July 2018

3 posts

Gale Virtual Reference Library

Feature July 2, 2018

The State Law Library offers electronic access to the Gale Virtual Reference Library for Texas residents who have registered for a library account. This resource offers electronic access to legal reference e-books that can be used to quickly familiarize oneself with a particular area of law. Titles available through the library’s subscription include: Gale Encyclopedia of American Law The Bill of Rights (5 volume e-book set) American Law Yearbook The Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties in Amer…

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FAQ: Do children have to be a certain age before they can be left alone at home?

Feature July 16, 2018

Summer is in full swing and many parents are wondering if/when it is okay to leave a child home by themselves. At the library, we get this question so frequently that we added an answer for it to our frequently asked legal questions page. In addition to addressing this topic, our frequently asked questions page provides answers to many of the other most common legal questions that we receive. While we are unable to provide legal advice or address your specific situation, the information on thes…

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Community Property

Feature July 30, 2018

Did you know that Texas is one of just nine community property states? This can have a profound effect on the dissolution of property during divorce proceedings as, in general, it means that any property acquired by a couple during their marriage is equally owned by both spouses. The State Law Library has created a research guide to better explain community property laws. This guide includes: Chapters of the Texas Family Code that govern community property and issues related to community proper…

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