Latest received: 2024 Pocket parts.
By Leopold, Aloysius A.
Third edition /.
"Land Titles and Title Examination addresses virtually every potential pitfall awaiting a title examiner in Texas to ensure the most effective method of searching land titles. These practical volumes examine complex topics such as land patents, restrictive covenants, and instruments of conveyance." - publisher's description
Rayburn on condemnation : The Texas law of eminent domain, with applied forms
By Rayburn, Madison.
Texas Law Press.
1987 Rev. ed. c1988-1998.
Rayburn was last updated by the publisher in October 1998 and unfortunately there is no volume to take its place. For the legal researcher, this set is still used for historical information.
Latest received: Release 155, November 2024.
M. Bender.
This comprehensive set explains the law and procedure in a given area and then provides drafting guides to prepare the forms. The set is divided into 10 different units: Pretrial Practice, Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Pleadings in Business Entity Litigation, Pleadings in Commercial Litigation, Pleadings in Real Estate Litigation, Pleadings in Personal Injury Litigation, Family Code Litigation, Probate Code Litigation, and Administrative Proceedings. Chapters are divided into four parts: legal background on a topic, a drafting guide, forms, and a research guide.
Note: This item is also available electronically, but electronic access is restricted to government employees only.
Table of contents:
Bulldozed : "Kelo," eminent domain, and the American lust for land
By Main, Carla T.
Encounter Books.
This book was written to inform the public of the current issues surrounding eminent domain in this country. It starts with the story of the Gore family in Freeport, Texas and then continues to discuss other recent eminent cases including Kelo.
Table of contents only:
American Bar Association, Section of State and Local Government Law.
This volume from the American Bar Association explores recent developments in eminent domain law. Topics covered include public use and public purpose, compensation, taking damages, severance damages, the litigation process, flooding and erosion, and inverse condemnation. A fifty-state survey of public use standards is also included.
This title contains ten essays that review the overall impact that Kelo v. City of New London had on permissible public use and eminent domain law in general. A CD-ROM also contains court decisions, parties' briefs, and amicus briefs for Kelo v. City of New London as well as site plans and maps, photographs, and Justice Steven's speech after the Kelo decision.
The law of eminent domain : Condemnation, zoning & land use committee
First Chair Press.
First edition. c2012.
This is a survey of eminent domain law for all 50 states plus Washington D.C. An outline for each state provides the following information: who can condemn, what property can be condemned, condemnation proceedings, challenge procedure, inverse condemnation, issues surrounding just compensation, treatment of various ownership interests, abandonment, and attorney's fees and costs.
Law of property rights protection : Limitations on governmental powers
Latest received: 2016 Update.
By Laitos, Jan.
Aspen Law & Business.
"Law of Property Rights Protection: Limitations on Governmental Powers is a comprehensive, up-to-date review of the on-going battle between government’s desire to regulate and limit private property use, and property owners’ equally powerful desire to avoid economically damaging or unreasonable or unconstitutional limitations. The book is organized according to the many ways that government powers over private property are limited, by the federal and state constitutions, the common law, and equitable principles and has been cited by the United States Supreme Court, federal courts, and state appellate courts." - publisher's description
Note: A newer edition of this title is available in print at the library.
Latest received: December 2024 Update.
By Eagle, Steven J.
LexisNexis Matthew Bender.
Fifth edition. c2012-.
The term "regulatory takings" does not yet have a clear legal definition. This volume discusses the distinction between the government's right to "regulate" private property, and the need to refrain from regulating to the extent that the land is effectively "taken."
Taking sides on takings issues : The impact of Tahoe-Sierra
ABA, Section of State and Local Government Law.
"In this companion volume to Taking Sides on Takings Issues: Public and Private Perspectives, land use lawyers and noted academics discuss the ramifications of Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council V. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency." - publisher's description