Social Media
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» Federal/General Titles
Blogging in one hour for lawyers
By Svenson, Ernie. American Bar Association, Law Practice Management Section. c2012.
"Blogging in One Hour for Lawyers will show you how to create, maintain, and improve a legal blog—and gain new business opportunities along the way." - from the publisher
KF 320 I57 S88
Configuring the networked self : Law, code, and the play of everyday practice
By Cohen, Julie E. Yale University Press. c2012.
"The legal and technical rules governing flows of information are out of balance, argues Julie E. Cohen in this original analysis of information law and policy. Flows of cultural and technical information are overly restricted, while flows of personal information often are not restricted at all. The author investigates the institutional forces shaping the emerging information society and the contradictions between those forces and the ways that people use information and information technologies in their everyday lives. She then proposes legal principles to ensure that people have ample room for cultural and material participation as well as greater control over the boundary conditions that govern flows of information to, from, and about them." - from the publisher
KF 1263 C64
Internet publishing perils and practices : A compass for content in the digital domain
ABA Publishing. [2013].
"This handy guide is a practical, usable and accessible tool for those with general legal knowledge who do not encounter this area of law regularly. It explores a wide range of legal issues facing anyone or any company with an online presence: defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, website terms of use, and employer's rights and risks in relation to employees' online conduct, on duty and off. Full of practical 'best practices' tips for practitioners, this book was written by an impressive panel of attorneys from across the country with expertise in first amendment issues, media law, intellectual property, advertising, e-commerce, data privacy and other relevant practice areas. Use this guide as your first step in navigating your way through the digital domain by spotting and avoiding the traps for the unwary." - from the publisher
KF 2750 I59
The legal side of blogging for lawyers
By Carter, Ruth. American Bar Association, Law Practice Division. [2014].
Advice on avoiding common legal problems encountered in blogging, including issues of intellectual property, criminal law, employment law, and professional conduct.
KF 320 I57 C37
LinkedIn for lawyers
By Nathan, Andy. James Publishing. 2013.
With over 100 million registered users, LinkedIn has become one of the most widely used social media websites. This quick, easy-to-read title helps to explain exactly what LinkedIn is, why so many professionals use it for networking, and how to use the site effectively. It walks you through setting up an account and optimizing your settings, completing a profile, making connections, and developing a “LinkedIn strategy.”
KF 320 I57 N38
LinkedIn in one hour for lawyers
By Kennedy, Dennis M. ABA Law Practice Management Section. c2012.
LinkedIn is one of the most powerful professional networking tools available to attorneys today. This guide consists of ten lessons, which teach you how to create a customized profile, make connections with your colleagues, and interact with your network of connections in such a way that fosters professional growth.
KF 320 I57 K46
New media and the courts : The current status and a look at the future
By Davey, Christopher. Conference of Court Public Information Officers. 2010.
"This report is the product of a yearlong collaborative national research effort to study new media and the courts. Courts at every level across the United States are working to understand the new media landscape. This new environment is characterized by: (1) emerging interactive social media technologies that are powerfully multimedia in nature and have the potential to alter the delicate balance between open courts and fair trials; (2) fundamental and continuing changes in the economics, operation and vitality of the journalism/media industry that courts have traditionally relied on to connect with the public; (3) broader cultural changes in how the public receives and processes information and understands the world." - from the executive summary
KF 8732 D39
Social media and local governments : Navigating the new public square
By Salkin, Patricia E. American Bar Association, Section of State and Local Government Law. [2013], ♭2013.
"This guide provides practical information to attorneys who work in or provide counsel to the public sector to advise their organizations not only about the repercussions of the use, but also about the general public who use these channels and allow for public comment." - from the publisher
KF 5300 S265
Social media for lawyers : The next frontier
By Elefant, Carolyn. American Bar Association, Law Practice Management Section. c2010.
This guide explains what social media is and how to use it for your law practice. It also breaks down ten common misconceptions of social media by the legal profession and includes a section on developing criteria for choosing the right social media platform for your business. The author also discusses the ethical and legal implications of social media including protecting your copyrighted material and how to avoid false and misleading communications.
KF 320 A9 E44
Social media law : A handbook of cases & use
By Furi-Perry, Ursula. ABA. [2013].
Social media is increasingly relevant to many areas of law. This book aims to provide lawyers with a working knowledge of the types of social media issues that may arise in their practice of law. It does so by looking at specific cases that have involved social media and providing a discussion of the issues in each case. Some of the topics covered include privacy, anonymity and accountability, First Amendment issues, social media in the courtroom, copyright and fair use, blogging, file sharing, and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). It also addresses entertainment law, criminal law, employment law, and education law.
KF 390.5 C6 F87
Twitter in one hour for lawyers
By Correia, Jared. American Bar Association, Law practice Management Section. c2012.
In order to help lawyers master new technologies and integrate them into their practice, the Law Practice Management Section of the American Bar Association has put out a handful of easy-to-read titles that focus on specific applications. This title introduces you to Twitter in a very easy-to-follow manner and starts with the very basics. It explains why a lawyer should consider using it in their practice and provides instructions on how to create and customize a Twitter account. It also covers more advanced uses of Twitter and discusses some ethical and privacy/security considerations. Also included are a glossary of terms, a list of common abbreviations, and a list of suggested legal-related Twitter accounts to follow.
KF 320 I57 C67