The library will reopen its doors to the public on Tuesday, March 1st

News February 25, 2022

After a temporary closure due to rising COVID-19 cases in Travis County, the library will be reopening its physical location to the public on Tuesday, March 1st. Thank you for your patience during the past two months! If you plan on visiting the library in person, please take a moment to review our library policies.

Patron Code of Conduct Policy

We expect patrons to be respectful and courteous to library staff. When you visit the library, please keep the following procedures in mind: 

  • Please observe social distancing around library staff and other patrons and step back when requested.
  • Please respect other people's right to wear personal protective equipment (PPE), including masks. Staff will not be expected to remove their PPE under any circumstances. 
  • The copy room is limited to ten-minute sessions for one patron at a time if someone else is waiting. Please use our Document Delivery service for a large volume of copies.
  • Please keep your voice at an appropriate volume. Behavior that is disruptive, harassing, or threatening to library staff or other patrons will not be tolerated.
  • Patrons must comply with requests from staff to change behavior that violates any of the above rules of conduct.

Visitors who violate these rules may be asked to leave the library, and repeated violations of the rules may result in loss of library privileges.

Computer Policy

We are still following safety protocols for our public computers during the COVID-19 pandemic in addition to our standard Computer Use policies.

  • There are two research terminals and a library catalog terminal available.
  • Only one person at a time is allowed at each computer terminal. 
  • Computers will be sanitized twice a day. We can provide cleaning products to patrons who wish to sanitize their station themselves. 
  • Keyboard covers will be present at the computers. Library patrons are required to keep these in place while using the computer.
  • Patrons are expected to comply with all library policies, including the library's Code of Conduct and Computer Use policy.

Mask Policy

We suggest that all visitors to the library take appropriate precautions to protect their own health. If you would like a mask, we can provide one for you. 

Cleaning Policy for Public Spaces

The CDC's current COVID-19 guidelines recommend cleaning high-touch surfaces at least once a day. Check out our policy on cleaning high-touch surfaces in the library for more information about how the library is complying with these guidelines. 

Patron ADA Policy

We're committed to complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act and ensuring that our patrons with disabilities can access the library with reasonable accommodation.  The Patron ADA policy outlines our procedures and policies in detail.

Requesting an ADA Accommodation

If you need an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act to use the State Law Library effectively, please see our policy on how to request accommodations under the ADA.

Risks of Library Visits Policy

This policy informs patrons of the possible risks of visiting the library during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Got a question about our reopening policies or procedures? Let us know, and we look forward to seeing you in March! 

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