Construction Law
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» Construction Law, Texas
The complete guide to mechanic's and materialman's lien laws of Texas
Latest received: Release 28, Oct. 2024. By Steves, Sterling W. Michie. 4th./5th. c1990-.
A complete reference designed for readers working in the construction industry as well as practitioners who are working with the lien laws for public and private construction projects. Topics covered include notice, limitation, and attorney’s fees. The book also discusses recent bankruptcy cases that deal with Chapter 53 of the Property Code. Also included are forms designed to be used throughout the entire lien process as well as timetables with information on when to file liens and send notice. Included is a CD-ROM with updated information.
Note: This item is also available electronically.
KFT 900 S8
Texas construction law manual
Latest received: 2024-25 Edition. By Canterbury, Joe F. Thomson West. c2011-.
This annually published volume discusses a variety of issues that arise in this fast-developing and specialized area of the law. Topics covered include the relationship between an owner and a general contractor, the relationship between a general contractor, and a subcontractor, common causes of action for Texas residential construction, Texas Property Code chapter 27: The Texas Residential Construction Liability Act, liens, residential construction cases, and information on the now defunct Texas Residential Construction Commission. Appendixes contain relevant statutes and case law.
KFT 5701 C3
Texas municipal zoning law
Latest received: Release 32, November 2024. By Dougherty, James L. LEXIS Pub. Third edition. c1999-.
Texas Municipal Zoning Law has long been the authoritative resource on zoning in Texas. It includes an overview of the historical development of zoning law, an explanation of the existing law and guide to modifying or adopting new ordinances to accomplish planning goals. Annual updates ensure its relevance.
Note: This item is also available electronically.
KFT 5698 M5
Texas residential construction law manual
Latest received: 2023-24 Edition. By Flores, J. Paulo. Thomson West. c2013-.
This book covers residential construction issues in Texas including mechanics' lien placement and removal; relationships among owners, general contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers; and typical causes of action.
KFT 5701 F45
» Federal/General Titles
The American Bar Association legal guide to home renovation
Random House Reference. c2006.
This book provides information to assist homeowners with the legal aspects behind home renovation. Topics include planning a renovation, choosing a contractor, negotiating the contract, permits and licenses, resolving disputes, and ways to work with a lawyer.
KF 902 A46
Bruner and O'Connor on construction law
Latest received: 2022 Pocket parts. By Bruner, Philip L. West Group. c2002.
This set addresses the major issues of American construction law, illuminating those issues in a historical and factual context. It also offers a brief road map to international construction law. Prepared by experts, it provides an in-depth analysis of every facet of construction law and features analysis of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) general conditions.
KF 902 B78
Construction accounting : A guide for attorneys and other professionals
Forum on the Construction Industry, American Bar Association. c2010.
The editors of this book note that an understanding of the accounting practices used in construction contracts is a necessity for a lawyer working in the construction industry. Hiring an accounting expert is not always economically feasible. For each chapter in this book, the editors coupled an experienced construction law attorney with an accounting professional with expertise to collaborate on writing. This ensures the accounting principle is fully explained with a legal perspective. Both public and private contracts are examined.
KF 902 C583
Construction ADR
ABA, Forum on the Construction Industry. [2014].
In the introduction, Philip Bruner traces the history of nonjudicial dispute resolution methods in the construction industry. The first uniform contract promulgated in 1888 by the American Institute of Architects “mandated binding, nonjudicial resolutions of disputes.” In general, the construction industry prefers to use alternatives to litigation because ADR provides speedy results that ensure work can resume. This book, written and edited by working experts, explains the various forms of Construction arbitration and mediation and examines the methods from the perspectives of the various stakeholders.
KF 902 C665
Construction checklists : A guide to frequently encountered construction issues
American Bar Association, Forum on the Construction Industry. c2008.
This title provide construction lawyers with checklists as a quick reference tool for drafting contracts, litigation, and providing advice to clients. Each checklist has been developed to solve a practical need. Checklist topics include: Design; Insurance; Surety law; International transactions; Contract administration; Labor and employment law; Government contracting; Bankruptcy; Litigation issues, including discovery, opening statements and closing arguments; and False claims.
KF 902 C59
The construction contracts book : How to find common ground in negotiating the 2007 industry form contract documents
American Bar Association. Second edition. c2008.
This resource explains the various model forms and agreements promulgated by the Institute of Architects (AIA), Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee (EJCDC), and ConsensusDOCS, which replaces many of the forms previously issued by the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC). It provides proposed alternative language for situations where the form contract approach may not provide the best solution as well as a chart comparing the most significant provisions from each of these forms in a side-by-side comparison.
KF 902 C58
Construction damages and remedies
American Bar Association, Forum on the Construction Industry. Second edition. [2013].
Winning a construction dispute claim is for naught if you have not pleaded and proven the damage claims and chosen the most effective remedy for your client. A host of construction law experts have contributed to the second edition of this handbook. They discuss the remedies possible for the various participants in construction litigation. They advise on how to calculate and effectively demonstrate evidence of damages related to construction. Chapters are also devoted to drafting construction contracts that limit remedies and damage awards. Appendices provide references to relevant state statutes. A lengthy table of cases and detailed index add to the value of this handbook.
KF 902 C66
Construction delay claims
By Bramble, Barry B. Aspen Law & Business. Third edition. c2000.
KF 902 B7
Construction law
Latest received: Release 54, June 2005. M. Bender. 1986-.
A comprehensive treatise on the subject, Construction Law provides guidance on handling every aspect of the construction process, such as the initial bid, drafting and performance of the contract, as well as subsequent claims, disputes, and litigation. It also includes sample forms, contracts, and agreements.
KF 902 C622
Construction litigation handbook
Latest received: 2022 Edition. By Acret, James. West Group. Second edition. c2000-.
A title in West’s Construction Law Series, this volume steps up when the building project has gone wrong. It addresses the actions, inactions, fraud and negligence that lead to litigation. Construction contract clauses are discussed at length. Practical trial and appellate strategies are covered.
KF 902 A736
Construction subcontracting : A comprehensive practical and legal guide
American Bar Association, Forum on the Construction Industry. [2014].
In the introduction the editor notes that “this book examines the legal relationships between first-tier contractors or designers and their respective subcontractors, suppliers, and subconsultants.” The rights and obligations of the parties need to be clear so each party can perform their part and the project can be successful. This volume explains how to draft contracts and work through issues that arise from these contracts.
KF 902 C667
Design professional and construction manager law
American Bar Association, Forum on the Constuction Industry. c2007.
Covering a wide variety of topics concerning design work and construction management, this publication focuses on three basic concepts: state regulation of professionals, contractual responsibilities of these professionals, and potential liability in tort. The text follows the evolution of the fields and offers insight into both the similarities and differences between the fields that have developed.
KF 2925.3 D47
Design/build deskbook
Forum on the Construction Industry, American Bar Association. Third edition. c2004.
Table of contents:
KF 1950 Z95 D47
Fundamentals of construction law
Forum on the Construction Industry. Second edition. [2013].
This ABA title is an excellent overview of construction law. Leading construction law practitioners wrote chapters in their field of expertise. Coverage is grounded in real world issues that arise in the construction industry such as contracts, insurance, building codes, and finance. Prior to discussing these issues, authors discuss the various perspectives of each party to a construction contract which allows the reader to understand the concerns of all parties. Each chapter contains references to sources that provide either more-detailed coverage or a broader perspective on the topic. The detailed index and table of cases provide additional access points.
KF 902 F86
Green building and sustainable development : The practical legal guide
Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law, American Bar Association. c2009.
The preface quotes that a 2007 EPA study that shows “Buildings consume 39% of all energy in the United States and 72% of the nation’s electricity, while producing 39% of the country’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.” So we can’t just make energy efficient cars to take care of dwindling energy resources and address climate change issues. This ABA title provides the lawyer with a thorough grounding in the concepts and terminology of green building and sustainability. It looks at green building initiatives that are gaining ground all over the country and examines the legal issues that result. There is even a chapter to assist you in incorporating green practices in your own law firm.
KF 5505 G735
Hiring household help and contractors : Your obligations under the law
By Jasper, Margaret C. Oceana Publications. 2005.
KF 898 Z9 J37
Infrastructure from the ground up : Civil engineering works for lawyers
American Bar Association. c2012.
KF 2928 I54
The law of green buildings : Regulatory and legal issues in design, construction, operations, and financing
American Bar Association, Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources. c2010.
KF 5701 L39
Sweet on construction industry contracts : Major AIA documents
By Sweet, Jonathan J. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. Fifth edition. c2009.
KF 902 S936