoidance actions.
As the only book exclusively about the Texas bankruptcy code, this is a valuable resource for the practitioner of bankruptcy law. A thorough table of contents and index also make this a valuable resource for the non-practitioner simply looking for easy to understand information. Included are the Texas codes and statutes on bankruptcy as well as federal codes and rules. Also includes important adjustments to the dollar amounts contained in the Bankruptcy Code and the United States Code.
By Bernstein, Stanley B.
American Bar Association, Business Law Section.
This book is written for the non-bankruptcy practitioner. Information covered includes a chapter on approaching bankruptcy issues from the clients' perspective, sources for bankruptcy information, the history and structure of the bankruptcy code, types of bankruptcy, and the fundamental tenets of bankruptcy law.
Latest received: Release 127L, August 2024.
M. Bender.
This multivolume practice guide covers preparation and filing for bankruptcy proceedings. It also covers trustee appointments and their powers, bankruptcy claims, debtors rights, reorganization, debt adjustment, and the appeals process.
Note: This item is also available electronically.
Table of contents:
Latest received: Release 171, September 2024.
By Collier, William Miller.
16th edition. 2009-.
This multivolume set covers in depth a wide range of bankruptcy topics. Information includes details on the bankruptcy court system, bankruptcy code provisions, case administration, creditors & debtors, liquidation, reorganization, and the Federal rules of bankruptcy procedure.
Note: This item is also available electronically, but electronic access is restricted to government employees only.
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Corporate governance in insolvency and bankruptcy : A Collier monograph
By Frost, Christopher W.
"This monograph examines the bankruptcy and nonbankruptcy rules that affect the governance of corporations in insolvency and bankruptcy." - from the author
Employee benefits and executive compensation in corporate bankruptcy
Second edition. 2010.
This monograph examines the issues that arise with employee benefits and compensation when a corporation files for bankruptcy. Benefits discussed include welfare plans, qualified retirement plans, stock options, split-dollar life insurance, multi-employer plans, and voluntary employees’ beneficiary associations.
Letters for bankruptcy lawyers : Essential communications for clients, creditors, opposing counsel, and others
By Stern, Marc S.
ABA GP/Solo.
"This book contains numerous communication tools, including: business letters, announcement cards, invitations, survey forms, response cards, press releases, and thank-you notes. Also for added convenience all letters are included on [an accompanying] CD-ROM." - from the publisher
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