Civil Rights
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» Texas Titles
The Constitution of the State of Texas : An annotated and comparative analysis
By Braden, George D. Texas Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. 1977].
The Texas Constitution annotated by Professor George D. Braden.
Note: This item is also available electronically.
KFT 4541 B7
The laws of slavery in Texas : Historical documents and essays
University of Texas Press. First edition. 2010.
This title combines informative commentary with historical essays and legal documents from the slavery period to examine how slave laws evolved as Texas transformed itself from a Spanish colony to a part of the United States.
KFT 4545 S55 L39
The Texas Bill of Rights : In the mainstream of the movement to protect individual rights : a commentary and litigation manual
By Harrington, James C. Butterworth Legal Publishers. Second edition. c1993-.
KFT 4741 H3
Texas search and seizure
Latest received: Spring 2019 Supplement. By Barton, Robert R. Juris Pub. Seventh edition. c2018.
"...provides an integrated, comprehensive treatise on the Texas law of arrest and search. It offers both quick answers and in-depth analysis. A convenient and authoritative research tool for preparation of motions to suppress, as well as trial and appellate briefs, Texas Search and Seizure serves as a courtroom reference for trial attorneys and as a bench book for judges." - from the publisher
KFT 9630 B3
The Texas state constitution : A reference guide
By May, Janice C. Greenwood Press. c1996.
This title serves as a reference guide to the Texas Constitution, a document that is eight times the length of the U.S. Constitution. The treatise is divided into two parts; the first details the constitutional history of Texas, beginning in the 1500s and ending with the current constitution. The second part forms the bulk of the treatise and includes the text of the constitution along with notes and commentary. Note that the legal research for this treatise ended in February 1995 and does not analyze any amendments made after 1995. Also included are a foreword by a chief justice of the Texas Supreme Court, an extensive table of contents, a bibliographical essay, a table of cases, and a subject index.
KFT 4541 M3
» Federal/General Titles
The Bill of Rights in modern America
Indiana University Press. Rev. and expanded. c2008.
This book examines the contentious national debate about the nature and extent of our individual rights. Twelve distinguished scholars discuss topics such as church and state, right to bear arms, property rights, rights of the accused, equal protection, right to privacy, and affirmative action. Informed by a historical perspective, this book focuses on contemporary issues and has been revised and expanded to address the impact of the Rehnquist years.
KF 4550 A2 B49
The boundaries of her body : the troubling history of women's rights in America
By Rowland, Debran. Sphinx Pub. First edition. 2004.
In her strongly researched book, Rowland traces women's rights issues throughout the history of the United States. She begins her analysis by looking at gender inequality in the 1600s and continues on through the 1900s. Rowland then spends considerably more time discussing developments in the twentieth century, touching on women in the workforce, income inequality, pregnancy in the workplace, birth control and reproductive rights, and health care. Rowland also devotes a section of her book to female adolescence before continuing onto a discussion of violence against women. This publication comes with extensive endnotes/references and a subject index.
KF 478 R69
Cases and materials on torts
By Epstein, Richard Allen. Wolters Kluwer. Twelfth edition. 2020.
"This highly successful casebook integrates modern scholarship and historical background to provide students with a thorough understanding of tort law." - publisher's description
Detailed Table of Contents:
Civil actions against state and local government, its divisions, agencies, and officers
Latest received: Fall 2024 Supplement. Shepard's/McGraw-Hill. Second edition. c1992.
"Civil Actions Against State and Local Government: Its Divisions, Agencies, and Officers discusses tort immunity, state/local government liability, and civil rights claims. This resource distinguishes actions brought under state law from those brought under federal law and, [d]istinguishes between actions brought under state law and those brought under federal law, so you'll be able to determine the appropriate arena, [f]ocuses on tort immunity and the liability of state and local government entities and employees under state law, [d]iscusses the types of claims that may be brought against state and local governments and employees, under color of federal law, especially alleged civil rights violations, and [i]ncludes an extensive discussion of immunity and liability." - from the publisher
KF 1322 C5
Civil rights and civil liberties litigation : The law of section 1983
Latest received: 2022-23 Edition. By Nahmod, Sheldon H. West Group. Fourth edition. c1997-.
This treatise contains a comprehensive discussion of Section 1983 cases and issues, examining procedure, substantive law, legal principles, and decisions. It establishes the legal basis for a client's claim through research of the latest decisions and trends and identifies and cites recent Supreme Court rulings.
KF 1325 C58 N3
Civil rights litigation : Representing plaintiffs today
By Taylor, Rebecca A. ABA. [2013].
This ABA publication covers civil rights law in the social and political climate of America today, discussing topics such as the foundations of civil rights, litigation strategies, and the new “guerrilla warfare.”
KF 4750 T37
Collateral consequences of criminal convictions : Law, policy and practice
Latest received: 2021-22 Edition. By Love, Margaret Colgate. NACDL Press. 2013-.
Many opportunities and privileges may be lost because of a conviction and there is little the convicted person can do about it. This text is an attempt to educate readers, the convicted person and those in the legal profession, on the unintended consequences of a criminal conviction. It also provides a comprehensive resource for those civil practitioners seeking to mitigate these unintended consequences. This title includes a table of laws and rules, table of cases, comparison charts and state profiles, and model rules and standards.
KF 390 E87 L685
Constitutional law : Civil liberty and individual rights
By Cohen, William. Foundation Press. Sixth edition. 2007.
In addition to focusing on the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech, religion, and press, this treatise also addresses the constitutional rights of equality, privacy, and the right to vote.
KF 4748 C64
De facto disenfranchisement
By Wood, Erika. Brennan Center for Justice. 2008.
This paper from Erika Wood and Rachel Bloom of the Brennan Center for Justice examines the confusion surrounding felony disenfranchisement policies across the United States and how, when combined with puzzling and complicated registration procedures, the result is often incorrectly disenfranchised voters. The authors discuss several causes of this confusion and make policy suggestions about how to remedy it.
KF 4891 W67
Disabilities and the law
West. Fourth edition. Latest received: Fall 2024.
This title, now in its fourth edition, explores complex physical and mental disability issues in employment, education, public accommodations and services, transportation, housing, and access to health care with a focus on rights rather than benefits. Chapters cover Elementary and Secondary Education, Higher Education, Employment, Public Accommodations and Public Services, Architectural Barriers, Housing, Transportation, Pursuit of Happiness, and Health Care. Appendices cover definitions, major statutes and regulations, and an extensive case law index.
KF 480 R67
Disability, civil rights law, and policy
Thomson/West. c2004.
This treatise by Peter Blanck examines the legal and policy developments in the area of American disability law, with particular focus on the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The treatise provides a historical background for the Act, as well as a review of studies that explore the causes of discrimination, and moves through the different titles of the ADA, state antidiscrimination law, antidiscrimination policies, and international laws.
KF 480 D57
Federal civil rights acts
Latest received: 2017-1. By Smolla, Rodney A. West/Thomson Reuters. Third edition. c2011-.
The third edition of Rodney A. Smolla's "Federal civil rights acts" is an in-depth examination of laws and court decisions that have shaped the civil rights climate in America today. Covering everything from voting rights to equal pay to age discrimination, this volume is an excellent resource for those researching civil rights. Appendices contain the text of important civil rights legislation.
KF 4750 A5
First Amendment law in a nutshell
By Barron, Jerome A. Thomson/West. Fourth edition. c2008.
"This product provides a short and readable source for individuals interested in constitutional law, First Amendment law, and communications law. It is divided into four parts: the history, methodology, and philosophical foundations of the First Amendment; topics such as First Amendment issues that arise in cable television and in regulating children's access to the Internet; issues in First Amendment law such as the public forum doctrine, the compelled speech doctrine, and the free expression rights of government employees; and the text, history, and theory of the religion clauses, chronicling the ongoing battle in the Supreme Court between accommodationists and separationists." - from the publisher
KF 4770 B37
Hate crimes law
Latest received:2009. By Wolfe, Zachary J. Thomson/West. c2005-.
Hate Crimes Law provides current analysis and expert legal guidance concerning the federal and state statutes that were enacted to punish or enhance the punishment of bias-motivated crimes. Analyzes the types of conduct under particular statutes. Discusses elements of proof and potential areas for constitutional challenges. Covers constitutional issues related to federal hate crime statutes, federal criminal civil rights statutes used to prosecute hate crimes, federal law, federal sentencing issues, and state criminal law.
KF 4749 W65
The law of obscenity
By Schauer, Frederick F. Bureau of National Affairs. 1976.
KF 9444 S33
The law of obscenity and pornography
By Jasper, Margaret C. Oceana Publications. 1996.
KF 9444 Z9 J37
Legal issues in the struggle against terror
Carolina Academic Press. c2010.
This compilation of essays takes an investigative and academic approach to some of the more troublesome legal questions that have been raised regarding the "war on terror" and the struggle against al Qaeda since September 11th, 2001. While addressing domestic law, international law, and the intersection of the two, this title offers various perspectives from leading scholars and authorities. Some of the topics include the treatment of detainees, the use of military tribunals, civil liberties, civil litigation against terrorism, U.S. intelligence efforts, renditions and extraditions, immigration, and nuclear/biochemical/cyber threats.
KF 9430 L44
Litigating employment discrimination and civil rights cases
Latest received:2005. By Lewis, Harold S. Thomson/West. c2002-.
KF 1325 C58 L49
Manual on employment discrimination law and civil rights actions in the federal courts
Latest received: Release 40, 2017. By Richey, Charles R. West Group. Second edition. c1994-.
This manual offers analysis of all employment and civil rights statutes on which the bench and bar rely in discrimination cases. It discusses elements of action, who may sue or be sued, notice requirements, time limits, class action considerations, use of statistical evidence, and available remedies. Additionally this manual includes highlights of recent decisions by the Supreme Court, federal appellate courts, and district courts. Also includes sample forms, checklists, charts, and proven-in-court management techniques for both prosecution and defense teams.
KF 3464 R51
Rehabilitating Lochner : Defending individual rights against progressive reform
By Bernstein, David E. The University of Chicago Press. 2011, ♭2011.
"In this timely reevaluation of an infamous Supreme Court decision, David E. Bernstein provides a compelling survey of the history and background of Lochner v. New York. This 1905 decision invalidated state laws limiting work hours and became the leading case contending that novel economic regulations were unconstitutional. Sure to be controversial, Rehabilitating Lochner argues that the decision was well grounded in precedent—and that modern constitutional jurisprudence owes at least as much to the limited-government ideas of Lochner proponents as to the more expansive vision of its Progressive opponents." - from the publisher
KF 228 L63 B47
Restoring the right to vote
By Wood, Erika. Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law. c2008.
Erika Wood of the Brennan Center for Justice presents this brief argument against criminal disenfranchisement laws in the United States. Tracing the history of disenfranchisement since Jim Crow laws, Ms. Wood contends that the current laws serve no purpose and in fact run counter to the American ideal of universal suffrage. The paper concludes with recommendations for policy changes to restore democratic opportunity for released felons.
KF 4891 W66
The rights of women : The authoritative ACLU guide to women's rights
By Lapidus, Lenora M. New York University Press. Fourth edition. c2009.
This book provides a detailed guide to how current U.S. laws can be used to achieve gender equality at home, in society, at school, and in the workplace.
KF 478 L37
Section 1983 litigation forms
By Witt, John W. Wiley Law Publications. Second edition. c2016.
"Section 1983 Litigation: Forms, Second Edition includes all the case-tested forms you need (for plaintiff and defendant) to successfully litigate Section 1983 claims. In addition, each form includes analysis to help you determine the best course of action. This practical resource covers issues such as police misconduct, public employment, business licensing, zoning claims, and more, saving you hours of research and drafting time." - publisher's description
Note: This item is also available electronically.
KF 1325 C58 W57
Section 1983 litigation in a nutshell
By Collins, Michael G. Thomson/West. Third edition. c2006.
"Coverage includes the statute's modern revival in Monroe v. Pape, municipal liability, individual officer and sovereign immunity, excessive force litigation, choice of law, state and federal court jurisdiction, remedies, and attorney's fees. There are also chapters on federal officer liability and the relationship between habeas corpus and section 1983. This product is a helpful tool for practitioners, students, judges and their clerks, or anyone wishing to get up to speed on this complex, ever-changing topic." - from the publisher
KF 1325 C58 C65
Section 1983 litigation. Federal evidence
Latest received: 2016 Update. By Schwartz, Martin A. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. Fifth edition. c2012-.
This series devotes volumes to the topics of statutory attorneys fees, claims & defenses, federal evidence, and jury instructions for section 1983 civil rights cases.
Note: This item is also available electronically.
KF 1325 S3
Sexual orientation and the law
Latest received: 2024-25. West. c2012-.
This is a "comprehensive legal treatise dedicated to the concerns of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and others who form alternative families or conduct lives outside societal 'norms' regarding gender or sexuality." Some of the subjects discussed include legal issues in relation to family and property, civil rights and discrimination, criminal law, and HIV/AIDS. Includes a table of cases and a table of laws and rules.
KF 4754 S493
Smolla and Nimmer on freedom of speech
Latest received: Release 36, Oct. 2017. By Smolla, Rodney A. Clark Boardman Callaghan. Third edition. 1996-.
This title coverage of free speech and free press, First Amendment issues, including history, theory, doctrine, and insights into cases and decisions. It covers content-neutral versus content-based distinction, various forms of heightened scrutiny, captive audience, vagueness and overbreadth, right/privilege distinction, public form doctrines, violent and imminent lawless action, symbolic speech and expressive conduct, hate speech, free speech and civil rights enforcement, obscene and pornographic speech, intellectual property, defamation, privacy and related torts, broadcast regulation, cable television, and online communication and other electronic media.
KF 4772 N54
State & local government civil rights liability
By Bodensteiner, Ivan E. West Group. 1987-.
"This text considers the grounds on which state and local government entities and their officials may be subject to liability under major civil rights statutes. It advises on jurisdiction, immunities, types of conduct, regulated procedure, enforcement, proof of claims, defenses, remedies, and even attorneys’ fees." - from the publisher
KF 1325 C58 B6
State constitutional law : Litigating individual rights, claims, and defenses
Latest received: 2015 Pocket parts. By Friesen, Jennifer. LexisNexis Pub. Fourth edition. 2006.
This title collects and compares constitutional case law from all 50 states, and contrasting prevailing federal rulings with more protective state decisions. It is a comprehensive guide to litigating state constitutional rights, addressing both the civil and criminal procedure rights protected by state constitutions, and offers in-depth analysis of related substantive and remedial issues.
Note: This item is also available electronically.
KF 4750 Z95 F75
Sword and shield : A practical approach to Section 1983 litigation
Section of State and Local Government Law, American Bar Association. Third edition. 2006.
This book focuses on Section 1983, tracing the lines of authority that set forth the parameters for an illegal search and seizure claim or examining the emerging retaliation theories brought by public employees. The book provides lawyers with a practical approach to this technically difficult and ever-evolving area of law.
KF 1325 C58 S96
Text, cases, and materials on sex-based discrimination
By Davidson, Kenneth M. West Pub. Co. 1974.
KF 4758 D3
Understanding the ADA
By Goren, William D. American Bar Association, Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division. Fourth edition. [2013].
William Goren, an attorney with congenital hearing loss, felt compelled to write this book due to the absence of easy-to-understand guides to the Americans Disabilities Act, discussions of the ADA from the perspective of attorneys with disabilities, and discussions of preventative lawyering with respect to the ADA. Though the ADA is broad and comprehensive, this title summarizes it in a practical and straightforward manner. Specific cases are discussed in each chapter as illustrations. The final chapter contains checklists and forms for developing your ADA case.
KF 480 G67