Civil Procedure
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» Texas Titles
Civil process for Texas
Latest received: 2015-16. By Steinsiek, John. LexisNexis. [2015].
Steinsiek’s book is designed to be used as a quick, practical reference for both students and practitioners. Divided into four different sections, the first section covers the service rules, laws, guidelines and specific information on topics such as bonds, liability, who may serve, and out of state documents. The next section discusses specific service documents with each entity containing a definition for the document, the service requirements, and the server duties in the second section are discussed. The third section covers property issues such as manufactured housing and sale of real property. The final section consists of reference charts on topics such citation publication, evictions, and protective orders.
KFT 8816 S74
O'Connor's annotated civil practice & remedies code plus
Latest received: 2024-25 Edition. Jones McClure Pub., Inc. c1996-.
"O'Connor's Texas CPRC Plus contains the entire Civil Practice and Remedies Code, fully annotated with quotations from cases interpreting the code. It also includes select provisions from ten other Texas codes (referred to as plus codes), as well as the Texas Constitution and rules governing the practice of law and the judiciary, such as the State Bar Rules, Texas Rules of Judicial Administration, and Code of Judicial Conduct. More than 50 pages of charts are provided to assist your research, covering topics such as statutes of limitations, statutory injunctions, attorney fees, and exemplary damages." - from the publisher
KFT 8815 O3
O'Connor's Texas civil forms
Latest received: 2024 Edition. Jones McClure Pub. c2002-.
A complete set of forms for common motions and responses. Includes forms for original petitions, answers, and discovery for breach of contract, personal injury, bill of review, and suit on sworn account cases. A user-friendly format aids in piecing together the various pleading parts. Provides notes and information on drafting and filing.
KFT 8836 O3
O'Connor's Texas rules, civil trials : Practice guide and annotated Texas rules of civil procedure and civil evidence
Latest received: 2025 Edition. American Lawyer Media, L.P. c1991-.
O'Connor's Texas Rules Civil Trials covers all the procedures practitioners need to understand - both pretrial and during trial. Chapters cover general rules for filing, serving, hearings, preserving error, plaintiff's lawsuit, defendant's response and pleadings, alternative dispute resolution, pretrial motions, discovery, disposition without trial, the trial, the judgment, and post judgment motions. This volume also includes charts, timetables, and annotated versions of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure and the Texas Rules of Evidence.
KFT 8816 A2
Texas civil practice
Latest received: 2025 Pocket parts. By Carlson, Elaine Grafton. West Group. Second edition. c1998-c2004.
An in-depth analysis of all aspects of civil procedure, including: jurisdiction, venue, pleadings, citation, discovery, pre-trial motions, jury charge, post-verdict motions, judgment, and appeals. Includes checklists along with tables of rules, statutes, and cases.
KFT 8816 M3 2D
Texas elements of an action
Latest received: 2025 Edition. West. c2009-.
This resource takes you through the basic steps of drafting petitions and answers, as well as providing a table of Texas county-specific requirements, including district court provisions, statutory county court provisions, constitutional county court provisions and e-filing status. In addition, the title provides legal analysis of the required elements for various causes of action, which includes research references, statutes of limitation and jury instructions. An appendix includes tables addressing specific venue provisions, affirmative defenses, statutes of limitation, laws and rules, cases and an index that relates to the various causes of action.
KFT 209 T4 V.16
Texas litigation guide
Latest received: Release 156, March 2025. M. Bender. 1977-.
This comprehensive set explains the law and procedure in a given area and then provides drafting guides to prepare the forms. The set is divided into 10 different units: Pretrial Practice, Trial Practice, Appellate Practice, Pleadings in Business Entity Litigation, Pleadings in Commercial Litigation, Pleadings in Real Estate Litigation, Pleadings in Personal Injury Litigation, Family Code Litigation, Probate Code Litigation, and Administrative Proceedings. Chapters are divided into four parts: legal background on a topic, a drafting guide, forms, and a research guide.
Note: This item is also available electronically, but electronic access is restricted to government employees only.
Table of contents:
KFT 170 D6
Texas methods of practice
Latest received: 2024-2025 Edition. Thomson/West. c2012-.
"Provides UCC coverage, including consumer credit, bank deposits and collections, documents of title, investment securities, and secured transactions. Issues relating to business organizations include: property rights and partnership dissolution, agency aspects of limited partnerships, limited liability companies, formation of corporations, fiduciary duties of officers and controlling shareholders, and nonprofit corporations. Also includes coverage of real estate and family law." - publisher's description
KFT 209 T4 V.11-14
Texas motion practice handbook
Latest received: Release 11, July 2012. By Merritt, Martin. Knowles. c1995.
The title is designed to provide detailed guidance for attorneys involved in motion practice in Texas state courts. The handbook is divided into seventeen chapters and covers topics ranging from summary judgments to new trials. Each chapter contains a discussion of applicable law, followed by selected significant cases, checklists, and forms.
Note: This title is no longer being kept up to date by the library.
KFT 8875 M47
Texas motions in limine : Evidence exclusion guide
Latest received: Release 3 (Latest available, no longer updated by publisher). By Baker, Julie Kay. Knowles Pub. c2011-.
Chapter 1 of this title explains that Texas case law defines a motion in limine as "a motion used to preclude prejudicial or objectionable evidence before it is presented to the jury." The remainder of the volume is an exhaustive examination of what might be considered prejudicial evidence and suggestions for drafting motions to exclude it. The authors note that taking care to ensure the jury will not be exposed to damaging evidence is by far preferable than striking it after it has been presented.
KFT 8900 B35
Texas practice guide. Civil pretrial
Latest received: 2024-2025 Edition. By Askew, Kim J. West Group. 2011-.
This two-volume civil pretrial practice set is a comprehensive guide to pretrial proceedings. While it is directed at attorneys, it can also be an invaluable resource to anyone who chooses to represent themselves in a civil trial. It starts with the basics of assessing a case, including how to interact with a potential client, and gradually moves on to various other steps that are available pretrial. There are fifteen chapters, some of which focus on plaintiff and defendant pleadings, pleading requirements, venue, statutes of limitations, intervention, injunctions, counterclaims, discovery, and default as well as summary judgments. Also included are tables of laws and rules, a table of cases, and a subject index. Includes legal forms.
KFT 209 T5 CIV. PRE.
Texas practice guide. Civil trial
Latest received: 2024 Editions. By Hedges, Adele. West Group. 2011-.
This title is one of components of the Texas Practice Guide, which is West's answer to the Texas Litigation Guide. For years this series was published in loose-leaf binders, but recently the format has changed so that each title in the series is published annually in pamphlet form. The series is written in outline format so information can be located with a quick scan of the contents. References to additional West Publishing titles are included as well as relevant Topic and Key Numbers. Procedural checklists and forms are provided with each chapter. The final volume of each title includes a Table of Statutes and Table of Cases that list all the statutes and cases included in the title. Additionally, West provides an index volume that covers the Texas Practice Guide in its entirety to help locate where a subject is covered within the series.
Texas rules of court. Federal
Latest received: 2024 Edition. West Pub. Co. c1986-.
"Texas Rules of Court – Federal provides the rules of court needed to practice before the federal courts of Texas and offers attorneys a compact yet comprehensive procedural law library they can fit into their briefcase." - from the publisher Includes: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Federal Rules of Evidence, Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, local rules, and more.
KFT 8816 A19 T4
Texas rules of court. State
Latest received: 2024 edition. West Pub. Co. c1986-.
"Texas Rules of Court – State provides the rules of court needed to practice before the state courts of Texas and offers attorneys a compact yet comprehensive procedural law library they can fit into their briefcase." - from the publisher Includes: Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, Texas Rules of Evidence, Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, e-filing Rules for the Supreme Court of Texas, local rules, and more.
KFT 8816 A20 T4
Texas summary judgment and related termination motions
Latest received: 2024-2025 Edition. By Finley, David N. Thomson/West. c2007/2008-.
This practice guide assists litigators in making or opposing termination motions such as summary judgment, adjudication, dismissal, quash summons, strike, and judgment on the pleadings. It is intended both for the motion proponent (those representing a party moving to terminate an action) and for the motion opponent (those representing a party seeking to oppose defense motions). The title is divided into five chapters: summary judgment; plea to the jurisdiction; motion to strike; special appearance; and dismissal motions. Included are analyses of these procedures, sample motions and briefs, templates, citations, and practice tips.
KFT 209 T4 V.52
Texas trial handbook 3d
Latest received: 2017-18 Update. West. c2011-.
This title provides thorough coverage of Texas trials, including attorney-client relationships, attorney malpractice, jurisdiction and venue, alternative dispute resolution, settlement, discovery, witness preparation, experts, pretrial procedures, document management, juries, settlement, jury trials, trial procedure, and post-judgment motions. It includes forms, checklists, and an index arranged by legal concept and fact words.
KFT 8911 J6
» Federal/General Titles
Attorney fee awards
Latest received: 2023 Supplements. By Conte, Alba. Thomson/West. Third edition. c2004.
This title covers statutory, common fund, and sanction-based awards along with fee examples for a host of practice areas. Includes detailed charts on awards broken down by the judge, hours, rates, percentage, and multipliers awarded.
KF 8995 C74
Everybody's guide to small claims court
Latest received: 17th edition, 2018. By Warner, Ralph E. Nolo. 2006-.
This user-friendly guide to the small claims process provides information, tips and strategies to bring or defend a lawsuit successfully. It has been updated to include the latest procedures for small claims courts in every state. It shows readers how to write a demand letter, file and serve papers, prepare and present a case, prepare evidence, and mediate an out-of-court settlement.
Note: This item is also available electronically.
KF 8769 W37
Federal civil judicial procedure and rules
Latest received: 2017 Revised edition. West Pub. Co. c1985-.
"Federal Civil Judicial Procedure and Rules allows you to quickly and easily check exact rules, make an objection, and appropriately respond to an opponent's objection. This compact guide helps you minimize your time researching updated amendments, and Advisory Committee Notes are used to explain rule amendments." - from
KF 8816 A193
Federal civil rules handbook
West Pub. Co. Latest received: 2017.
"From the inception, the Federal Civil Rules Handbook has aimed to bridge the ravine between a simple, austere reprinting of the Rules, and costly but exhaustive multivolume treatises exploring the Rules in comprehensive depth. The handbook occupies the middle-ground – a reprinting of the Rules accompanied by a sensibly comprehensive compendium of practical, quickly-accessed distillations of the Rules in operation; an affordable, annually current, predictably organized, single-volume, easily referenced tool for understanding and applying the Federal Civil Rules." - from the publisher
Note: This title is no longer being kept up to date by the library.
KF 8816 A1936
Federal jurisdiction
By Chemerinsky, Erwin. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. Fifth edition. c2007.
Written by Erwin Chemerinsky, founding dean of the University of California, Irvine School of Law, and current dean of the Berkeley Law, this title is part of the Aspen Introduction to Law series. These volumes are ideal for in-depth research on particular issues and points of law as they provide footnotes citing to case law and statutory authorities.
Table of contents only:
KF 8858 C48
Federal practice and procedure : Civil
Latest received: 2024 Pocket parts. By Wright, Charles Alan. Thomson Reuters. 1969-.
Volumes 4-12: Civil.
KF 8840.5 W7
Federal practice and procedure : Evidence
Latest received: 2024 Pocket parts. By Wright, Charles Alan. Thomson Reuters. 1969-.
Volumes 21-31: Evidence.
KF 8840.5 W7
Federal practice and procedure : Federal practice deskbook
Latest received: 2024 Pocket parts. By Wright, Charles Alan. Thomson Reuters. 1969-.
Volume 20: Federal Practice Deskbook.
Note: This title is no longer being kept up to date by the library.
KF 8840.5 W7
Federal practice and procedure : Judicial review of administrative action
Latest received: 2024 Pocket parts. By Wright, Charles Alan. Thomson Reuters. 1969-.
Volumes 32-33: Judicial Review of Administrative Action.
KF 8840.5 W7
Federal practice and procedure : Jurisdiction and related matters
Latest received: 2024 Pocket parts. By Wright, Charles Alan. Thomson Reuters. 1969-.
Volumes 13-19: Jurisdiction and Related Matters.
KF 8840.5 W7
Jurisdiction in civil actions : Territorial basis and process limitations on jurisdiction of state and federal courts
Latest received: 2011 Pocket parts. By Casad, Robert C. LEXIS Law Pub. Third edition. c1998.
"This reference for the busy practitioner provides a thorough discussion of jurisdictional issues. Coverage includes analysis of the latest Supreme Court decisions on territorial jurisdiction, new lower court cases, changes in states' long-arm statutes, and more." - from the publisher
KF 8858 C3
The lawsuit survival guide : A client's companion to litigation
By Matthews, J. L. Nolo. First edition. 2001.
This title is less of a do-it-yourself resource and more of a helpful aid to provide you with background information on the legal process when you are involved in a lawsuit. Provides tips on how to effectively work with your attorney and explains practical issues such as fees and retainer agreements.
Note: A newer edition of this title is available electronically.
KF 8863 L39
Moore's manual : Federal practice and procedure
By Moore, James William. M. Bender. [1962]-.
This abridged version of the more voluminous Moore's Federal Practice discusses the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Federal Rules of Evidence, Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, and the Rules of the Supreme Court. Throughout the text, the reader will find cross-references to Moore's Federal Practice and Bender's Federal Practice Forms.
KF 8840.3 M6
O'Connor's federal rules, civil trials : Practice guide and annotated federal rules of civil procedure
Latest received: 2025 Edition. Jones McClure Publishing. c1996-.
"O'Connor's Federal Rules Civil Trials provides clear, detailed explanations of procedure with strategies and practice tips for each phase of litigation. The commentary is written and edited by experienced practitioners and backed by thousands of citations. Each new edition is fully revised to reflect all the latest changes in the law." - from the publisher
KF 8816 A2
RICO state by state : A guide to litigation under the state racketeering statutes
Section of Antitrust Law, American Bar Association. Second edition. c2011.
"This fully-updated edition is a comprehensive new collection and analysis of state RICO statutes and caselaw current through at least September 30, 2010. This edition sets forth the statutes and caselaw in each of the 33 states, as well as the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Territory of the Virgin Islands, which have enacted statutes based upon the federal Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute." - from the publisher
KF 9375 Z95 F58
» Judgments
The law of attachment and garnishment
By Jasper, Margaret C. Oceana Publications. Second edition. 2000.
The Legal Almanac series volume on attachment and garnishment provides a plain English overview of attachment and garnishment with a walkthrough of implementation procedure. The reader will find state-by-state coverage with selected statutes and case law. Charts and tables are included to aid in state-to-state comparison.
KF 9026 Z9 J37
Summary judgments in Texas : Practice, procedure and review
Latest received: Release 25, November 2024. By Patton, Timothy. Matthew Bender. Third edition. 2002-.
"Summary Judgments in Texas is the go-to guide for obtaining the most detailed analysis and discussion of summary judgments in Texas. A comprehensive complement to your other legal resources, Summary Judgments in Texas provides must-have access to identical information already in the hands of Texas judges." - from the publisher
Note: This item is also available electronically.
Table of contents:
KFT 8999 P3