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» Texas Titles
Breaking schools' rules : A statewide study of how school discipline relates to students' success and juvenile justice involvement
Justice Center, Council of State Governments. 2011.
"The CSG Justice Center, in partnership with the Public Policy Research Institute at Texas A&M University, has released a groundbreaking statewide study of nearly 1 million Texas public secondary school students, followed for at least six years. Funded by the Atlantic Philanthropies and the Open Society Foundations, this study found that when students are suspended or expelled, the likelihood that they will repeat a grade, not graduate, and/or become involved in the juvenile justice system increases significantly. African-American students and children with particular educational disabilities who qualify for special education were suspended and expelled at especially high rates." - from the publisher
KFT 4159 B74
The educator's guide to Texas school law
Latest received: 2022 Edition. By Kemerer, Frank R. University of Texas Press. 1986-.
A longtime favorite of education professionals, the new ninth edition of this title incorporates recent changes in the law about charter schools, bullying, and technology that affect Texas students’ learning and safety while at school.
Note: This item is also available electronically.
KFT 4119 K4
Land, oil, and education
By Haigh, Berte R. Texas Western Press, University of Texas at El Paso. 1986.
KFT 4135 H3
Texas school law bulletin
Latest received:2012. By Texas. West Pub. [for] Texas Education Agency. [197u]-.
This volume includes the Texas Education Code, school laws enacted through the Regular Session of the 80th Legislature, and general laws that have been deemed useful to school officials. It is an excellent resource for those researching Texas laws and how they address educational systems.
KFT 4119 T4
Texas' school-to-prison pipeline : School expulsion : the path from lockout to dropout
By Texas Appleseed (Foundation). Texas Appleseed. First edition. c2010.
Documents the unfortunate effects of school expulsion and recommends policy modifications that might allow students to remain on campus.
KFT 4159 T453
When my child is disciplined at school : A guide for families. [electronic resource]
Texas Appleseed. First edition. c2009.
KFT 4159 W56
» Federal/General Titles
Anatomy of a lawsuit : What every education leader should know about legal actions
By Shoop, Robert J. Corwin Press. c2006.
This book aims to detail and explain the litigation process to educators who are involved in a civil or criminal lawsuit or to educators who wish to take preventative measures. It explains the legal environment and general education law, goes over the litigation process in full, and also explains the roles of expert witnesses.
Table of contents:
KF 4119 S54
Breaking down barriers : A legal guide to Title IX
National Women's Law Center. [2007?].
KF 4166 B73
College and school law : Analysis, prevention, and forms
By Prairie, Michael. American Bar Association. c2010.
KF 4225 P73
The complete IEP guide : How to advocate for your special ed child
Latest received: 7th edition, 2011. By Siegel, Lawrence M. Nolo. 2009-.
This title offers information and strategies on a variety of subjects associated with the Individual Education Plan (IEP) for special needs students. Topics include: understanding the child's rights; eligibility rules and assessments; collecting all school records; drafting goals and objectives; developing a blueprint of program and services; researching school programs and alternatives; preparing for IEP meetings; and resolving disputes with the school district.
Note: A newer edition of this title is available electronically.
KF 4209.3 Z9 S57
Educating children without housing : A primer on legal requirements and implementation strategies for educators, advocates, and policymakers pursuant to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
By Duffield, Barbara. American Bar Association, Commission on Homelessness and Poverty. Second edition. c2007.
This book addresses the federal educational mandates related to homeless students under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. It provides strategies for educators, school administrators, state coordinators, policymakers, advocates and attorneys to ensure the education rights of students experiencing homelessness. Additions include new sections on: homeless students with disabilities; students involved in the child welfare system; application of the Act in response to disasters; as well as expanded sections on definitions, preschool children, and unaccompanied youth. The book also includes an updated directory of resources.
KF 4217 H6 D83
Education law
Latest received: Release 56, 2013. M. Bender. 1984-.
This looseleaf title is a seven-volume set that serves as a comprehensive guide to legal issues facing educational institutions and their workers.
KF 4119 E27
Education law : First Amendment, due process and discrimination litigation
Latest received: 2022-23 Supplements. By Schneider, Ronna Greff. Thomson/West. c2004.
Schneider's two volume set examines freedom of expression, freedom of religion, race, gender, and due process issues within the public education system.
KF 4119 S36
From schoolhouse to courthouse : The judiciary's role in American education
Thomas B. Fordham Institute. c2009.
Put out by an education-policy think tank, this book serves as a survey of education-focused litigation from the past 30 years. It is divided into three parts. The first provides context and helps to frame the discussions included in the book. The other two look at both issues that are generally considered to be settled (desegregation, school finance, special ed) and those that are still in contention (religion, discipline, and No Child Left Behind).
KF 4119 F76
The law of higher education : A comprehensive guide to legal implications of administrative decision making
By Kaplin, William A. Jossey-Bass. Fourth edition. c2006.
Kaplin's two-volume set aims to aid university attorneys, administrators, faculties and staff in evaluating the legal implications of seemingly common university issues. "Law of higher education" addresses such varied topics as personnel and trustees, faculty, the student-institution relationship, rights of students, and the institution-government relationship.
KF 4225 K36
The law of schools, students, and teachers in a nutshell
By Alexander, Kern. West, a Thomson Reuters business. Fourth edition. c2009.
Intended for teachers and education professionals, this title examines federal and state laws governing school operation in plain English. Potential contentious issues are discussed such as curriculum, freedom of speech, religion in public schools, search and seizure, discipline, discrimination, the education of disabled children, student records and student testing. Also covered is the information on employment terms for teachers, teacher's constitutional rights and teacher dismissal. The text looks that education law in terms of case law, statutory law, and constitutional law.
KF 4119 A4
The law of special education
By Jasper, Margaret C. Oceana Publications. Second edition. 2004.
As part of Oceana's Law for the Layperson series, this title gives a broad overview of the legislation, caselaw, federal agencies, and issues involved in educating children with disabilities. The title includes several appendices, including selected provisions of federal legislation, information on compulsory school attendence, and directories of educational departments and attorneys who represent parents of children with disabilities.
KF 4209.3 Z9 J37
Legal rights of teachers and students
By Cambron-McCabe, Nelda H. Pearson Education. Second edition. c2009.
This title provides a general overview on the legal rights of teachers and students, written in easy to understand terms. The treatment is broad, and not deep, and thus it would serve as an excellent starting point for further research. Includes a listing of selected Supreme Court cases.
Table of contents only:
KF 4119 M38
The principal's quick-reference guide to school law : Reducing liability, litigation, and other potential legal tangles
By Dunklee, Dennis R. Corwin Press. Second edition. c2006.
Written as a risk management guide for school administrators, this title focuses on the responsibilities of the principal to protect students' rights, teachers' rights, and obey federal legislation such as No Child Left Behind, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and more. This is an excellent reference guide for administrators interested in reducing liability.
KF 4119.6 D86
Principals teaching the law : 10 legal lessons your teachers must know
By Schimmel, David. Corwin Press. c2010.
KF 4133 S35
Public school law : Teachers' and students' rights
By Thomas, Stephen B. Pearson. Sixth edition. c2009.
This title provides a comprehensive treatment of the legal rights of teachers and students in public schools. Topics include church/state relations, school attendance and instructional issues, students' rights in noninstructional matters, student classifications, student discipline, rights of students with disabilities, discrimination in and termination of employment, teachers' constitutional rights, labor relations, and tort liability. Also included are selected Supreme Court decisions.
Table of contents only:
KF 4119 M3
School violence : From discipline to due process
Section on State and Local Government Law, American Bar Association. First edition. c2004.
This title from the American Bar Association examines the issue of violence in schools. Applicable federal laws and precedent cases are discussed with the goal of providing guidance to schools dealing with this issue.
Table of contents:
KF 4159 S36
Special education and the law : A guide for practitioners
By Osborne, Allan G. Corwin Press. Second edition. c2006.
This title on the legal aspects of special education discusses in detail the federal legislation that ensures equal education to those with special needs. Each chapter provides a list of recommendations, frequently asked questions, and references for further research.
KF 4209.3 O82
Special education law
By Rothstein, Laura F. Sage Publications. Fourth edition. c2010.
This title provides a comprehensive overview of the major federal laws—and judicial interpretations of those laws—that apply to the education of children with special needs. The text helps students understand what the law requires so that when they become educators, they can develop policies and make decisions that comply with these laws.
KF 4210 R68
Student loan law
Latest received: 2023, 7th edition. By Anderson, Anna. National Consumer Law Center. c2015-.
This title is a thorough treatment of student loans and the applicable laws. The authors explain the entire process, from obtaining a loan to deferment to default and collection. Appendices contain sample forms, letters and requests.
Note: This item is also available electronically.
Table of contents:
KF 4235 L66
Teachers and the law
By Schimmel, David. Pearson Education. Eighth edition. c2011.
This text, now in its eighth edition, uses a question-and-answer format to focus on current legal issues, education legislation, and recent judicial decisions that are important to educators in the 21st century. It is designed for school professionals seeking a reference on areas of school law, including student and employee rights, sexual harassment, freedom of speech, in-school prayer, rights of gay students, affirmative action, home schooling, defamation, due process, cyber bullying, teachers' controversial postings on the Web, and the Teacher Liability Protection Act. This new edition also focuses on recent decisions affecting affirmative action, special education, and No Child Left Behind. Also includes a listing of relevant state and federal cases.
KF 4175 F59