Consumer Protection
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» Texas Titles
Consumer rights and remedies
Latest received: 2023-24 Supplements. By Cochran, Stephen G. Thomson West. Third edition. c2002.
Designed with both the consumer rights specialist and the occasional practitioner in mind, this important research tool covers consumer law in Texas and includes a discussion of the current legislation as well as the case law. It is divided into three sections, which cover consumer purchases, real property, and consumer credit. The appendices include information about topics such as DTPA, Magnuson-Moss warranty act, Texas insurance code, Texas Home Solicitation Sales Act, and Fair Credit Reporting Act.
KFT 209 T4 V.27-28
Texas consumer law handbook
Latest received: 2024-25 Edition. West Pub. Co. 1996-.
"The comprehensive Consumer Law Handbook gives you ready access to the text of every consumer-related statute, regulation, and administrative rule in force in Texas." - from the publisher
KFT 209 T4 V.28A
» Federal/General Titles
The ABCs of the UCC. Related and supplementary consumer law
By Miller, Frederick H. American Bar Association. Second edition. c2004.
This title is part of the ABCs of the UCC series which looks at specific sections of the UCC. This volume covers related and supplementary consumer law. Specific chapters cover the consumer credit protection act, misrepresentation and deceptive practices acts, home solicitation transactions, pyramid schemes, and unconscionability and unfairness.
Table of contents:
KF 1609 M55
The consumer law revolution : The lawyer's guide to the online legal marketplace
By Kimbro, Stephanie L. ABA Law Practice Management Section. [2013].
"There is a revolution occurring in the delivery of legal services in the United States. Consumers in need of personal and business legal assistance are turning to the Internet to find lawyers, just like they shop online to buy consumer products. Firms that lack a compelling online marketing presence will lose out on clients and revenue. The Consumer Law Revolution will show lawyers how to harness the marketing power offered by branded legal services networks such as Rocket Lawyer, Avvo, LawZam, LexSpot, and many more--and pull in new clients in the process." - from the publisher
KF 316.5 K56
Consumer protection handbook
American Bar Association, Section of Antitrust Law. c2004.
This title contains an overview of consumer protection issues. It looks at both state and federal consumer protection laws and their enforcement. It also contains excerpts of important consumer protection statutes.
KF 1610 C66
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act : From legislation to implementation to litigation
By Berson, Susan A. American Bar Association. c2012.
"Written by two noted banking and tax lawyers, this book will serve as a practical guide to help attorneys who represent clients in the financial services industry, and financial industry professionals untangle the complexities of the most noteworthy provisions of this far-reaching law, and the myriad of regulations that have been issued so far in response to this law. Divided into eight parts, each section represents a financial services sector where the book addresses the factual and regulatory background behind the pertinent Dodd-Frank provisions, the known changes in federal law caused by Dodd-Frank, and any upcoming deadlines for new regulations that will implement the statutes. In addition, the book features practical advice on steps that should be taken by financial services companies to prepare for the statutory and regulatory changes. If your business, or your client's business is touched by Dodd-Frank, this is your essential resource to understanding the complexities, backgro…
KF 969 B47
Foreclosure defense : A practical litigation guide
By Taylor, Rebecca A. American Bar Association. 2011.
This title from the American Bar Association is written to assist in defending foreclosure cases. Specific parts focus on ethical considerations, trial basics, and summary judgments. A CD-ROM is available, which can be requested at the reference desk.
KF 697 F6 T39
Foreclosures and mortgage servicing, including loan modifications
National Consumer Law Center. Fifth edition. c2014.
"This treatise provides the law and practical advice concerning mortgage servicing, mortgage modifications, and home foreclosures, examining these issues not only in relation to traditional free-standing homes, but also to manufactured homes and condominiums. It covers foreclosure upon private mortgages, government mortgages, condominium liens, and tax liens. A variety of foreclosure rescue scams from equity skimming schemes to phantom help are also addressed." - from the publisher
Note: This item is also available electronically.
KF 697 R3
Guide to consumer rights for immigrants
By Loonin, Deanne. The Center. c2002.
This NCLC guide provides an introduction for advocates to many of consumer issues faced by low-income immigrants. It contains legal remedies and straightforward consumer information for immigrants.
KF 1610 L66
The legal guide to affordable housing development
ABA Forum on Affordable Housing and Community Development Law. Second edition. c2011.
This title from the ABA Forum on Affordable Housing and Community Development Law will be helpful to both attorneys and housing developers. It is broken into three parts. The first looks at the history of affordable housing in America. The second part looks at the regulations surrounding affordable housing and includes a look to mixed-use developments. The final part looks at what happens after housing is built. This title includes an appendix that contains a resource list for readers who wish to do additional research on the topic.
Note: A newer edition of this title is available electronically.
KF 5729 L44
Navigating HUD programs : A practitioners' guide to the labyrinth
American Bar Association. c2012.
Written by former Housing and Urban Development (HUD) staff as well as attorneys with specialized HUD expertise, this title takes a detailed, close look at the various HUD programs available to the public. Each program is addressed in its own chapter, giving the authors the opportunity to go in-depth and explain the intricacies of each program's rules and regulations. The overarching regulations that apply to all HUD programs are also taken into account. This resource is invaluable to those who are having trouble navigating the rules of FHA insurance, affordable housing assistance, community development grants, secondary market support, and fair housing oversight, among other programs.
KF 5729 N38
The practice of consumer law : Seeking economic justice, with CD-Rom
By Hobbs, Robert J. National Consumer Law Center. Second edition. c2006.
This title from the National Consumer Law Center provides a broad overview of the practice of consumer law. Chapters cover topics such as opening a private consumer law practice, "making money on small consumer claims," ethical issues, analyzing consumer transactions, mortgage loan price traps, unconscionable arbitration clauses, discovery, and class actions.
KF 1610 H63